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It’s a very weird situation with how it’s all come out. Obviously should be taken extremely seriously, but Hauseman just casually dropping it on a podcast and comparing him to Weinstein is wild.

I’d get Jericho gone regardless. 

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This all seems to have came out after Jericho decided to start an argument with Jim Cornette and CM Punk's lawyer in Twitter out of absolutely nowhere on Christmas Day in which he was clearly pissed out his mind talking about NDA's. The serious nature of the allegations a side, what a spectacular own goal that is from Jericho.

It seems to be a constant absolute clusterfuck at AEW behind the scenes and all self made.

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MJF is just incredible.  Roman Reigns is obviously top of WWE, but he has had nowhere near the time and journey that MJF has had, and although Reigns has nailed his presentation specifically, I'm not sure he holds a candle to MJF in any one part of wrestling, let alone be pretty damn good at all of them.  every time you think "oh, there's a weakness" to him, he emphatically shows you why that's bullshit.  He was consistently a brilliant heel, mixing in the usual "your sports team" low-hanging fruit with properly venomous stuff, as well as being genuinely funny (I'll never not pop for him calling Schiavone a fat p***k).  Then when it seemed like he might be a bit limited in that role, the Adam Cole stuff started, and he went from being the undisputed top heel to a really, really believable face.  Tonight he's probably going to be beaten with some shenanigans, and the heat is going to rain down on Joe and probably Cole too.  If you said a year ago that that would happen before 2023 was out, I'm not sure anyone would believe you, and they'd definitely not believe that MJF had pretty much dragged himself there through his own work.

I suspect it's a moot point, as he's already signed a new contract, but if I was WWE, I'd have moved heaven and earth to get him.  There's a lot of great talents in WWE that I don't think would really translate that well.  Be successful, but nowhere near as good as they could be doing the AEW/NJPW/Indies sort of circuit.  MJF can do everything.  With enough freedom, he would be such an asset. I still think he'll go there eventually, but I don't think there's any possible chance it's now.  Wouldn't be surprised if he's added a year or two to tie up this story, really cement his place as THE AEW guy, then he can go to WWE for stupid money and do the same there.  He's that good in my mind.

EDIT: One bit I did like in that article that I found interesting - even if it is pretty obvious.  When he said that he asked what to say when he had the promo with Bret Hart, you'd imagine if it's WWE, first off he's probably not getting that opportunity, but if he did, you'll likely have that pretty heavily scripted unless you're a Rock kind of character.  I suspect with AEW it wasn't a "here's your freedom", and more them flying by the seat of their pants, but I found it quite interesting.

Edited by forameus
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Having not actually watched collision since punk left, just due to not having the time to do so, I haven't seen much of the andrade/ miro story. I'm looking forward to watching miro tonight but andrade has been boring since he came in to aew. He's had a few good matches as you'd expect but story wise, it's easy to see why he was released from wwe. 

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4 hours ago, Lukovic said:

Don't think anyone is going to come out of this Jericho thing looking good. Not Jericho, Hausman and depending how much anybody else knows.

Can see all the bad faith accounts that have jumped on it for all the wrong reasons already.

Tony Khan announcing Kylie Rae's departure (which by the way, was a pretty big shock at the time) looks fucking mega suspect though, must admit.

There's been allegations made under the table about Jericho for a few years now. He has brought this entire shitshow on himself, opening a can of worms by drunkenly taking to twitter to shout journalists down and saying 'I never signed an NDA' when a lot of these journalists will have dug for information in the past and be very much privvy to what the rumours are about him and any NDA status on him.

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14 hours ago, TheGoon said:

Poor Sting being caught up in that shitshow. 

That was such an odd, odd match.  You've got your main heel tag-team, aligning with one of the more hated groups in the company, facing your face team, made up of...Sammy Guavara, who will likely never seem like a face because of his big punchable pretty face, Darby Allin, who is definitely over, but comes across like he'd be a proper dick to be around, Jericho, who is just a day removed from potentially serious allegations coming out about him, and poor Sting, who must be thinking what the f**k he's done to deserve this final run.  I can just imagine him breathing a sigh of relief that Ric Flair wouldn't be accompanying him this time, then last night it slowly dawning on him that he's just been replaced by someone else that's problematic.  Match itself just died because of it.  Whenever something like this comes out, you're always going to have two extreme sides - people that believe he's clearly a serial rapist, and will act accordingly, and people who can't bring themselves to admit that someone they looked up to could be a sex pest.  Loud cheers, mixed with loud boos, and you're unlikely to ever recover from that.  The match didn't matter - why put him out there?  Although I suspect the answer is - because he'd throw a strop if he wasn't.

Overall, I thought the show was a bit of a disappointment by AEW's standards.  Granted I was "watching" the latter couple of hours while doing other things, so I probably missed a lot of the impact, but it seemed like they really back-loaded the card so the first couple of hours just felt like Dynamite without the ads.  Once they got to the "big" matches, I felt like they didn't quite reach the size they needed to.  Edge/Christian was fine, but that's twice now they've basically hyped up this big amazing match, then spun their wheels and ended up doing nothing to move the story to the next stage.  Edge is still raging, Christian's still champion, his pals are still under the thumb, Luchasaurus is still conflicted.  If the match before had kicked up a couple more gears I could forgive it, but it never really seemed to hit that.  Even the fire spot looked pretty awkward.  

Kingston/Moxley was probably the one that suffered most from me not paying enough atttention.  Might go back and give it a watch, but definitely the right decision.

Unfortunately, despite telling myself last night that I absolutely should not swipe on my phone to the curated Google section that seems to think I only want to hear about Glasgow and Wrestling, I swiped on my phone and saw the first article saying Joe won the title, and a picture of Cole standing over MJF.  f**k sake.  But at least that was kind of the ending I expected was going to happen.  Again though, it felt like the match was missing those couple of gears it needed, and the end seemed to come very abruptly.  Probably the right decision to have Joe win cleanly without interference rather than having the devil essentially win it.  Good for Joe, and hopefully he gets the chance to carry the title for a little while.  Swerve seems to be who they're positioning, but I would've liked to see a clear face/heel dynamic in Joe's first feud given how good Joe is at being a proper psycho.  Still, if that's where they go, it'll be great.  And I expect whoever holds in the first half of the year, they're just being built up for William Ospreay to take it at Wembley.

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14 hours ago, djchapsticks said:

Tony Khan announcing Kylie Rae's departure (which by the way, was a pretty big shock at the time) looks fucking mega suspect though, must admit.

There's been allegations made under the table about Jericho for a few years now. He has brought this entire shitshow on himself, opening a can of worms by drunkenly taking to twitter to shout journalists down and saying 'I never signed an NDA' when a lot of these journalists will have dug for information in the past and be very much privvy to what the rumours are about him and any NDA status on him.

Jericho used to love talking about leaving WCW because he was being held down by folk who were going on way past their best, but were pals with the booker.

Now he's hanging on to a main even spot despite being way past it, is best pals with Tony Khan, constantly lies about his connection to events in the past, and is a massive sex pest.

He's basically turned into Hulk Hogan.

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