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The normalisation of the far-right continues

Guest Bob Mahelp

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22 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Did he joke about the Jehovah Witnesses after that clip? 

Yes. Basically involved the JWs turning up at Auschwitz selling the Watchtower so the guard  invites them in to see their watchtowers and offers them a shower.

Edited by Suspect Device
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2 hours ago, Suspect Device said:

I see the Javid is calling for a boycott on Carr. Yet he is perfectly happy to work for a Boris 'Piccaninny Watermelon Letterbox Bumboys' Johnson © Stewart Lee

What is it about Carr that makes the Tories single him out? I remember when it was his tax arrangements, even though they were probably no better or worse than many Tory supporters.

I've not watched much Jimmy Carr, just like I've not watched much Frankie Boyle, as I'm not a fan of that type of humour. However, I assume that Carr is, like South Park, an Equal Opportunity Offender, rather than only targeting one particular group of people.

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My problem with the "it's just a joke" excuse is that it normalises and gives an excuse for quite obviously racist (as an example) people to air pretty dreadful comments while hiding behind "free speech" and "comedy" without them possessing the intelligence to understand any context, satire etc. They're racist so find it hilarious when they see something racist and feel comfortable sharing racist comments because a high profile person did. You'll rarely hear people actually admitting that they're a scumbag so they hit out with all sorts of excuses and "it's just a joke" is perhaps the most common because it's been made a legitimate excuse to say offensive things. 

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1 hour ago, Soapy FFC said:

What is it about Carr that makes the Tories single him out?

With David Cameron, it was entirely to cover up for the tax avoidance of his mates (and, it turns out, his own) by pointing at someone else and saying, "look at the bad man, people like him are the problem". I thought Carr handled that whole thing remarkably well.

As for the latest in the long line of "Jimmy Carr says awful things" scandals, the most important thing to remember is that this isn't his first rodeo and he won't be at all upset by the huge publicity boost this has given him, considering his audience is well aware of what he's all about. I wonder if this has gained more traction this time because he's on a streaming platform; a few years back, you had to make an effort to buy one of his DVDs, whereas there will have been a lot of newcomers on Netflix seeing a live show from that nice telly man at the top of their Recommended list, and coming to it completely unaware of the horrors that lie within.

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I’m in two minds about all of this. Yes the joke when taken in isolation will be seen as offensive by some. Yes I know there are two sides of the “it’s only a joke” argument as well. However if you ban one type of offensive joke because one group of people are offended by it, then as sure as night follows day, other groups will look to get jokes about them banned as well. The very nature of comedy is that in all probability there will be someone that is offended by a joke. Do we really want to get to the situation where most comedy is banned because someone somewhere is offended in some way, and we are left with comedy that is so politically correct that we’d be as well watching the news for entertainment?

The other issue about banning certain subjects or content is who actually decides that something is offensive and should be banned. You only have to look at the USA and what happens there with the banning of books in public and school libraries to see what could happen with comedy. And would it end with comedy?






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11 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Free Speech Union - £25 per annum.


25 quid a year to be allowed to say the N word sounds like a decent deal tbh. 

Does it cost extra to be allowed to say antisemitic and homophobic slurs ? Like a Platinum membership or something ?


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3 minutes ago, Lester Freamon said:

25 quid a year to be allowed to say the N word sounds like a decent deal tbh. 

Does it cost extra to be allowed to say antisemitic and homophobic slurs ? Like a Platinum membership or something ?


£250 gets you Fat Toby skyping you once a month to remind you that you've been scammed.

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People are making an issue about a fucking joke that a comedian made.  Jesus suffering f**k.  Micheal Mcintyre offends me by just drawing breath the unfunny c**t.  Alan Carr is about as funny as being kidnapped by ISIS.  It's not as if its even a slow newsweek that the media needs to find stories to fill the air.


Christ I hope these people never watch Doug Stanhope, Jim Jefferies or Jerry Sadowitz.

Edited by Lofarl
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17 minutes ago, Lofarl said:

People are making an issue about a fucking joke that a comedian made.  Jesus suffering f**k.  Micheal Mcintyre offends me by just drawing breath the unfunny c**t.  Alan Carr is about as funny as being kidnapped by ISIS.  It's not as if its even a slow newsweek that the media needs to find stories to fill the air.

Christ I hope these people never watch Doug Stanhope, Jim Jefferies or Jerry Sadowitz.

Pretty standard, though.

I'll never forget Emily Maitlis very sternly discussing the Queen's haunted pussy  :lol:

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As some have pointed out, you need to see more than the clipped bit to get the context. While I'm not a fan of Carr, I do think his and Boyles style of humour is very clever. It's provocative, but not just for the sake of it, it actually provokes a debate. How many if us before this knew that the community the joke was about had per head the largest death toll in the holocaust?

We all have different tastes and someone will always be offended by a joke when it is aimed at any particular group, but it's all about context. Do/did we get offended when some really brilliant and clever comedians like Pryor, Rock or Murphy made jokes about white people? No. Because you could see the humour. 

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12 hours ago, Lofarl said:

People are making an issue about a fucking joke that a comedian made.  Jesus suffering f**k.  Micheal Mcintyre offends me by just drawing breath the unfunny c**t.  Alan Carr is about as funny as being kidnapped by ISIS.  It's not as if its even a slow newsweek that the media needs to find stories to fill the air.


Christ I hope these people never watch Doug Stanhope, Jim Jefferies or Jerry Sadowitz.

Unusual as it may be for me to agree with a Hibs fan 🤔😁 .... well said.

I agree with you about McIntyre and Carr. Other people seem to enjoy them.  That's the problem.  Differences of opinion about who/what people find funny make it really problematic to "ban" comedy.  I appear to be about the only person who doesn't like "The Office", yet I really like the stand-up comedy that Gervais does. 

Pastor Jack Glass and his pals picketed Billy Connolly shows, but Connolly is pretty widely regarded as a star, even though his "Crucifixion" story seems to have made some folk go nuts. 

His big break came on Parkinson when he told a story about a man murdering his wife and burying her in the back court in such a way that he could park his bike.  If he told that today, the burning torches and pitchforks brigade would be all over the telly. 

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Good to know that I can just affix 'it's a joke' to absolutely any heinous shit I want to say.

I'm glad your persecuted community got genocided. What's that ? You don't like it ? Tough shit snowflake, that's comedy baby.

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19 minutes ago, Lester Freamon said:

Good to know that I can just affix 'it's a joke' to absolutely any heinous shit I want to say.

I'm glad your persecuted community got genocided. What's that ? You don't like it ? Tough shit snowflake, that's comedy baby.

Well, I wouldn't describe that as a brilliant effort but that's probably just me, so someone might have found it hilarious. 

Tell you what, there'll probably be a Festival Fringe this year - why not give it a go? 

(If the lack of self-awareness in your first line was intentional, it wasn't a bad effort though.😁

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16 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Well, I wouldn't describe that as a brilliant effort but that's probably just me, so someone might have found it hilarious. 

Tell you what, there'll probably be a Festival Fringe this year - why not give it a go? 

(If the lack of self-awareness in your first line was intentional, it wasn't a bad effort though.😁

Good to see it go completely over your head though.

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4 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

He picked on Gypsies because he'd be out on his ear if he picked Jews, homosexuals, disabled people, Blacks or Muslims for the joke.

he made a lot of gay jokes on that Netflix special, as well as a few jokes involving people with disabilities and brain disorders. Not within the context of the Holocaust but jokes that could be considered equally offensive. A lot of rape "jokes" also. 

Typically for such a thing, I wonder how many of those coming out with a strong opinion on the show have actually seen it. 


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