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The normalisation of the far-right continues

Guest Bob Mahelp

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1 minute ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

I see that people who have never once given a single f**k about food poverty before are up in arms about it now that refugees on a prison ship have access to some cereal. 

Hilarious how the message is genuinely 'starve asylum seekers' rather than 'feed children', but that's the Heil through and through.

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19 hours ago, BTFD said:

Aye, they're apparently struggling with election officials across America right now - so many are giving up because it's not worth the harassment they're experiencing, which is exactly what people like Trump want; get rid of the Boy Scouts and replace them with corruptibles who'll help the system fall apart.

The Tories are a bit behind on this, but they'll get there once they start losing.

And just like that -


the abridged version. This is from a black, female, immigration lawyer -


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  • 2 months later...

How long before the inevitable, "following recent events, we regret to announce that GBNews has parted company with Alexander Boris De Pfeffel Johnson, effective immediately"?

I'm guessing he'll make a c**t of it roughly two months before the next election.

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  • 2 weeks later...


"There is a special place in hell reserved for people who exploit the pain of others – and it’s becoming very crowded. It’s filling up with those who look at the war between Israel and Hamas, and the grief and fear it prompts in the hearts of Jews and Muslims especially, and see not tragedy but opportunity – a chance to advance their own interests.

Early to rush in was Suella Braverman, who is determined to be the hard right’s candidate to succeed Rishi Sunak. Her chosen playbook is the one authored by Donald Trump and Steve Bannon, the tactic simple: pick a culture war issue that drives people apart, and crown yourself as head of one of the two warring camps. That’s why she said multiculturalism had failed, that Britain faced a “hurricane” of migration and that homelessness was a lifestyle choice – each one of those provocations designed to make her the standard-bearer of nationalist populism in the UK."

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3 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

The BBC describing these vermin as "counter-protesters" really is a fucking disgrace.

Call them what they are - fucking Nazis.

Its an utter disgrace and this balance thing is in complete disrepute.

The false equivalence between decent world citizens and those that would stoop to the gutter of Cable Street is disgusting.

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Tbf the BBC have stated that some of the vermin were EDL and have also described them as 'far-right'.

Disgusted to learn that Tommy 'Tommy' Stephen Yaxley-Lennon Robinson was all over the business like a fungus. Wasn't he both in jail and bankrupt or something?

Will it ever occur to any of them that the Second World War fallen commemorated at the Cenotaph ceremony were fighting against something a bit like them?

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Fek me that was a big crowd!

Joined at 1200hrs in Hyde Park and immediately started off on the march.  At 1pm I’d gone about a quarter of a mile (so nearly the end of Hyde Park.

By 2.30 I’d managed to get past Buckingham Palace (about 3/4 of a mile from where I started). 

Not a hint of trouble, lots of women and children, and a surprising amount of bleeding heart liberals like myself!

i got quite emotional with the show of humanity.  Far from a hate march, it showed the best of people!

yours, cease fire now.


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4 minutes ago, KirkieRR said:

Tbf the BBC have stated that some of the vermin were EDL and have also described them as 'far-right'.

Disgusted to learn that Tommy 'Tommy' Stephen Yaxley-Lennon Robinson was all over the business like a fungus. Wasn't he both in jail and bankrupt or something?

Will it ever occur to any of them that the Second World War fallen commemorated at the Cenotaph ceremony were fighting against something a bit like them?


"The group, which had been chanting “England til I die” pushed through the police barrier, with some shouting “let’s have them” as officers hit out with batons. Further clashes took place in Chinatown with counter-protesters chanting: “You’re not English any more” towards officers. The Met said officers had “faced aggression from counter-protesters who are in the area in significant numbers”.

Tommy Robinson, founder and former leader of the far-right English Defence League, was seen among the crowds protesters.

There were further clashes into the evening, including a crowd of roughly 150 rightwing protesters in Parliament Square. According to the BBC, an offensive chant about Allah was chanted and a Palestinian flag was ripped up. By Saturday night, police said there had been 126 arrests and nine officers had been hurt during the clashes.

Met assistant commissioner Matt Twist said the violence from rightwing protesters towards the police “was extraordinary and deeply concerning”. He said the “intense debate about protest and policing” had contributed to an increase in tensions.

The London mayor, Sadiq Khan, pinned the blame for the violence on Braverman who he claimed had stoked the tension and stirred up people on the far right. “The scenes of disorder we witnessed at the Cenotaph are a direct result of the home secretary’s words. The police’s job has been made much harder,” he said."

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9 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Braverman needs absolutely ostracised for what she has done.

Mad Nad was on Breakfast time the other morning and stated that in her opinion, and she may be right, that Braverman is trying to get sacked to further her cause and support.  She was also of the opinion that Braverman has no chance of becoming leader in the future. Will be interesting to see if Sunak has the balls to do anything.

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