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Infuriating Things That YOU Do

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19 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Eat too much. I just fucking love eating. Nomnomnomnom. I have to exercise otherwise I’d be one of those people who you see on Channel 5 shows about being too fat to leave the house.

I love drinking.  I started to think I might be some form of alcoholic, but then realised that I can be drinking squash, tea, fizzy juice, whatever and be equally happy.  Anything* that gets flavour flowing down my throat really.


*well, maybe not anything. Stop thinking like that. 

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I have a tendency to say the wrong thing at the wrong time, no matter how innocent. 

When my missus was in labour she was throwing up in the sink in her room and for some reason I said “watch your head on that faucet”. I’ve never called a tap that in my life but at least her calling me a “fucking stupid p***k” took her mind away from wrecking her John McVeigh is a tit with the fruits of my loins.

I also once accused a previous boss who was leaving early of “coming the c**t”when he was going to visit his daughter in hospital (which I wasn’t aware of) 

Edited by Bobby Skidmarks
John McVeigh is a tit
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You can't ever tell anyone, but I count syllables with my fingers when someone is speaking.  Like visibly, if you're speaking to me often my fingers will be tapping out exactly what you're saying as you're saying it on my hip or a table or something.  I'm sure people have noticed before.  No idea why. 

I like it if you finish on a four, and find if you listen to speeches by good public speakers they generally do.  Its satisfying and more emphatic.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest bernardblack

I’m a nightmare leaving the house. I mean I’ll be on time, but the oven/iron etc will be checked 20 times that they are off before I do

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33 minutes ago, bernardblack said:

I’m a nightmare leaving the house. I mean I’ll be on time, but the oven/iron etc will be checked 20 times that they are off before I do

Leaving the iron on is something I do semi regularly. It can be a full day before I even notice. :shutup

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I’m on my phone all the fucking time. At work/at home/travelling. I really make the effort not to do it at the pub or at gigs or the football, ie when I’m having a great time. But when I’m having a mediocre/bad time the phone comes out. Twitter-bbc sport-twitter-p and b-twitter repeat. My job’s s brainless at the moment that I can chat away to folk on the phone while reading through shite on here and still do a decent job.

I bite my nails down til they bleed when I’m at the football. It’s a nervous thing and it fuckin hurts for days afterward. I don’t notice I’m doing it but it drives my partner insane, as does the phone thing.

When I get drunk I run away from my pals. Ended up locked out my flat once as I’d gotten into my close, passed out next to my front door, got woken up by the neighbour at like 3am (I must have been making a racket), ran away out the front door leaving my keys there. Walked about in the rain for a couple hours sobering up a bit, before buzzing a pal and staying on his spare. Honestly I can be a fucking c**t at times. I never fucking learn, one weekend “aff it” then next I’m chucking Tennants down my throat again like the p***k I am.

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The other half gets at me for grammar. Instead of saying “I was sitting”, I hit our with “I was sat”.

She has a proof read of any work I submit for uni too and in general drives her up the wall.

In public I’ll intentionally make rather unusual noises whilst in a public cubical. Usually to create an uneasy atmosphere. Shouting “naw” or “wait...was that supposed to come out” is suffice.

Complaining, not in general, but unsatisfactory service etc. Other half general gets mortified at such behaviour.

Antagonise, I’ll deliberately contradict someone just to get a reaction. Mainly because in my view you should be able to debate in a rational manner as opposed to being on verge of tears.

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I’m a nightmare leaving the house. I mean I’ll be on time, but the oven/iron etc will be checked 20 times that they are off before I do
I know how that goes! Sometimes i get caught in a loop of checking stuff it can take forever, i've found taking a photo of the cooker helps... Sometimes.
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8 hours ago, RussellAnderson said:

But when I’m having a mediocre/bad time the phone comes out. Twitter-bbc sport-twitter-p and b-twitter repeat. 

I had to get rid of Twitter recently, as I found I was opening the app, scrolling through, closing it down, and then opening it straight back up. Making a real effort to not spend as much time on my phone as I have done. 

Someone mentioned it earlier, but I have a pal, and for whatever reason I always turn the conversation back to me. I do this with nobody else, and if someone did it to me I would lose the plot.


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7 hours ago, FairyBaws said:

The other half gets at me for grammar. Instead of saying “I was sitting”, I hit our with “I was sat”.

She has a proof read of any work I submit for uni too and in general drives her up the wall.

In public I’ll intentionally make rather unusual noises whilst in a public cubical. Usually to create an uneasy atmosphere. Shouting “naw” or “wait...was that supposed to come out” is suffice.

Complaining, not in general, but unsatisfactory service etc. Other half general gets mortified at such behaviour.

Antagonise, I’ll deliberately contradict someone just to get a reaction. Mainly because in my view you should be able to debate in a rational manner as opposed to being on verge of tears.

No offence, but you sound like a right c**t. 

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I don’t go for a pee until I’m absolutely bustin’

Like now , I’ve had the feeling of needing to go for about 5-10 minutes, although I’m not desperate , yet , and the feeling has passsed a wee bit since I started typing this.

But I know that in a few minutes I will be desperate , but I’m just too faking lazy to move just yet.

Not so bad here when I’m at home with a toilet close by. But I also do this when I’m out and about , such as the other day when I was just leaving Tesco , with the slight feeling of needing a piss. However , rather than using their toilet I decided to go home first and inevitably by the time I got home I was desperate.




Edited by A96
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I generally assume that no crime will take place where I live.

Leave the car doors unlocked and sometimes open. Leave the house door open when I'm in wandering around the house (I like the fresh air)

I've left the door unlocked many times when I go out. Because of where we live you'd have quite a job stealing stuff from my house and getting away without someone seeing what you're doing.

In general I just assume no thief would come near our house/car as it is too watched and surrounded.

Edited by Gaz FFC
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If I make a mess in the house I tend to leave it untouched, assuming the wife will sort it out, since all domestic duties are shared between us and that is one of hers.

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26 minutes ago, Gaz FFC said:

I generally assume that no crime will take place where I live.

Leave the car doors unlocked and sometimes open. Leave the house door open when I'm in wandering around the house (I like the fresh air)

I've left the door unlocked many times when I go out. Because of where we love you'd have quite a job stealing stuff from my house and getting away without someone seeing what you're doing.

In general I just assume no thief would come near our house/car as it is too watched and surrounded.

Do you leave your keys in a bowl.

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