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Games you've never played


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There are a million games out there, and there isn't time to play them all, not even the stone-cold classics. What are the famous titles you've missed, and why?

I've never played a Zelda game. Seen people playing them before, seen plenty of adverts, and I've never noticed a single thing that I found appealing. Same (almost) goes for Mario - I played half an hour of one of the NES games when I was a kid, and found it really basic and bland. I've watched people play Super Mario Land, Mario 64, and my son played Super Mario Galaxy for a couple of hours when we were trapped in a room with it and had nothing else to do. None of them looked to me like anything other than boredom dressed up in bright garish cartoon clothing. It's always amazed me that they're literally considered to be the greatest games of all time, but I must be in the wrong.

(we're excluding Donkey Kong, as he wasn't called Mario then, and it was superb)

Edit to add more:

Call of Duty, Battlefield, Medal of Honor, etc - always looked like tremendously dull versions of the more exotic shooters, and I've never wanted to be one of OUR BRAVE BOYS, so I've never had an interest.
Final Fantasy - JRPGs look like the visual equivalent of nails down the chalkboard to me. I've hardly ever seen any gameplay footage either; it always seems to be cut scenes, which is always a bit worrying.
Pokemon - I was 12 when that suddenly became popular, so I've never understood the appeal. Seemed like it was mainly the younger kids playing it.
Halo - didn't have an Xbox when the original came out, and there are always more interesting-looking FPS games around whenever they produce a sequel.
Gears of War - see Halo, pretty much.
God of War - they don't look bad, but I cannot be arsed with games on consoles any more. There's something about playing games on the TV in the living room that still makes a part of my brain think my mum's going to come in any minute and want to watch Last of the Summer Wine  :lol:
Crash Bandicoot - that looked like a wean's game, so I'll plead the Pokemon excuse again.
Mortal Kombat - I really liked Street Fighter 2 when they were both originally out, so it got all my attention, and I've lost interest in the genre since. Odd, though, as I played similar games like Pit-Fighter and Killer Instinct back in the day.
Red Dead Revolver/Redemption - nobody else played the first one either, and I'd absolutely have played the second if it had come out on PC. Very odd that it never got a conversion, as all of Rockstar's other games always seem to.

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9 hours ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

There are a million games out there, and there isn't time to play them all, not even the stone-cold classics. What are the famous titles you've missed, and why?

I've never played a Zelda game. Seen people playing them before, seen plenty of adverts, and I've never noticed a single thing that I found appealing. Same (almost) goes for Mario - I played half an hour of one of the NES games when I was a kid, and found it really basic and bland. I've watched people play Super Mario Land, Mario 64, and my son played Super Mario Galaxy for a couple of hours when we were trapped in a room with it and had nothing else to do. None of them looked to me like anything other than boredom dressed up in bright garish cartoon clothing. It's always amazed me that they're literally considered to be the greatest games of all time, but I must be in the wrong.

(we're excluding Donkey Kong, as he wasn't called Mario then, and it was superb)


I cant think of a popular series that I've never played. I havent played any recent COD but plenty of older ones. 

The only thing  I can think of would be some PS exclusives like Uncharted

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Never played Call of Duty, I'm really crap at shooter games so haven't played most of them.  The only ones I have gotten any enjoyment out of were Goldeneye for the Nintendo 64 and Left4dead more recently, otherwise it gets tedious being killed all the time

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Ones that spring to mind are Skyrim, all Final Fantasy/Resident Evil games and GTA3

Not played a Zelda game, but my girlfriend plays them so often in front of me I could probably complete them pretty easily as I know where everything is.

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Despite loving RPGs, I've never played a Zelda game either. Probably because I never went for a Nintendo system.

Also never played Morrow wind, after coming across Elder Scrolls with Oblivion then Skyrim. Both of which I put hundreds of hours into.

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25 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

Despite loving RPGs, I've never played a Zelda game either. Probably because I never went for a Nintendo system.

Also never played Morrow wind, after coming across Elder Scrolls with Oblivion then Skyrim. Both of which I put hundreds of hours into.

I've never played Oblivion, other than for about 5 minutes, despite putting hundreds of hours into Skyrim

Cant believe theres so many people who've never played Zelda - I've asked Div to close the Gaming forum, some people dont deserve nice things

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3 hours ago, Mr X said:

I've never played Oblivion, other than for about 5 minutes, despite putting hundreds of hours into Skyrim

Cant believe theres so many people who've never played Zelda - I've asked Div to close the Gaming forum, some people dont deserve nice things

You dont like lemmings, your opinion on anything game related is null and void lol

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18 minutes ago, 54_and_counting said:

You dont like lemmings, your opinion on anything game related is null and void lol

au contraire 

I think my opinion singles me out as a discerning individual who doesnt follow the crowd, like a ... er, like some kind of animal ... a sheep!

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