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Off The Ball - Is it good?

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22 minutes ago, LeeVanTeeth said:

You thought slagging off vegans was cringeworthy then what about letting Darren Jackson tell the world what a wonderful wifebeater guy Gazza was.

I see your point, but at what point does an action or character flaw come to define a person completely? I think it's quite possible to be a wife-beater while being a great guy in all other aspects of your life. Just as it's possible to be a great guy while stealing from your work for years, or be a great guy who loses it one night and batters somebody. Life isn't black and white and since he's never been married to him, it's quite likely that Jackson's experiences of Gazza are entirely positive. He seems to be a guy who's well liked by a lot of people.

While not condoning wife beating in any sense, I'm sure we all have things about us we wouldn't like others to know. At what point do you become an irredeemably bad guy? I don't know.

That said, in one of the Secret Footballer articles, he made the point that a footballer could be found in an alley standing over a dead body clutching a bloody knife and his footballing pals would still say "He's a great lad, really".

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16 hours ago, D'Jaffo said:

You watched his video on the BBC Social?

Utterly cringeworthy

I did but it was obvious he was at it so didnt find him too bad then other than a bit embaraasing. Hearing him going from  the queens english to going to ‘scots’ in just about every sentence on off the ball was horrific though.

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It's often pretty uninspired (and I agree the vegan stuff this weekend was pretty much peak Yer Da), but it's just part of what a football Saturday is to me, and has been since I started going to games.  Bit of a lie-in, soup, radio on in the car with my dad, game, radio on in the car on the way home, fish supper.  It's sometimes funny, sometimes not, the guests are sometimes good, sometimes not - and sometimes might be good but are from fields I have no interest in so I don't really get their stories - about boxers or 80s comedians or whatever.  It's often pretty thin, but no other show gives as much space or sympathy to diddy teams and I'll miss it when it's gone.

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Apparently years ago, Tam Cowan presented a Radio Scotland show called ‘Cowan’s Crooners’. It genuinely sounds like the worst thing ever.

Yep, he interviewed the likes of Sydney Devine and Englebert. Not that he likes to go on about it, of course.
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The wee nonsense "fives tunes" for their guests is just absolute garbage. None of the guests have any clue what pish he's picked, or the relevance. It's several minutes of completely dead radio.

How about using that time and actually telling us the scores in the day's games, either on Off the Ball, or in the half an hour of Sportsound you get between people returning to their cars and the end of the programme?

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Aye bin this 5 tunes pish. They play far too much of each tune. They should give it a 5 or 10 second burst, not a good 60-90 seconds.

But aye, preferably they'd just bin it totally.

Also it seems like every week Cowan throws in a load of 'PC gone made' pish that is totally imaginary nonsense.

On Saturday he said you'd never see those big collection jars in pubs anymore because it would be against health and safety as there would be glass everywhere once it got smashed, and added that pubs aren't allowed to keep a hammer on the premises anyway.

Where does he get this pish? 

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Aye I tuned in about half an hour ago and heard that bigot p***k say that Stevie Gerrard is the Scottish football personality of the year.

Turned off.

Lazy pandering shite that is just getting worse and worse. If this shit keeps up I'll stop listening. Shame, as I tune in when I can and have done so since it started but it's fast approaching the point where it tips over in to being too sycophantic, lazy and shite.


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Aye I tuned in about half an hour ago and heard that bigot p***k say that Stevie Gerrard is the Scottish football personality of the year.
Turned off.
Lazy pandering shite that is just getting worse and worse. If this shit keeps up I'll stop listening. Shame, as I tune in when I can and have done so since it started but it's fast approaching the point where it tips over in to being too sycophantic, lazy and shite.

Personality of the year?

As far as rangers managers go he’s pretty inoffensive and quite boring.
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3 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Aye I tuned in about half an hour ago and heard that bigot p***k say that Stevie Gerrard is the Scottish football personality of the year.

Turned off.

Lazy pandering shite that is just getting worse and worse. If this shit keeps up I'll stop listening. Shame, as I tune in when I can and have done so since it started but it's fast approaching the point where it tips over in to being too sycophantic, lazy and shite.


I agree with all of that except for the "fast approaching the point" part.

I reckon that point was reached over a year ago.

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