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30 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

Those lost ALBA deposits ain't going to pay themselves. 


BBC News - Alex Salmond launches legal action against Scottish government

I did wonder when he would start scranning for more cash.

Must be looking to retire..........

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I'm curious to see how he can prove in a court the SG's handling of the complaints was inappropriate without actually naming at least one of the complainants, because my understanding of it is that it was one of the complainants role within the SNP that actually caused the conflict in the first place, more specifically, their own conduct. How his lawyers can argue that without giving away exactly who they are talking about I do not know, but then again, I think that is possibly part of Salmond's motivation for this; he actually wants this specific accuser unmasked publicly.

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56 minutes ago, ScotiaNostra said:

Can he actually win this latest action or is it unlikely?

I doubt he'll be getting legal aid, so will be paying a 6 figure sum for defence costs if he loses.

That's a hell of a gamble if he's not confident of winning...

Edited by lichtgilphead
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3 minutes ago, Boo Khaki said:

I'm curious to see how he can prove in a court the SG's handling of the complaints was inappropriate without actually naming at least one of the complainants, because my understanding of it is that it was one of the complainants role within the SNP that actually caused the conflict in the first place, more specifically, their own conduct. How his lawyers can argue that without giving away exactly who they are talking about I do not know, but then again, I think that is possibly part of Salmond's motivation for this; he actually wants this specific accuser unmasked publicly.

I assume that the reporting restrictions outside court will still be in force. Accordingly, I doubt that a public unmasking is his aim.

Anyone interested already knows who his main accuser was.

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Just now, lichtgilphead said:

I assume that the reporting restrictions outside court will still be in force. Accordingly, I doubt that a public unmasking is his aim.

Anyone interested already knows who his main accuser was.

Sure, I can see them going down the "Person A" route, but even then, they'll surely have to describe the mechanics of what they believe happened, and that will surely reveal the actual identities of the people involved.

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4 minutes ago, Boo Khaki said:

Sure, I can see them going down the "Person A" route, but even then, they'll surely have to describe the mechanics of what they believe happened, and that will surely reveal the actual identities of the people involved.

Depends how the media reports it. They didn't report much of his defence in the criminal trial or the stitch-up documentary on the BBC

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Just now, lichtgilphead said:

Depends how the media reports it. They didn't report much of his defence in the criminal trial or the stitch-up documentary on the BBC

Indeed. The difference for me though is Salmond isn't the defendant in a criminal trial this time around. Last time there was plenty reporting of the prosecution's case, including specifics relating to each allegation, whereas this time it's Salmond's legal team that will have to stand and make a case. When I said he wants this person unmasked, I didn't mean that necessarily stems from having a vandetta against his accuser. If this person's identity is revealed, then it becomes abundantly clear that there was, in fact, a huge conflict of interest in how exactly the SG and Nicola Sturgeon proceeded after the complaint was made, even though you could argue that it was the accuser's own intransigence that caused this, and certainly in NS's case, she was operating without knowledge of the full facts.

In a normal country I think this new case would pass relatively quietly, but it involves Nats, so the media will be all over it like flies on shite for anything they can use to make the SG and SNP look bad. I think there will be a degree of scrutiny even if there are restrictions on reporting specifics, and going by the criminal trial, there are enough crap journos in Scotland that they are perfectly capable of giving the gig away without even realising what they've done.

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1 minute ago, Boo Khaki said:

Indeed. The difference for me though is Salmond isn't the defendant in a criminal trial this time around. Last time there was plenty reporting of the prosecution's case, including specifics relating to each allegation, whereas this time it's Salmond's legal team that will have to stand and make a case. When I said he wants this person unmasked, I didn't mean that necessarily stems from having a vandetta against his accuser. If this person's identity is revealed, then it becomes abundantly clear that there was, in fact, a huge conflict of interest in how exactly the SG and Nicola Sturgeon proceeded after the complaint was made, even though you could argue that it was the accuser's own intransigence that caused this, and certainly in NS's case, she was operating without knowledge of the full facts.

In a normal country I think this new case would pass relatively quietly, but it involves Nats, so the media will be all over it like flies on shite for anything they can use to make the SG and SNP look bad. I think there will be a degree of scrutiny even if there are restrictions on reporting specifics, and going by the criminal trial, there are enough crap journos in Scotland that they are perfectly capable of giving the gig away without even realising what they've done.

Eh? The incumbent Government fabricates a case against its previous First Minister that is then proven to be so full of holes and so incompetent that not one of them could be pinned on him and you think the reporting on the denoument is simply an SNPBaad motivation? 🤪 I think any party of Government would be subject to the exact same scrutiny, and quite rightly too.

And Nicola was operating without full knowledge? Pull the other one.

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15 minutes ago, alta-pete said:

 you think the reporting on the denoument is simply an SNPBaad motivation? 🤪 

No, I don't think it's "simply" motivated by SNPbad, but that will undoubtedly be a factor.


And Nicola was operating without full knowledge? Pull the other one.

It's self-evident she was not, otherwise what transpired in the immediate aftermath of the complaint being made would not have happened.

Say what you like about NS, but one thing she is not is completely fucking stupid. She would never have put herself in an entirely compromising situation had she been in full knowledge of the facts, her behaviour and actions around the time of the independent inquiry show that she's both well acquainted with standard practice when it comes to conflict of interest, and more than happy to follow best practice to avoid it. Given that, it's wholly inconceivable that she knew exactly who the accusers were and still sanctioned their actions in the aftermath. Not being part of the SG's formal investigations, there was no reason for her to know who they were in the first place.

Edit - It also was not "The Government" that fabricated a case, more a series of individuals, some of whom were part of the SG or otherwise involved in Scottish politics, some of whom were not. The two specific individuals charged with investigating these complaints then mishandled their investigation, but they were not responsible for 'fabricating' the complaints in the first place.

I'm beginning to wonder if you have been paying attention at all.

Edited by Boo Khaki
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If there's one thing I've learned from the Politics board, it's THAT WOMAN got the polis to investigate some terrible lies about her old mate in order to stop Scotland becoming independent.

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8 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:

Those lost ALBA deposits ain't going to pay themselves. 


BBC News - Alex Salmond launches legal action against Scottish government


8 hours ago, Leith Green said:

I did wonder when he would start scranning for more cash.

Must be looking to retire..........


6 hours ago, Highlandmagar said:

He is the Unionists best pal these days. Utter scumbag.


6 hours ago, AndyM said:

The Grift goes on.

The cultists can't see their beloved SNP brought to task for attempting to destroy an individual.  It may have been incompetence that ended the entire process but as the SNP chief exec showed, it was pursued with malice.

3 hours ago, Boo Khaki said:


Edit - It also was not "The Government" that fabricated a case, more a series of individuals, some of whom were part of the SG or otherwise involved in Scottish politics, some of whom were not. The two specific individuals charged with investigating these complaints then mishandled their investigation, but they were not responsible for 'fabricating' the complaints in the first place.

I'm beginning to wonder if you have been paying attention at all.

They did collude though.  Or maybe you missed that.

Hopefully some of the reporting restrictions do get lifted, especially for those that decided to go to the press behind their protected anonymity.

Edited by strichener
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2 minutes ago, strichener said:




The cultists can't see their beloved SNP brought to task for attempting to destroy an individual.  It may have been incompetence that ended the entire process but as the SNP chief exec showed, it was pursued with malice.

They did collude though.  Or maybe you missed that.

Batting for someone who admitted sexual impropriety is never a great look but you carry on. Not really sure calling Salmond a grifter makes you a member of some imaginary cult but hey ho.

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8 minutes ago, strichener said:




The cultists can't see their beloved SNP brought to task for attempting to destroy an individual.  It may have been incompetence that ended the entire process but as the SNP chief exec showed, it was pursued with malice.

They did collude though.  Or maybe you missed that.

Hopefully some of the reporting restrictions do get lifted, especially for those that decided to go to the press behind their protected anonymity.

I think the SNP are a shambles, so if that makes me a cultist, who would have thought it?

Why has it taken quite this long to launch "operation Show Me The Money"? 

I suspect that his lawyers had to have a long hard think and put together a very detailed and specific action focusing on Leslie Evans - because there are aspects of his behaviour when he was FM that he really wont want to be reopened.

Of course, we all know that - Salmond being Salmond - he wont be able to keep his trap shut (its already happened today, his lawyers must be shiting themselves) and may well end up hoist by his own petard.

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40 minutes ago, strichener said:

The cultists can't see their beloved SNP brought to task for attempting to destroy an individual.  It may have been incompetence that ended the entire process but as the SNP chief exec showed, it was pursued with malice.

Absolutely bizarre assertion that "the SNP" attempted to destroy Salmond. 

The complaints came from individual women, some of whom would undoubtedly been party members, but it's not like there was some sort of internal SNP policy to actively work to destroy him. It's quite clear from the Whatsapp conversations between the accusers that at least one of them had a major personal vandetta with Salmond, but that's all it was, a conversation between individual women who shared the common ground that they believed they had been the victims of inappropriate behaviour on the part of AS.

The "collusion" you refer to took place between the complainants themselves. Completely ill-advisedly, and as it turns out undermined their own cases when it actually came to court, but Evans & Co were simply bumbling incompetents, unless of course, you are making the claim than not only did the SNP conspire to have Salmond discredited, but the Civil Service were hell bent on it as well. 

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