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What's The Worst Pain You Have Ever Experienced?

Dee Man

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Dung fork through my big toe. Utter agony.


Also the pain of landing on my ankle while jumping a fence was so excruciating i nearly passed out.


Doing my knee in playing football was a fun one too. About 6 months till i trusted it again. Went back to football, within about 4 minuites i went in for the ball, foot went right, knee went left and i was a crumpled mess for weeks again.

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Bruised tailbone. Slipped in the pub on Xmas eve years ago and after the alcohol wore off the next morning. I couldn’t get out of bed for about three days. 
A lassie at school once kneed my tailbone for my birthday! She definitely bruised or fractured it because I couldn't sit on it for weeks. Had to keep changing between one arse cheek to another.
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7 hours ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:


Anyone had a penile fracture? I've heard that's agony, but the wife gave me one years back and it was curiously painless after the initial impact. The emotional pain of seeing my pink torpedo, erect but bent in half with a floppy section in the middle, was pretty bad TBF.




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I’ve broken my toes, ankle, fingers and nose. Split my head numerous time’s, napped and torn ligaments in my ankles and knees and even managed to stand on a rusty nail (not the cocktail, an old nail in a bit of wood) but I think the sorest thing was when playing boys club football I nipped in in-front of a defender who was about to volley the ball away. His volley connected with my knee and I was left the imprint of his boot on my leg. Sore as hell at the time but taking a bath at home after the game and there was tears again. Although the broken ankle and torn knee ligaments are the two most recent very sore separate incidents.

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2 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

Had that when I was 18. Can't recall it being painful though. They postponed it 3 days on the trot so I had been worrying myself about it every day and by the time I got it I was expecting it to be agony. It possibly was but I had expected worse and therefore didn't think it was bad.

- Years ago I was playing football one on one with a pal and we both went for a high ball with our feet. I have 'knobbly knees' and his foot caught me sweetly on the knee. It felt like he pushed my knee cap right around to the side and when I bent my knee back I swear it popped back into place. I hit the deck and couldn't move, while being unable to cry as I was in shock. I eventually got up and walked it off, thinking that couldn't have happened. I've since discovered I have hypermobility syndrome (and arthritis!) in my joints so I expect that is infact what happened.

- Dentist shaved a filling and hit the nerve. Twice.

- When I was younger I caught the bottom of my foot on a door strip. It somehow took a huge chunk out the bottom of my heel and I had to tiptoe until it healed. Which took ages. It was an actual hole on the bottom of my foot.

- An odd one but I'd stick Flu in here. Folk who haven't had it (who think a bad Cold is Flu!) don't realise your body aches all over. It's not an acute pain as such but being in constant pain for 3 or 4 days is horrible.

I've broken the scaphoid bone in my wrist but it was more uncomfortable than painful. I did it while making a superb save in goal so it was totally worth it.

@Chicken Wing did this chasing a boy

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8 hours ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

Also, anyone actually stepped on a stonefish? Worst pain known to man, according to Drymen's greatest scientific researcher.

Apparently the bullet ant is worse but won't kill you. I was wandering around some Mayan ruins in a jungley area of south Mexico and a guide pointed them out, said it's the worst pain he'd ever felt and that some tribes use hundreds of them initiation. Just googled someone being stung by one of them and actual f**k that! 

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Not sure which was worse. Planter fasciitis or when I done my Achilles playing football. The first one I couldn’t stand without using a roller ball thing before I put my foot on the ground every morning. Ended up with crutches for three days. Or the Achilles when I woke up the day after and stood up. Promptly collapsed with the pain crawled to the big and threw up.

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14 hours ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

Also, anyone actually stepped on a stonefish? Worst pain known to man, according to Drymen's greatest scientific researcher.

Supposedly there have been multiple reports of stonefish victims wanting to have their stung limb amputated, such is the pain.  Damn nature, you scary.

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12 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

A lassie at school once kneed my tailbone for my birthday! She definitely bruised or fractured it because I couldn't sit on it for weeks. Had to keep changing between one arse cheek to another.

"You looking forward to your birthday blowjob, love?"

"Well, actually...I had something else in mind..."

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I’ve been stabbed with a bottle, broke my knee/ankle/foot (x3)/wrist, had numerous other injuries however nothing and I mean nothing has compared to Kidney stones.


The actual pain of having them nearly caused me to pass out on multiple occasions then the actual pain of passing the stone though my japs eye had me on my knees.


Seemingly it’s the closest men can come to experiencing the pain of child birth. f**k dat for a game of sodjees.


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I burned my cock with the iron and that was pretty sore.
Put my hand on a hot brake disk on the car. That was a sore one too. 

I can relate to this! [emoji1]

Sitting smoking hash years ago and a big bomber fell out the joint and seared right through the shorts I was wearing. Bellend like ET’s finger for a few days!
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