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die hard doonhamer

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27 minutes ago, Mackie The Staggie said:

Masi changed the application of the ruling, I don't know how anyone can disagree with that fact and by doing so it affected the championship. 

That's the nub of it. He failed to apply the rules correctly and it seems there doesn't appear to have been the leeway for him to use his discretion to do that. As entertaining and hilarious as what happened undoubtedly was, it doesn't disguise the fact he made an arse of things - and had been making some questionable calls in the races leading up to that as well.

The fact he's gone, which is the FIA pretty much saying he fucked things up, does not mean the result should be altered in anyway. He should have been gone even if Hamilton had managed to stay in front, although there wouldn't have been the same calls for him to go.

We're going to be in for some more salty tears from Mercedes, Hamilton and their fanboys in the media and on Twitter so that's something to keep us amused until the racing resumes.

Edited by Stu
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That Ferrari is Bella.

Also emptying Masi feels like a mistake unless you get someone experienced to take over from him. I see they're saying they are going to stop broadcasting the radio between race direction and the teams, again stupid decision, the real change would be to stop teams communicating directly with the race director during the race and have some sort of mediator or similar.

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I surely can't be the only one thinking if the Max/Lewis roles had been reversed in the championship we'd have stopped hearing about it ages ago right?

I think it would have been worse. Whether you’re a max or lewis fan the fact is masi changed the rules and it changed who won the championship which is a pretty colossal error of judgement. Hamilton should have won the race and therefore the championship but i think max deserved it over the course of the year.

Pretty excited to see what these new car offer, hopefully more teams in the mix at the front and better racing.
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1 hour ago, scottsdad said:

They really do miss Charlie Whiting. Masi made some very odd errors last year. But who is going to replace him? 

Mercedes hoping it'll be Susie Wolff. 

From the BBC article:

The new race directors will be Eduardo Freitas, who formerly performed the role in the World Endurance Championship, and Niels Wittich, who did so in the DTM German Touring Car Championship.”

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I surely can't be the only one thinking if the Max/Lewis roles had been reversed in the championship we'd have stopped hearing about it ages ago right?

Nah, Horner and Wolff are as bad as each other. Marko would have exploded, he was losing it as the season went on.

Masi fcuked up and has rightly been removed. He tried to give everyone the finish they wanted but failed to adhere to the set rules.

I will miss the radio chats between the teams and the director but I am glad they have been put to an end. Some of the moaning was pathetic childish stuff that grown adults should be ashamed for saying.

I’m not a Ferrari fan but I so hope their out the box thinking on the new rules delivers a car that can compete at the front. A 4 way battle with Mercedes, red bull, Ferrari and mclaren would be great (a proper 10 team battle would be ideal but that’s not happening anytime soon)
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Getting Eduardo Freitas in is a good step, he's been the race director for the WEC and until today was also race director for the Asian and European Le Mans series. I've watched more of the endurance racing than F1 over the past 10 years or so, and can't recall any major issues with his directorship.  Niels Wittich is (I think) the current F3 & F2 director, and has been the race director for the DTM and Formula E.  

Both will be aided by Herbie Blash who was deputy to Charlie back in the day.

Direct communication between the teams and race director is being restricted and there will be a "new non-intrusivce process" which will allow teams to ask questions to the race director (it may be emails......they use that a fair bit in the WEC and Le Mans series, but then a 24hr race allows for that more than a 90 min sprint race)

Masi will be offered a new role within the FIA, most likely his previous job at head of Safety, however I wouldn't be surprised to see him step away completely.

Still think they could have gone further and have the same race stewards for all the races.  That way, you have a better chance of penalties being assessed with some consistency.

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On 11/02/2022 at 15:08, Dylan Easton Fanclub said:

With BWT in at Alpine, what’s the odds on Otmar Szafnauer showing up there too?

Who’d a thought it?

Missed the Ferrari launch today but looks by far the most radical new design of the lot. Those scooped out side pods are mental!

A few blurry pics from Red Bull’s shakedown at Silverstone floating about and seems to be quite similar to the AlphaTauri. 

EDIT: Feel like emptying Masi is just totally chucking him to the wolves, and it’s a bit shan putting others in place with the support he needed but never had. Good to see Herbie back in, right enough, was supposedly always the one that kept Charlie level. Also I thought the FIA/team radio line was the most entertaining addition to broadcasts last season. To get rid of them is a massive negative and just sweeps the problem under the carpet.

Edited by Dylan Easton Fanclub
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11 minutes ago, senorsoupe said:

I am surprised that Michael is trying to found his own team, his ambitions to be a F1 team owner are well known, but I figured he would keep looking for a team to buy

Yep, likewise.  Is there not like a $200 million payment that has to be shared out to the other 12 teams to compensate for reduction of prize money to gain entry?

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