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Does anyone else think Logan Chalmers looks even better than last season?

Still has everything that made him brilliant then, but there seems to be much more variation to his play and more directness. Seems far happier to change up going on the outside and roasting folk or coming inside. 

A full season with us and he’ll prove he is one of the best players in this league. Strangely, given where we are in the league and being given Chalmers by another side - I’m not sure there’s any other wide player I would take over either of ours. 

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16 hours ago, No_Problemo said:

Fully agree. 

Said it earlier, but Dowds is a far better player than I realised. It just shows you  what a run and a good start can do for a player! We do have some ridiculous quality in the final third.

There are the makings of some positive signs, particularly if Senga can continue like that

Sometimes players just find a perfect fit at a certain club . Let’s hope that’s what’s happening here and we get the boy on a PCA in January and tie him down for two or three seasons at Ayr . Of course Thistle can come along and f**k us up somewhat in January ! 

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5 hours ago, No_Problemo said:

Does anyone else think Logan Chalmers looks even better than last season?

Still has everything that made him brilliant then, but there seems to be much more variation to his play and more directness. Seems far happier to change up going on the outside and roasting folk or coming inside. 

A full season with us and he’ll prove he is one of the best players in this league. Strangely, given where we are in the league and being given Chalmers by another side - I’m not sure there’s any other wide player I would take over either of ours. 

100% and I think a lot of it is to do with the position we’re playing him in. Last season we often had to use him on the left to accommodate Mullin on the right but with Murphy being stronger on the left we’ve been able to shift Chalmers over where he can cut inside on his stronger foot. He’s getting into positions where he can score goals. Last season he would never have scored the kind of goal that he did yesterday or his second vs QP as he tended to stay out wide where he could get a cross in on his left. 

I’d love it if we could keep him beyond this season but I’ll be happy enough if we keep him past January. Dundee Utd would be mental to not consider recalling him and actually using him. 

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21 hours ago, No_Problemo said:

There are the makings of some positive signs, particularly if Senga can continue like that. 

I was watching the stream so it was harder for me to see the shape clearly, but from what I could tell it seems that Senga's positional sense and discipline was far better than Young's. If he keeps that up then to me it's a no-brainer to start him over Young.

I also thought that Stanger had some good passes out of defence and I would start him over Musonda.

On Dowds, I really don't understand why Thistle let him go out on loan. I know he was impacted by injury last season but if you look at his stats for the league and Scottish Cup, he scored a goal every 135 minutes last season. That is an excellent stat, particularly considering that he wasn't getting a consistent run in the team due to injury. Maybe they think Adeloye will have an even better return than that, and who knows they might be right about that.

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31 minutes ago, rgreig said:

I was watching the stream so it was harder for me to see the shape clearly, but from what I could tell it seems that Senga's positional sense and discipline was far better than Young's. If he keeps that up then to me it's a no-brainer to start him over Young.

I also thought that Stanger had some good passes out of defence and I would start him over Musonda.

On Dowds, I really don't understand why Thistle let him go out on loan. I know he was impacted by injury last season but if you look at his stats for the league and Scottish Cup, he scored a goal every 135 minutes last season. That is an excellent stat, particularly considering that he wasn't getting a consistent run in the team due to injury. Maybe they think Adeloye will have an even better return than that, and who knows they might be right about that.

The simple reason we let him go was that he looked totally out of place in the team after he returned from injury - he was completely bereft of confidence, and didn't look like turning it round with us.

A change of scenery has obviously worked the trick.


(His agents comments indicate some behind the scenes issues as well).

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34 minutes ago, rgreig said:

Maybe they think Adeloye will have an even better return than that, and who knows they might be right about that.

I'm pretty sure that Tomi was a goal every 100 minutes or so when he was with us before. In part because BGM and his predecessors wouldn't start him so often came on for 30 mins and scored.

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19 minutes ago, Hursty said:

My mate works for a finance / investment company and they had Dodws in a couple of years ago - sounds like he's basically playing football as a hobby until he retires and then goes on to earn some big bucks so would make sense that enjoying it and playing every week would be worth more to him than another few quid a week at the moment which could work in our favour 

He certainly enjoyed his goal and celebrating with the fans immediately after - not something you see all the time with loan players but very enjoyable to share some passion!!!

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26 minutes ago, Hursty said:

My mate works for a finance / investment company and they had Dodws in a couple of years ago - sounds like he's basically playing football as a hobby until he retires and then goes on to earn some big bucks so would make sense that enjoying it and playing every week would be worth more to him than another few quid a week at the moment which could work in our favour 

I'd be surprised about that. I've got family that made fortunes in finance, and it's a young person's game - you don't get to wait until you've finished your hobby (my family were out just after 30 with the money in the bank).


Still, probably depends what level you're at...

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