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Stand Up Comedy


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A couple of people I went to uni with years ago have been began performing stand up comedy recently, with various degrees of success. I don't recall either of them being particularly funny but I've seen plenty of shit comedians do well so fair play to them.

Any P&Bers ever tried it? Anyone still doing it now? Any tales of horrifically dying on stage for us to laugh at?

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I went to a stand up show in the Festival a few years ago and the first guy on was hands down the worst comedian I've ever heard.  He was in Edinburgh to do a play and his mate had asked him to step in to pad out the bill, his act consisted of rambling away about his play and then he tried to do a 'bit' on his diabetes.  It was like being caught at a bus-stop by a dreary neighbour.  It wasn't even *bad* comedy, it wasn't anything.  You couldn't heckle him because there were no jokes.  

I can't really be arsed with stand-up comedy, since it became so huge they all seem to be pretty similar.  Panel shows are really annoying as well.

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Imagine paying £60 to watch John Bishop.  

I saw him simply through a work event. Entire repertoire consists of 'I used to be a normal guy a few years ago and now I'm a superstar'. Can't remember the exact ramble, but he built up a joke through a story for 5-10 mins and the so called punchline was underwhelming at best. Most folk were like "was that the joke?".
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I remember one comedian starting his act by saying "Has anyone here been to Australia?"
The answer was no.  He continued anyway.

"You know what it is like at rush hour down near the opera house?"
(Actually no)

"You know what the women are really like on Bondi beach?"
(Also no)

"You know the bus journey from Sydney up to Brisbane?"
(Nope - not that one either)

".. or taking the overnight train to Perth?"
(Sorry, none of the above)

Not sure why he bothered.

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1 hour ago, smpar said:

I'd like to go to an open mic night just to see some of the horrifically shit people who think they're fucking hilarious. 

The Stand in Glasgow does a Red Raw night every week, something like £3 to get in. If watching people die on their arse is your thing, go to that. 

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Just went to see Chris Rock and it was good but there was a bit where he talks about going to Easterhouse. It’s so clear he said “quick, gimme the name of a shithole” before going on stage and he does the same bit in every town. Folk fucking lap it up.

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Just went to see Chris Rock and it was good but there was a bit where he talks about going to Easterhouse. It’s so clear he said “quick, gimme the name of a shithole” before going on stage and he does the same bit in every town. Folk fucking lap it up.

I had a fucking bellpiece behind me talking for a bit but otherwise enjoyed it, the roasting that blonde bird got from the warm up was fucking hilarious. As was Rock's glass in the vanilla ice cream to prepare his kids to be scared of white bit. Like music it's just not as good in a venue that big though.
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A few weeks back a mate of mine was given some free tickets for a "Last Comic Standing" type competition at the local comedy club. It was a 2 overpriced drinks minimum kind of dealio and I doubt anybody in the place had actually paid the entrance fee. 8 hopefuls, each doing a 10 minute spot with the 'winner' going onto the next round in a different city.


Each one seemed to think that as long as they simply shouted their material, it didn't matter that it wasn't remotely funny. And it was as if they'd got together in the dressing room and agreed to perform the exact same routine.  That or they'd each nicked it off someone they'd seen on the Comedy Channel the night before. I'm not kidding, 3 of them opened their act with "MY GIRLFRIEND'S A WHORE, SHE'S A FUCKING WHORE!!!", (word for word the same) before going into  tirades about the horrible women they were supposedly dating.

Only the last guy on stage used any imagination by dissing the earlier contestants' material. He wasn't funny either but at least he put some effort into it. He didn't win.


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Having suffered the misfortune of sitting through a performance by Janey Godley, I'm a firm believer that just about anybody could have a go at being a comedian.

Just shout "Am fae the Calton" every couple of minutes. Christ knows how, but she's making a living from it.

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I had a fucking bellpiece behind me talking for a bit but otherwise enjoyed it, the roasting that blonde bird got from the warm up was fucking hilarious. As was Rock's glass in the vanilla ice cream to prepare his kids to be scared of white bit. Like music it's just not as good in a venue that big though.

I couldnt fucking believe Jeff Ross was there! I really enjoyed him!

Chris Rock was great but agree its typical name a local shit hole and everyone loses their mind.

I dont understand people who go to comedy shows or the cinema and talk through it.

I hated the fact people were milling in and out during the show with no apologies etc comedy crowds are generally shite.

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Breakneck Comedy (the club in Aberdeen),  has actually been pretty good.

3 comics and a compere and the the compere and at least two of the acts each time I have been ( about half a dozen times) have made me laugh, normally one crap one each time.

Headline acts do 30-60mins, the rest ( compere - act - compere - act - compere), only do 10-30 mins each bit so it varied and breaks for beer.

It a good night out as only a tenner or fifteen quid and different from the pub.


The idea of going to a massive arena like the SEC to see John Bishop or similar for a 2 or 3 hour show doesn't appeal.


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