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Clyde FC; Season 2022-23

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9 minutes ago, Aufc said:

Not really down with the legal detail but bizarre that he can be found guilty in one court but not the other.



In a civil trial, the pursuer must prove his/her case on the balance of probabilities, whereas in criminal trials the prosecution must prove beyond reasonable doubt that the accused has committed the crimes in question. The criminal standard of proof is therefore a more rigorous standard of evidence

Whilst some might argue this essentially means it's "easier" to prove someone's guilt in a civil trial one should remember that the judge in the civil course found Clair's evidence to be "cogent, persuasive and compelling" whilst evidence from Goodwillie and Robertson was described as "inconsistent" and "not impressive". Supporting evidence experts for Clair were also considered credible as well. All in all Clair and her argument were far more compelling and trustworthy than Goodwillie and Robertson.

Edited by RiG
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36 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

The only way out now is for Clyde to make a Raith-style apology Tweet confirming that DGW will neither train with nor play for the club. Even avoiding the moral argument, because the club don't seem to have any, trying to beg, steal and borrow stadiums for the rest of his stay is financial suicide.

Take your medicine, Clyde. You fucked up, the bare minimum you can do is apologise and not pick him again.

If Clyde want to take the Raith approach they will need to release a double-down statement regarding Goodwillie’s qualities as a goal scorer first

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Whilst some might argue this essentially means it's "easier" to prove someone's guilt in a civil trial one should remember that the judge in the civil course found Clair to be a very credible witness whilst Goodwillie and Robertson weren't. Indeed, Robertson's evidence was described as being "internally inconsistent". Supporting evidence experts for Clair were also considered credible as well. All in all, civil case or not, Clair and her argument were far more compelling and trustworthy than Goodwillie and Robertson.


To be honest, reading the female bouncers statement was pretty chilling. Was Robertson convicted with the same?

I do wonder whether, if he had came out and apologised, would that have made a difference to most people? Would people be happy with him playing football if he came out and apologised for that night?
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Just now, Aufc said:

I do wonder whether, if he had came out and apologised, would that have made a difference to most people? Would people be happy with him playing football if he came out and apologised for that night?

Are you dense? "I'm sorry I raped someone" probably wouldn't cut it for me.

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2 minutes ago, ribzanelli said:

If Clyde want to take the Raith approach they will need to release a double-down statement regarding Goodwillie’s qualities as a goal scorer first

I would not be even the slightest bit surprised.

They need to apologise and confirm that he won't play for the club again very quickly. Then announce that they intend to stand down when someone is willing to take the club on.

I suspect... they'll do none of that. They'll double down and pick him on Saturday and make lots of noises about "exploring opportunities" to play elsewhere. Then end up homeless and bankrupt. 

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Are you dense? "I'm sorry I raped someone" probably wouldn't cut it for me.

That’s what I’m saying. Loads of people are saying that he has shown no remorse etc. However, how can he apologise for raping someone? It wouldn’t make any difference.
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I would not be even the slightest bit surprised.
They need to apologise and confirm that he won't play for the club again very quickly. Then announce that they intend to stand down when someone is willing to take the club on.
I suspect... they'll do none of that. They'll double down and pick him on Saturday and make lots of noises about "exploring opportunities" to play elsewhere. Then end up homeless and bankrupt. 

I don’t think anyone would be that stupid… surely
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19 minutes ago, Yoss said:

The why-not-five-years ago argument is a red herring. That's not to say it's not a reasonable question in and of itself, but the circumstance now is different to the one five years back - or even five weeks back. Like someone said above, landscapes change, and that means behaviour has to be viewed in the context of that landscape. So sign him right at this moment in time, in the teeth of the publicity, is a quite deliberate choice and statement and a deliberate f**k you to victims of sexual violence over and above the prior history.

With apologies to the Clyde fans on here - at least, the ones who matter - I'm afraid my first reaction to this news was, get in. But in fairness to me I'm equally indifferent to the fate of Raith, who I've been following to some extent for forty years. The fate and wellbeing of my football club is not more important to me than the state of society.

Exactly this, couldn't have put it better myself. Embarrassing from Clyde FC. 

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IIRC the CPS didn't believe that the case would be successful.

ETA: From this article the CPS said there was insufficient evidence to bring the case to court and days later charges were dropped.


Denise Clair in her recent interview with the Sunday Post mentioned the dropping of the charges and how that left her feeling:


CPS is down south, PF for Scotland.

Not really down with the legal detail but bizarre that he can be found guilty in one court but not the other.

The difference is essentially probability vs beyond all reasonable doubt. Given the context/circumstances, it would have been extremely difficult to prove in a criminal court. Knowing the details, however, it is surprising that the PF didn’t even entertain it.
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14 minutes ago, Hauzen said:

"EK Clyde" back on again then if they need to find a new stadium and home town?

East Kilbride already has 2 teams in the pyramid EKFC and EK Thistle,it dosnt need a third.......

Sharing Lesser Hampden with QP from 23/24 season is a better option in the short to medium term .........

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No club is going to allow Clyde to share their ground. Their only hope is to apologise, get rid of Goodwillie and hope that the council accept their apologies. Otherwise, they've committed suicide.

Edited by Bully Wee Villa
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North Lanarkshire Council has informed Clyde FC that David Goodwillie must not be permitted access to their stadium in Cumbernauld.

The local authority, which directly owns Broadwood Stadium, had been conducting a review of all its commercial partnership arrangements with Clyde following the club’s decision to bring back Goodwillie on loan from Raith Rovers.

Goodwillie, 32, was found by a judge in a civil case in 2017 to have raped a woman.

In a statement released on Thursday, North Lanarkshire Council said: “We have informed the club that David Goodwillie must not be permitted access to the stadium, for any purpose, with immediate effect.

“Should Mr Goodwillie enter the stadium, we will consider the contract to have been breached and we will take immediate steps to terminate it.

“In addition, we have informed Clyde FC that the council intends not to renew the lease with the club when the contract for the use of Broadwood Stadium expires in May, 2023.

“The council utterly condemns all and any violence towards, or abuse of, women. We offer a range of services to support women who experience abuse, through Rape Crisis Lanarkshire and Aura, and we would urge anyone in this position to make contact.

“The council believes in rehabilitation, and has services which provide this. However, Mr Goodwillie has not expressed any contrition in relation to the rape which the court found he had committed in the civil action against him. In re-signing Mr Goodwillie, Clyde FC has not acknowledged that background or community concerns, instead choosing to focus on enabling Mr Goodwillie to play football.

“We regret that this action is necessary. However, the council has a responsibility to the wider community to act, and to send a clear signal that abuse must not be tolerated.

“We also note that some people have questioned why the council is only taking action now given that Mr Goodwillie has played for Clyde for a number of years.  

“For clarity, the stadium was previously under the control of North Lanarkshire Leisure Ltd which, while previously paid by the council for management of a range of services and facilities, is a separate legal entity. The council was unable to direct the company in relation to this matter. The stadium, and all the services of the company, have reverted to direct council control.”

Celtic involved in civil action about sexual abuse at the club.

Celtic deny responsibility.

Celtic B play at the Excelsior stadium.

I'll await North Lanarkshire's response if the civil action goes against Celtic.
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1 hour ago, latapythelegend said:

Clyde have shot themselves in the foot big time but it says a lot about the womens team, council etc that they were happy with him being at the club 5/6 weeks ago (or at least weren't arsed about speaking up about it).

On the contrary, the whole point of speaking up is to let other people feel they no longer need to keep quiet. If Clyde Ladies had quit at some arbitrary point prior to the Raith implosion it would have been unlikely to have made the same splash. NLC of course have been trying to get rid for years and get no brownie points here.

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