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Everyday scummy behaviour


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10 hours ago, mizfit said:


I dropped my girlfriend off at work this morning. Witnessed a man cycling down the pavement before turning the wrong way down a one way road and cycling down the middle of it onto oncoming traffic.

Just the sort of person you’d see on Facebook complaining if he was involved in an accident though.


Only if he wasn't killed...

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Guest bernardblack

Not following the one way systems in the pub, to get to the toilets.

Cheers for walking past me twice as it’s slightly quicker.

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14 hours ago, BillyAnchor said:




Up the wrong dreel anyway, as it's clearly marked "crackers". 

Don't they do shite tasting American confectionery over there? 

Swift edit: "Crackers" being a racist term over there was not my intended point

Edited by Angusfifer
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41 minutes ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

I've only ever been to Asda Clydebank but the food bit is basically a huge off licence with a small section for groceries.

10 aisles of booze, crisps and sweets and half an aisle of fruit and vegetables.

Let's not forget the make-your-own pizza bit, the one area in which ASDA (somewhat unexpectedly) excels.

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2 hours ago, MixuFruit said:

As in you’ve used social media to stir up others, or have actively gone out onto estates to destroy traps etc?

Either way, well done.

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Swearing at your children. I accept that people might lose it and use language they regret once in a while but routinely swearing at or around children is horrible. Supermarkets are my primary exposure to this.

A friend of mine worked in the Scot-Mid on Easter Road and once saw a couple with a toddler come in. The toddler was crying and holding his mums hand when the dad said to the mum loudly “shut that c**t up!” referring to his crying child. I’ve heard kids in parks told or shut the f**k up or called c***s by parents. The famous “DISGUSTING” viral clip features a woman swearing at her children. Clearly a lot of people (most people?) think it’s fine to do this, maybe I’m out of touch?
This for sure.

When I was regularly commuting by train to Ayr it was horrific in the summer months. Kids routinely being called every swear word imaginable and perhaps even worse the family groups where the kids would routinely swear themselves in a normal every day conversation and the parents wouldn't bat an eyelid. Clearly ingrained from a very early age.

As an aside I once saw a "father" launch a tirade at a wee boy aged about 8 in Gran Canaria (English though) which resulted in another guy challenging him about his behaviour. This inevitably lead to a fight in front of the now hysterical kid and what did the mother do ? Started screaming at "her man" to kick his head in while setting about the guys partner. It was stopped by taxi drivers who had stopped and within a minute police were on the scene. It was shocking stuff.
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12 hours ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

I've only ever been to Asda Clydebank but the food bit is basically a huge off licence with a small section for groceries.

10 aisles of booze, crisps and sweets and half an aisle of fruit and vegetables.

Supply and demand. Bankies don't want that healthy stuff.

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Had a video conference this morning. 
One of the others was chewing gum while participating. 
Scummy behaviour IMHO. 

It put me off my stroke... :whistle


Is this just a flat out hatred of chewing gum or just because he was talking in a conference?

A lot of people (usually older folks) treat chewing gum as if it's a class A drug.
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3 hours ago, Empty It said:

Is this just a flat out hatred of chewing gum or just because he was talking in a conference?

A lot of people (usually older folks) treat chewing gum as if it's a class A drug.

Not really- I thought she was eating her breakfast at first but she was chewing gum. It doesn't seem very professional to be chewing gum in a meeting, especially when your fizzog is up there on a monitor. 

Just remember the sage advice of the Oompah Loompahs:

Listen close, and listen hard,
The tale of Violet Beauregarde
This dreadful girl she sees no wrong
Chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing all day long
Chewing, chewing all day long.chewing,
Chewing all day long.
Chewing, chewing all day long.
She goes on chewing till at last
Her chewing muscles go so fast.
And from her face her giant chin
Sticks out just like a violin
Chewing, chewing all day long. chewing,
Chewing all day long.
Chewing, chewing all day long
For years and years she chews away
Her jaw gets stronger every day.
And with one great tremendous chew
They bite the poor girls tongue in two
And that is why we try so hard
To save miss Violet Beauregarde
Chewing, chewing all day long chewing,
Chewing all day long
Chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing all day long
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On the sweary grandparents, we'd occasionally let Par Jr stay with my mad mother and even more mad husband. They would constantly yell at the dogs to "SHUT UP". Was wheeling Par Jr round Asda in the shopping trolley one day when some parent was yelling and swearing at its noisy kid without having the desired effect of shutting the kid up. As we went by, Par Jr leaned out of the trolley and bellowed "SHUT UP" at the pair of them. Both jumped out their skins and both did indeed shut up. 

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8 hours ago, The Moonster said:

See that c**t in that article saying this could put people out of jobs - how many people are directly employed on shooting estates? It's surely not a huge number. As you say, f**k the lot of them.

Brings back memories of the 80's when there was talk about banning foxhunting. My boss was bleating about the potential for job losses and "Labour don't seem to care about that." In the preceding months, tens of thousands of miners had lost their jobs and good Thatcherite that he was, his attitude had been "These people need to realise, their jobs are obsolete now."

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