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The official Boris pm cluster-fuck thread


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9 minutes ago, Michael W said:

The party has managed to lose voters that backed it almost unconditionally for years, with them now turning to a party that they have simultaneously hated for years instead. How can the Labour Party not be to blame for a lot of this?

They haven't been in control of events for the last 11 years I accept, but they are in control of reacting to these events and have been given a giant Foxtrot Oscar from voters in many of their now former heartlands. 

Because each individual casts their own vote. If they choose to do so in a way that flies in the face of indisputable evidence that they are harming their own interests, what would you suggest the Labour Party do? If they were to be open, honest and truthful about their plans, and the conseqiuences of them, how much airtime would they get? Abuse and ridicule would be the order of the day - nobody really gave a fúck about Corbyn until it looked as if Labour might win the 17 GE, when the full force of the media was turned against him. Against him, note, not the manifesto. And, as the footballisation of politics continued, the entire country, other than about 5% of the population who would not exactly have been on their arse bones, "voted against Corbyn". Not against a sustainable energy policy, not against free tertiary education, not against nationalised rail, not against a National Investment bank, not against a fairer tax system which asked the well-off to help those less fortunate. No, these were all popular policies.

But for some reason, the overwhelmingly left-leaning press and broadcast media* didn't report the policies which would have improved our society and offered our kids a future. No, they stuck a picture of Corbyn against a ed background with a photoshopped hat to show his "communist" leanings - safe in the knowledge that the vast majority would make the required connection, despite Communism having fallen over thrty years ago. They continued to press the links with the IRA - where he was openly involved in the beginnings of the Peace Process while Margaret "we will not negotiate with terrorists" Thatcher was secretly sending her minions across the Irish Sea to, er, negotiate with terrorists.

Stiil, he lost, eh? Thank fúck for that. Now, peasants, get back to whichever of your zero-hours jobs you're lucky enough to get hours in today, pick up your wee pay packet and sleep easy in the knowledge that you played your part in averting this national crisis. Just take care never to get poor, old or sick - because production units at less than 100% efficiency are good only for Channel 5 Documentaries.

*Yeah, I know - but that is still a viewpoint espoused by many. Seriously.

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3 minutes ago, NotThePars said:


Labour’s messaging has been broadly dreadful for the last 10+ years and the party has taken its heartlands for granted for far longer and refusing to acknowledge that and blaming it on the thicko voters concedes miles of ground in setting the agenda to Tony Blair and Epstein creeps like Peter Mandelson.

"messaging", ffs. This is not a fucking game. These are politicians. Don't listen to what they say - look at what they do. That vote of yours? It wasn't the Establishment's gift. Universal sufrage was a hard-fought right won over centuries. It'sd not asking a lot for voters to treat it with a bit more respect than a call to the fucking X-factor.

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"messaging", ffs. This is not a fucking game. These are politicians. Don't listen to what they say - look at what they do. That vote of yours? It wasn't the Establishment's gift. Universal sufrage was a hard-fought right won over centuries. It'sd not asking a lot for voters to treat it with a bit more respect than a call to the fucking X-factor.

Who are you talking to here? I have the necessary mental illness that means I spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about politics (look at Pato’s graph on my post count in here) but a ton of people don’t and usually get their understanding of politics beamed into them from numerous places, one of which being from the messaging that political parties put out. In an ideal world people would have the time and inclination to spend their time thoroughly examining where they vote and even why they should but they don’t for a myriad number of reasons which means that it’s up to political parties to sell their vision.

If your posts are just about catharsis then fair enough but if you actually believe that a party shouldn’t work on its messaging to appeal directly to voters then I’ve no idea what you expect to happen because it reads like a dorlomin caricature of how the left think of the electorate: as stupid ungrateful c***s who don’t know how good they can have it.
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3 hours ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

"messaging", ffs. This is not a fucking game. These are politicians. Don't listen to what they say - look at what they do. That vote of yours? It wasn't the Establishment's gift. Universal sufrage was a hard-fought right won over centuries. It'sd not asking a lot for voters to treat it with a bit more respect than a call to the fucking X-factor.

Just what I was saying about treating the voting system with due respect.

You are correct.

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That seemed unnecessarily angry
Angry? Undoubtedly.

Unnecessary? Only if we're expected to accept our kids are going to be worse off than us, have fewer opportunities than us, worse healthcare than us, and probably die earlier than us. All while those in power continue to suck the public purse dry.

Personally, I'm not.
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On 12/05/2021 at 13:05, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Couple of things.

First, my argument is that the GBP is uneducated in what they are voting for.

Secondly, the tories have never put food banks anywhere. They leave that kind of soft-hearted nonsense to "the Charity Sector" - i.e. decent people who can't bear to see the disadvantaged literally starve to death in what should be a wealthy society.

That you think any of the blame for this situation attaches to Labour probably says more about you than you would like it to.

The tory austerity governance has been the creator of food banks.

They spend billions on submarines and nuclear missiles and are content to have people eating out of food banks.

And they have the fuckin audicity to consider the uk a first world power when their citizens depend on charity to exist.

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Sleaze inquiry into Boris's £15,000 Mustique holiday with Carrie finds him guilty of failing to reveal how freebie villa break was financed and it was worth double what he declared - but PM REFUSES to accept ruling
Boris Johnson enjoyed a Mustique holiday in 2019 with fiancee Carrie Symonds
Parliamentary watchdog said Mr Johnson's break was double what he declared
PM told Miss Stone they got the villa for half price, Daily Mail has learned in leak
Kathryn Stone said bill had not been met by David Ross, as Mr Johnson claimed 
Mr Johnson claimed villas on the Caribbean island are swapped like time-share


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Priti Patel in £20m PPE lobbying storm: Home Secretary is accused of 'glaring' breach of Ministerial Code after writing to Michael Gove on behalf of healthcare firm to seal surgical masks deal
Priti Patel lobbied Michael Gove in April last year over a £20million contract
Efforts failed after Matt Hancock decided masks were 'not suitable for the NHS' 
Accused last night of a 'glaring and flagrant' breach of the Ministerial Code 
Labour have  now demanded an inquiry by Cabinet Secretary Simon Case


Something's happening over at the Daily Mail.

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6 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:


Priti Patel in £20m PPE lobbying storm: Home Secretary is accused of 'glaring' breach of Ministerial Code after writing to Michael Gove on behalf of healthcare firm to seal surgical masks deal
Priti Patel lobbied Michael Gove in April last year over a £20million contract
Efforts failed after Matt Hancock decided masks were 'not suitable for the NHS' 
Accused last night of a 'glaring and flagrant' breach of the Ministerial Code 
Labour have  now demanded an inquiry by Cabinet Secretary Simon Case


Something's happening over at the Daily Mail.

With the Telegraph going downmarket to appeal to the blue rinse gammonati and having first dibs on the Tories press releases and The Express going pure Commando book jingoistic Britnattery the are getting squeezed out. They need to get a few tory bad stories out so they don't forget who their real bosses are.

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3 hours ago, btb said:

New allegations over BJs Caribbean holiday, that it's nominal value was worth twice the £15k declared at the time - oops sorry @Baxter Parp

I thought it was a bit shady at the time...

The tories historically are continually mired in sleaze and corruption, it's part of the tory DNA.

And yet the likes of Fud Fraser dons his holier than thou demeanor and interrogates Nicola Sturgeon and demands she resign on what she knew and when, and yet his masters are lining their fuckin pockets and not a fuckin peep out of him, unavailable for interviews.

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