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The normalisation of the far-right continues

Guest Bob Mahelp

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44 minutes ago, Brother Blades said:

Scurvy & rickets in 2023, what a wonderful country we live in! 

Are they still going? I saw them back in the '70s, the moshpits were lethal. 

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Finns Party are junior partners in Finland's government coalition. At the end of last month the economy minister resigned. He'd positively referenced Hitler a number of times and said climate change should be encouraged to cull Africans.(https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-66066910).

Now the finance minister is under pressure for her comments. They date back much further to 2008, which may allow her to keep her job. She wrote insults about Turks and Somalis in Finland and even did some racist tourism, writing insults about Senegalese street sellers she saw in Barcelona (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-66166795).

Something this made me wonder is what folk were expecting when they either elected this party or went into coalition with them. There's now concern that the racist party are indeed racist. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

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16 minutes ago, FreedomFarter said:

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Most people are thick as shit. They have no active engagement in politics and just blindly follow whatever is considered to be the popular trend at the time with no realization over what it is that they're actually voting for . The victims are the small minority that know exactly what is going on but are greatly outvoted by the idiotic masses.

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9 hours ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Ah, those good old Victorian values! Story appears to relate to England ...

From https://www.thenational.scot/news/23647155.cases-malnutrition-rocket-victorian-diseases-rise/

"CASES of malnutrition have quadrupled since 2007/08 as doctors have warned the cost-of-living crisis has sparked a rise in “Victorian” diseases.

Almost 11,000 people in England were hospitalised with malnutrition last year, according to provisional data obtained by The Times Health Commission under freedom of information laws.

From April 2022 to April 2023, 10,896 NHS patients — including 312 children — were hospitalised with the condition.

The figures also show 171 people were treated for scurvy and 482 patients were admitted with rickets – 405 of them children."

It's all going so well.  No wonder Labour seem to feel a bit reluctant to change Tory tax and spend policies... mustn't let things get better.

For the people running the country, yes; yes it is.

Nobody in government is reading statistics like that and thinking they're a bad thing, other than that they're being reported for all to see.

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Victorian diseases = more treatments = more tax money going towards the NHS (but really private companies within the NHS) = public health service baaaad = no more NHS.

It's a win/win all round for the tory blue/red party and their MPs with shares (and bribes from) private healthcare provision firms.

The rest of us all lose of course, but since when did the clueless voter ever matter?


Edited by StellarHibee
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15 hours ago, Brother Blades said:

Scurvy & rickets in 2023, what a wonderful country we live in! 

This never happened during the war when we had rationing.

The obvious solution is to go to war again.  Any suggestions?

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5 hours ago, Fullerene said:

This never happened during the war when we had rationing.

The obvious solution is to go to war again.  Any suggestions?


Anyone else and UEFA will punt us right in the middle of our most promising quali campaign in decades.

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4 hours ago, coprolite said:

I thought we were still at war with drugs? 

And terror. Terror drugs.

Apparently keeping a good chunk of the population terrified that bills will go up again is the good type of terror, though.

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6 hours ago, Fullerene said:

This never happened during the war when we had rationing.

The obvious solution is to go to war again.  Any suggestions?

Iran's been quiet lately.

Too quiet.

They must be up to something.

Occupy the territory in the name of "freedom".

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No need to go to war to shore up the Tory vote... Just cut taxes....

From https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/downing-street-inheritance-tax-tory-election-manifesto-b2375769.html

"Downing Street is reportedly holding talks about scrapping inheritance tax as a manifesto offering in a bid to win the next election.

No 10 was said to be discussing whether to make abolishing the levy a commitment to shore up votes in so-called “blue wall” seats in 2025.

Supporters argue that the policy could be a “gamechanger” in the south of England where the Conservatives are defending constituencies vulnerable to gains from opposition parties, according to the paper."

The next election is by no means a foregone conclusion especially as the Blessed Keir seems to be having Union trouble over pay.

EDIT - in 2022/23, Inheritance Tax raised about 7 billion quid. Seven billion. Whatever the country needs, it certainly isn't reducing the funds available for public services by 7 billion quid.

Edited by Salt n Vinegar
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1 hour ago, Suspect Device said:

It is if you're a Tory!

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55 minutes ago, StellarHibee said:

Playing to the greed of the wealthy to shore up their votes. Works everytime with this lot unfortunately. Fully expect Starmer to step in now with an even better offer for them.

God, when you sit down and imagine all the extreme things that Starmer could possibly do (but is very unlikely to) he really is a terrible man, practically Hitler 😡. I imagine he's probably thinking of a way to electrify the english channel to stop migrants, and of shutting down basic health services so you resort to pulling out your own teeth on TikTok. Vote Tory!

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1 hour ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

It is if you're a Tory!

It shouldn't make much difference.

I get it that Tories would be innately selfish but inheritance tax is only paid by about 5% of the population. Even with the increase in property prices (which may be getting a shock soon) you can give your kids or grandkids up to £1m. How many ordinary people does that affect?

Of course they could just have an aversion to any kind of tax and not really care about how we pay for public services. Then promptly moan about the lack of services when they are in need of them. NHS, child care, elderly care etc.

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