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The Clyde FC 2018-19 Thread

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12 minutes ago, the_bully_wee said:

I don't think I've ever seen a more handsome man than Danny Lennon. Looks, brains, best part time squad in the country at his disposal. What doesn't he have?

He's not a "Clyde man".

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Can we not counter claim Chapman's self presentation as a football manager under the Trades Description Act?
I'm sure the job role doesn't include "mastermind multiple defeats then incite a square go with supporters"
I hope our legal defence is better than Chapman's footballing one.
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42 minutes ago, haufdaft said:
1 hour ago, BrigtonClyde said:
Can we not counter claim Chapman's self presentation as a football manager under the Trades Description Act?
I'm sure the job role doesn't include "mastermind multiple defeats then incite a square go with supporters"

I hope our legal defence is better than Chapman's footballing one.

Chapman's 'defence' must be along the lines of "the fact Clyde didn't do their research to discover I'm shite is their problem, not mine. Now I want my money"

I don't know if technically he has a case, but I do know there's not a queue of clubs forming to hire his services

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6 hours ago, the_bully_wee said:

I don't think I've ever seen a more handsome man than Danny Lennon. Looks, brains, best part time squad in the country at his disposal. What doesn't he have?

a boyfriend like you.................yet!

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8 hours ago, the_bully_wee said:
8 hours ago, jinky said:
Keep taking the happy pills!..delusional or what,not even a ball kicked and now champions elect!

If you had Red Rum in his pomp up against a field of paraplegic donkeys in the Grand National, I wonder what the probability of him winning would be? We're just calling it how it is.

Ooft...so up  yerself  and disrespectful to the rest of the league!

Donkeys is exactly what Clyde have been for years and can’t see that changing.

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Wow! You’re an angry one are you not? I care nothing for “angry comments “ nor a comment from our SLO on Facebook. Our whole commercial offer is being developed.
As for mascots being free. Well that was a flaw in the whole concept of being a mascot in this century.
We are a professional football club not a team whose sole purpose is to satisfy the wants of parents to get their kids a photo in The Clyde View.
The offer is the offer. I think it is value for money. Hey! But what do I know? You seem to want the last word in which case I shall back down .
I might just bring a grandchild for the experience. Question is, whose grandchild can I abduct?

Max, it is only a good package if you value all that is on offer. I was looking into getting my nephew booked in for his birthday as he started coming to games with me last season just as the team picked up under Danny. What would make his day is meeting the team and leading them onto the pitch. Neither he nor I have any interest in sitting in the boardroom, getting pies at half time or having comfy seats. We have our usual place in the stand and that was more than enough for my son who has been mascot twice. It meant more to him to go back to the group of friends and family excited and to watch the game after the formalities.

Perhaps tiered pricing may be an alternative but then, as you say(or allude to) it's all about making money, not connecting with your fanbase. We need to remember where we currently are in the game.
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