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The official Boris pm cluster-fuck thread


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Guest Bob Mahelp
1 minute ago, Michael W said:

As to when Johnson will go, he goes when he is no longer of use to the Conservative Party and not before. Their MPs will put up with his pish as embarrassing as it is until they are consistently behind in the polls. When their election prospects start to look bleak, they'll cut him loose in an instant.


Absolutely this. 

Wearily, we should all note that the 'Boris factor'......the fact that he's a lying, cheating, sleazebag and coward......is already built into people's perception of him. 

We live in times where diplomatic and political ability mean nothing to huge swathes of people. Populism trumps all, and that populism gives the Tories the power that they crave. 

As long as Johnson keeps them in power, he could eat babies, invade Belgium and sell the NHS to North Korea, and the Tories wouldn't give a feck. 


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6 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

Absolutely this. 

Wearily, we should all note that the 'Boris factor'......the fact that he's a lying, cheating, sleazebag and coward......is already built into people's perception of him. 

We live in times where diplomatic and political ability mean nothing to huge swathes of people. Populism trumps all, and that populism gives the Tories the power that they crave. 

As long as Johnson keeps them in power, he could eat babies, invade Belgium and sell the NHS to North Korea, and the Tories wouldn't give a feck. 


It's bewildering, but it's correct. They tolerate him because he is perversely popular with voters. OK, 'popular' is a bit of a stretch, but he seems to be liked by some voters that usually wouldn't go near the Tories. 

Is it just Brexit? He can't drag this one out forever - yes there are still components of Brexit still being fought (NI Protocol), but he won 'the war': Brexit happened. The hardcore kicking and screaming for another vote have been defeated and are an increasing Twitter irrelevance, whilst bad news stories on Brexit fail to bother those that voted for it. He can ride those out without too much issue.

Is it his persona? Can't argue that he's charismatic and always positive, but it stands up to no scrutiny - his promises are worth about as much as a German Mark was in 1923 and everything he says is absolute bollocks. That stuff today was just weird and embarrassing, the sort of thing you'd expect from a grad scheme employee who was thrown in with no prep whatsoever. He says a lot of things, some of which all very positive which I'm sure people want to hear rather than negativity, but he never delivers on them. I think we've probably just about all worked with someone like that and we end up hating their guts. Doesn't seem to register with Johnson though. 

Is it that people think he's one of them? Really, I truly don't get this but it seems to resonate with some people. He's of a privileged background and therefore the answer in the vast majority of cases is 'no', but looking beyond his wealth background and into his private life, he really is a dreadful man. 

I don't get why remains relatively popular, but more importantly the Labour Party can't seem to understand it either. Or perhaps more worryingly, they don't want to understand why a clown continues to get away with it as it might prompt some seriously difficult self-reflection. 

Quite a lot of Tory MPs seem to hbe quite fed up with him, but yet they never speak out. Maybe fear is one thing, but if he's not costing them votes, it's a risk they don't want to take either.

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Guest Bob Mahelp

It is a fact that (mostly in England, but not exclusively) social values have become increasingly right wing, while economic values have remained mostly in the centre ground, maybe even slightly left of centre. 

A perfect breeding ground for populism. Throw in a 'maverick' politician who promises to clamp down on immigration while at the same time loosening government purse strings for massive projects, and 'levelling up', and Johnson's moment had come. 

I'm tempted to say that it began with the Brexit campaign, but it didn't. It began with the poison of UKIP and Farage, the fact that they were allowed such heavy publicity while being essentially a minority party of extremists, and the fear that is installed in the Tories. 

Johnson has never been at heart a foreigner hating, anti centralist on the lunatic fringes of the Tories.  But he was prepared to wear that persona to gain power.....he's almost certainly the most maleable PM this country has ever had, shape-shifting according to whichever way he sees the wind blowing. 

While Brexit wasn't the catalyst, it certainly created a vacuum in British politics which left Labour floundering and which has been eagerly filled by the right, with Johnson simply being the figurehead for a cabal of nastly, eveil fuckers behind him. 

Maybe one day UK voters will get sick of him, and at that point he'll be gone. The Tories will be watching closley though to see if the UK sickens of right wing populism at the same time, that'll dictate who replaces him. 



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1 hour ago, Soapy FFC said:

To be cynical, it could have been a pre-planned "screw up" to deflect attention away from the social care vote in Parliament today.

Always good to be cynical but in this case it"s just a case of him being totally incompetent, out of his depth and more suited to just watching Peppa Pig. Man's a buffoon.

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19 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

It is a fact that (mostly in England, but not exclusively) social values have become increasingly right wing, while economic values have remained mostly in the centre ground, maybe even slightly left of centre. 

A perfect breeding ground for populism. Throw in a 'maverick' politician who promises to clamp down on immigration while at the same time loosening government purse strings for massive projects, and 'levelling up', and Johnson's moment had come. 

I'm tempted to say that it began with the Brexit campaign, but it didn't. It began with the poison of UKIP and Farage, the fact that they were allowed such heavy publicity while being essentially a minority party of extremists, and the fear that is installed in the Tories. 

Johnson has never been at heart a foreigner hating, anti centralist on the lunatic fringes of the Tories.  But he was prepared to wear that persona to gain power.....he's almost certainly the most maleable PM this country has ever had, shape-shifting according to whichever way he sees the wind blowing. 

While Brexit wasn't the catalyst, it certainly created a vacuum in British politics which left Labour floundering and which has been eagerly filled by the right, with Johnson simply being the figurehead for a cabal of nastly, eveil fuckers behind him. 

Maybe one day UK voters will get sick of him, and at that point he'll be gone. The Tories will be watching closley though to see if the UK sickens of right wing populism at the same time, that'll dictate who replaces him. 

Initially by billionaire press barons, surely they couldn't have had ulterior motives?

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Guest Bob Mahelp
10 minutes ago, Detournement said:

The UK does not hold 'centre left' economic values. 

Fair enough. I respect your opinion on that, but I think that as a kind of 'general yardstick' it's often accepted that UK voters have more 'central' (let's call it that) economic tendancies than social tendancies. 

2 minutes ago, btb said:

Initially by billionaire press barons, surely they couldn't have had ulterior motives?

Absolutely. Farage is effectively a creation of the right wing media. Shamefully, the BBC also played its part in propelling him into public consciousness.

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Guest Bob Mahelp

According to The Telegraph tonight...and this absolutely true....Boris Johnson's speech was 'an inadvertent success'. 

Now, I realise that we're talking about a newspaper that comparitively few people read, but this is the level of propaganda that right wing newspapers generate. The Express online, as far as I can see, doesn't even mention it. 

Johnson is their man. They put him there, and they'll do whatever they can to keep him in power. 

Welcome to the UK in 2021.



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4 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

According to The Telegraph tonight...and this absolutely true....Boris Johnson's speech was 'an inadvertent success'. 

Now, I realise that we're talking about a newspaper that comparitively few people read, but this is the level of propaganda that right wing newspapers generate. The Express online, as far as I can see, doesn't even mention it. 

Johnson is their man. They put him there, and they'll do whatever they can to keep him in power. 

Welcome to the UK in 2021.



Johnson doubleplusgood, Starmer doupleplusungood.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
10 minutes ago, MONKMAN said:

Imagine the state of people, who’d actually consider voting for a party led by this moron. Actual working class people out there vote for this idiot. 

That's because these people are died-in-the-wool, uneducated, thick as f**k, moronic arseholes. 


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14 minutes ago, MONKMAN said:

Imagine the state of people, who’d actually consider voting for a party led by this moron. Actual working class people out there vote for this idiot. 


Ah yes, but that moron "got Brexit done" and the donkeys knew what they were voting for.


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Other than Brexit BawJaws hasn't had to deliver any of the policies he was elected on thanks to Covid, until now. And it looks very much like he's failing to deliver on all of them, and more importantly he doesn't seem to be able to spin shafting pensioners, the channel boats crisis, the levelling up and railway betrayals, and so forth as massive wins. He is undoubtedly losing his touch, is putting the b*****ds iron grip on power in jeopardy and I can see him getting knifed in the back sooner rather than later tbh.

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10 hours ago, Bob Mahelp said:

According to The Telegraph tonight...and this absolutely true....Boris Johnson's speech was 'an inadvertent success'. 

Now, I realise that we're talking about a newspaper that comparitively few people read, but this is the level of propaganda that right wing newspapers generate. The Express online, as far as I can see, doesn't even mention it. 

Johnson is their man. They put him there, and they'll do whatever they can to keep him in power. 

Welcome to the UK in 2021.



Were they not saying it was a success because it dominated the media all day rather than the details of the care bill?

So fewer members of the public would have contacted their Tory MP about their vote last night helping Johnson to get the bill through. 

It's all stage mananged.

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Talking about in conspiratorial terms like that gives people like Johnson far more credit than they deserve. They’re not that smart and the press releasing a pressure valve on them for the first time in 4 years should show that they’re not invincible either.

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