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c***s on the road

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23 minutes ago, Newbornbairn said:

Just driven up from Folkestone today and there were so-oooo many c***s on the road. Top prize goes to the guy trying to fill a Calor bottle in his boot from the LPG nozzle at the motorway services. Gas leaking everywhere. 

I'm surprised the garage attendant didn't swiftly tell him to gettae.

If I saw some fool doing this I'd be buggering off very sharpish.

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Was driving along the road from Govan towards the Audi garage at Braehead today, I’m sure plenty of people will know where I’m talking about. I was in the right hand lane with the Audi garage to my left, heading straight through the roundabout towards Renfrew, with a small curtain side lorry on my left who was indicating left. 

As we came towards the lights I had a car in front of me, who’s rear tyres were probably in line with the front tyres of the lorry on the left, and the front of my car was in line with the rear of the lorry. As we got through the lights, without warning, the lorry juts out right and clips the back of the girl in front of me, and if I hadn’t slammed the breaks on, would have came into the side of me as well. I got through the roundabout and noticed both the lorry and the girl who had been clipped had pulled up on to the pavement, so parked my car and walked over to tell the girl I had witnessed what had happened for insurance purposes etc. When I got over to them I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. The lorry driver was a middle aged female who was frantically waving her arms around, lecturing the girl about how she should have anticipated a vehicle that size moving out in order to take the left turn. Once I got there I told the lorry driver I had seen exactly what happened, and even if she was driving a vehicle that needed to make that manoeuvre, it’s only safe to do it when there isn’t another car a couple of feet away from her. I also told her that a vehicle the size of hers had absolutely no need to take a wider line round a corner like that one, but going by her aggressive manner she seemed to think she was driving an 18 wheeler freight truck. 

There wasn’t much damage to the girl in the Citroen’s car, I think she was more shaken up by having to deal with this delusional woman, but it’s scary to think there is people out there who literally drive as a profession whilst being so insanely stupid. 

Edited by IrishBhoy
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3 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I'll be giving a wide berth to lorries for the next couple of year whenever possible, fast tracked testing, fewer mandatory breaks and longer hours, it could get messy.

It’s not scientific evidence, but I have noticed more and more lorry drivers who think the middle lane of a 3 lane motorway is the place to be when there is nobody ahead of you.

I used to drive from Glasgow to Peterhead twice a week for about 7 months a few years ago, and you would never see lorry drivers doddling along in the outside lane if they weren’t overtaking another vehicle. Naturally, as professional drivers, they were aware that the inside lane of a dual carriageway or 3 lane motorway was the driving lane, and would move over to the left straight away once they had finished overtaking. I wasn’t aware the regulations around lorry driving had became more relaxed but it makes sense now you’ve said it. 

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7 hours ago, IrishBhoy said:

but I have noticed more and more lorry drivers who think the middle lane of a 3 lane motorway is the place to be when there is nobody ahead of you.

I can't say I've noticed that particularly. I have noticed that there has been an increase generally of 'sitting in the middle lane with f**k all around' behaviour. But it's mostly cars in my experience. 

I do agree on the truck thing. What's happening is madness at best and will only see an increase in poorly driven trucks up and down the country. Watch restrictions increase in a few years time as accidents increase and 'something will have to be done about it'.  

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Had a cracker on Friday.

Leaving for work and literally 100 yards on my street theres a bend in the road sloping down a hill with parked cars on either side. 

As i got to the bend and could see down the hill, I spotted the recycling lorry coming the other way.   With parked cars either side theres no way past, so I give way, leaving space for the lorry to get past. Having to wait for the lorry to be loaded and them to move on.

Up behind me comes a guy and his wife/partner in an Audi.  He cant see round the bend and down the hill so in his eyes I'm just sitting in the middle of the road holding up the traffic for no reason.  After flashing his lights I try to make some sort of hand signal to say I cant go any further.  But hes going mad and telling me to move and I can already tell he's pretty irate. 

So he uses the space I've left for the lorry to get by me and pulls up beside me.  To add to the fun as he passes me he starts giving me pelters as I'm by this point pissing myself laughing. His wife in the passenger seat is glaring at me as well.

Once he's had enough of giving me abuse he focuses on the road and realises why I've stopped, and the fact I'm giving way to the lorry which is now half way up the road inbetween the parked cars and has no intention of reversing back to let him through first.   

There's no way for him to go but to reserve back, passing me again as he does so.  To be fair  he holds his hands up to apologise as he does so whilst his wife is looking anywhere but at me.

To be honest as I've got older I'm a lot more relaxed than I used to be - and I just gave a chuckle to myself before letting the lorry by and driving off.  Think 10 years ago I'd have been out the car giving it a big GIRFUY!


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The above story also reminded me of a time on the M73 just past Gartcosh.

There were roadworks so two lanes filtered into one lane with the inevitable tail back at 5pm on a Friday.

As it got down to 400 yards everyone was merging into the correct lane.  

My brother and I were in the car coming back from working in E.K.   As what sometimes happens in these situations one of the lorries pulled out into the lane that is about to be closed to stop anyone getting in at the last minute.

In this case they must've spotted this BMW driver who was hurtling up the lane that was about to be closed to try jump in at the last possible point. 

As the lorry pulled out to stop him,  the BMW driver moved into the central reservation area to get round him, causing stones and allsorts of dust to fly everywhere...but he still managed to get by. 

We sat in the traffic then for fcking ages but as we got into the next section we could see the BMW driver on the hard shoulder. As we got nearer we noticed he had a flat tyre, so whatever he'd driven through to get round the lorry, something must've punctured his tyre.

My brother who is a total bam, was leaning out the window as we went past, giving the guy pelters.... 

Funny at the time!

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2 hours ago, fuzzydunlop said:



To be honest as I've got older I'm a lot more relaxed than I used to be - and I just gave a chuckle to myself before letting the lorry by and driving off.  Think 10 years ago I'd have been out the car giving it a big GIRFUY!


I've got worse - the sheer bad manners, total lack of awareness and f*** you attitude of many road users has me practically apoplectic on occasions.

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5 hours ago, fuzzydunlop said:

The above story also reminded me of a time on the M73 just past Gartcosh.

There were roadworks so two lanes filtered into one lane with the inevitable tail back at 5pm on a Friday.

As it got down to 400 yards everyone was merging into the correct lane.  

My brother and I were in the car coming back from working in E.K.   As what sometimes happens in these situations one of the lorries pulled out into the lane that is about to be closed to stop anyone getting in at the last minute.

In this case they must've spotted this BMW driver who was hurtling up the lane that was about to be closed to try jump in at the last possible point. 

As the lorry pulled out to stop him,  the BMW driver moved into the central reservation area to get round him, causing stones and allsorts of dust to fly everywhere...but he still managed to get by. 

We sat in the traffic then for fcking ages but as we got into the next section we could see the BMW driver on the hard shoulder. As we got nearer we noticed he had a flat tyre, so whatever he'd driven through to get round the lorry, something must've punctured his tyre.

My brother who is a total bam, was leaning out the window as we went past, giving the guy pelters.... 

Funny at the time!

I love shit like this, a guy in a black beemer zoomed by me I was already doing around the speed limit on the express way, between EK and the motorway to Kilmarnock or Silverburn. So this guy must have been doing close to 90. Just thought to myself oh well that’s what two lanes are for no skin off my nose etc.

Got a bit further up the road and the guy had been pulled by the police. What a feeling seeing shit like that.

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Last night I'm in a bus on South Bridge going towards Leith. Zoomer on a bicycle, dressed in black, no lights, goes into the opposite lane, overtakes the bus, and turns into Princes Street. I wish there had been a double decker coming the other way.

This morning lassie on a bicycle in Dalkeith Road zooms through a red light at a crossroads 

Somebody is going to get killed very soon through their own ignorance. The Polis should be handing out the telts.

ETA: I saw a cyclist shout at another cyclist the other day for going through a red light. Well done sir.

Edited by tamthebam
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13 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:

I've got worse - the sheer bad manners, total lack of awareness and f*** you attitude of many road users has me practically apoplectic on occasions.

Ha, yeah,  get you.  I used to be terrible.  I'd get into work seething about something that had happened...or nearly get into serious trouble from car full of lads for giving them abuse prior to realising who was in the car .  My wife started to mention it and as i got older I realised it was pointless really so I've mellowed out a fair bit.

I still chuckle at an incident at the Whirlies roundabout when i was about 21. I approached the roundabout a bit too fast, and had to slam on the brakes as this old guy was coming round.  His old wife in the passenger seat spotted me screeching to a halt and shook her head as he slowly went by, to which i responded with a double middle finger in her direction shouting "F*ck you ya old c*nt!" out the window.  her face dropped and she was tugging on the drivers arm pointing at me but he was oblivious.

Not something I'm proud of but I must admit one of my PTTGOYN is passengers (usually old women) who have a visible opinion on other drivers..

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8 hours ago, Archie McSquackle said:

I'm a driver and a cyclist and there are unfortunately plenty of cyclists that give the rest of us a bad name. I put delivery cyclists in a different category from all other cyclists and hope everyone else does also.

Cyclists are horrible road users. However a new breed has erupted near me. The electric scooter boys who travel very long distances on the road. I can't get over how they're allowed to as my heart's in my mouth every time I pass one wobbling along.

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