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The F1 Thread

die hard doonhamer

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23 hours ago, Boo Khaki said:

If you've ever wondered what the worst racing game public lobby full of clueless noobs, rammers, and idiots would look like if it was a live action series, here is your chance to find out. None of them have a clue what a braking point is - 


Just watching the first race, what the f**k is 9 doing at the first turn? Trying to recreate Hamilton and Verstappen from 2021 and just land on top of someone else? 

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18 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

The 200 million entry fee is far too low. The NHL added new teams in 2017 and 2021 for 500 million and 650 million respectively, and F1 has much more money in it and a much larger audience. 

I agree, $600-700m is the figure being floated about just now looks about right.

16 hours ago, scottsdad said:

Whilst I understand the thrust of what you're saying, the key issues are outlined here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/formula1/64210632

Nothing wrong with the article it gives an angle on Andretti, though there is no mention on why the teams don't want any newcomers that raise the grid number, maybe connected to the anti dilute fee, but there will be a lot more to it than that.

Its quite sad reading into that is that F1 appears closed now to any ambitious privateer teams, teams that were the heart and soul of the sport and stuck with it through the ups and downs plus hard financial times while the major manufacturers would bail out if they had one bad year or to save costs. A modern equivalent of Williams starting up in F1 on their own with a customer engine is unlikely to ever happen again and Haas might have been the last non car manufacturer to enter F1. It all seems geared towards F1 becoming exclusively about major car manufacturers and their share of the prize money. I would worried that in a few years if the F1 ends up down to 14 or 16 cars with these teams delighted to get a bigger slice of the prize money cake.


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17 hours ago, scottsdad said:

Whilst I understand the thrust of what you're saying, the key issues are outlined here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/formula1/64210632

That article covers some of the points but is limited by a lack of understanding of or interest in anything outside of the F1 bubble, which is a pretty consistent issue with Andrew Benson's articles.

Its really just a chance for the teams to give their party line unchallenged disguised as a balanced piece of journalism. Its pretty clear that he's asked people inside F1 what they think and then not bothered to go outside of that or do any sort of digging into Andretti.

There's barely any mention of the dilution of prize money, just a quick paragraph thrown in at the end of the list of concerns, when that is one of the main reasons, arguably the only main reason, for the teams resisting new entries. It should really be dominating any sort of article like this because ultimately the negotiation on how much it will cost up front and how the prize money will be split is what will decide whether we will have any new entrants. 

I would suggest that some of the concerns around Andretti's ability to run a team could also do with a little bit of actual analysis, given the size, history and backing behind their organisation. The 'Cadillac is just a branding operation' line is very much a F1 party line which could do with challenging and digging into also.

Not to say that there's nothing in the article, but its very much one side of the story and really shouldn't be taken as the full picture.


Edited by MrWorldwideJr
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On 19/07/2023 at 02:29, The Golden God said:

Just watching the first race, what the f**k is 9 doing at the first turn? Trying to recreate Hamilton and Verstappen from 2021 and just land on top of someone else? 

Surely that is a mechanical fault - doesn't seem to be all that faster initially, doesn't lock up but is rocking the wheel and just steams though cars. 

15 hours ago, V.Aye.R said:

Please be Mercedes, just so the Internet virgins have a total meltdown. 

It would be hilarious. 

Edited by flyingscot
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1 hour ago, flyingscot said:

Surely that is a mechanical fault - doesn't seem to be all that faster initially, doesn't lock up but is rocking the wheel and just steams though cars. 

It would be hilarious. 

Watch the other two races. It happens repeatedly. They just have no sense of where the braking point is.

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19 hours ago, Shuggie_Murray7 said:

As some who only watches F1 as their sole motorsport fix, I had no idea Nyck de Vries was such a diddy until he got a seat.

I've got a feeling he might be in the end vindicated by Danny Ric.

Something to do with an F1 car who's back end has a mind of its own.

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Perez won't be replaced while he is 2nd in the drivers championship as Red Bull would lose that position if they changed driver. Horner has said that.

Meanwhile the media is working itself into a hysterical froth over wanting Perez sacked now and replaced with a driver who was binned by McLaren for being too slow and is quite obviously to those who know F1 not the same driver he was 5 - 6 years ago. ............but he's funny and is good for TV.

Anyone who seriously believes that Ricciardo can consistantly beat Tsunoda and then join Red Bull next season and then be fast and consistant enough to challenge Max Verstappen and or 'consistantly get within 0.3 in lap time as Perez original target was', has to be on some serious hallucinogenic drugs right now.

............unless you are that racing driver where there is a fine line between absolute self belief and delusion.


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1 hour ago, The Golden God said:

 Really want Ricciardo to finish dead last and miles off Tsunoda. The media fanfare around him all week has been bad enough but even the official F1 twitter won’t shut up about him. You’d think it was Senna back from the dead the way they’re going on about him. 

AlphaTauri to sign Mick Schumacher in about three races time. 🤣

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