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The official Boris pm cluster-fuck thread


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People keep talking about today's shite as a deadcat or the press pressure over the party as a stand in for the hundreds of thousands dead either through austerity or the criminal negligence of the government over the last 21 months but it's worth minding that a good 14 million voters and the press don't give a shite about those people dying.

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"Some of the Tory backbenchers looked furious. The others just appeared bewildered to have been fooled for so long. Taken for mugs, like the rest of the country. But they needn’t have been. After all, Boris Johnson was always going to be Boris Johnson. A liar is gonna lie. He speaks, he lies. He’s a man without moral authority who degrades and poisons everything with which he comes in contact. A sociopath whose main pleasures are self-preservation and laughing at those to whom he has a duty of care."


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8 hours ago, Thane of Cawdor said:

Someone on P&B previously mentioned potential Tory defectors, I think the most likely candidate is pictured above, She was on HIGNFY recently, and whilst she took everything in good part, seemed to be well aware of how shit the Tories are. Also, unlike defecting MPs, she has a job for life.

She'd be competent enough, but plenty others with more clout within the party would want it before her.. and that's what matters.

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10 hours ago, ICTJohnboy said:


That's pretty damning isn't it?

If it does transpire that he participated in any of these parties, and then subsequently lied to, or misled the House, then he's toast.


Not much of a party if toast is on the menu.

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9 hours ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

I suppose it is possible that some of the most secure buildings in the country have no record of who entered the buildings on what date and at what time, and who they were seeing, and when they left. 

Possible, but I don't believe it is in the least likely. 


(Edit. One of my sons works for a local charity. He can't enter the building without using his pass to gain entry, or leave without "clocking out". A visitors' book records others' entry and exit times and who they were meeting. They'd be able to say who, if anyone, was in the premises on 18 December last year, and for how long. The notion that government buildings in Downing Street can't provide these details is either a national security disaster or absolutely laughable.)

Every single visitor to Number 10 will be accounted for on every occasion.  Security will be incredibly tight and no way anyone, whether politician or journalist, can get in without security knowing about it.  I saw Boris on the news last night raising the restrictions in England and when the camera panned round to a journalist for a question you could see two armed policemen in the room.  There will have been armed police in the building during this party too.

It's a tricky one for a journalist who attended the party - they will be sitting on quite possibly the scoop of the decade but would lose their job if they were to reveal all.  Whilst everyone present will have been told to keep quiet and absolutely no photos - I would imagine that there will still be photos out there  - taken surreptitiously on someones phone.  Laura K always seems to have "sources in Number 10" - amazing this is the first time she has none - and apparenlty dozens of options.......

Personally I hope Boris retains his job and has a few more of these dodgy lying episodes....turn quite a few of the dyed in the wool Tories from NO to YES perhaps


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10 minutes ago, Caledonian1 said:

Every single visitor to Number 10 will be accounted for on every occasion.  Security will be incredibly tight and no way anyone, whether politician or journalist, can get in without security knowing about it.  I saw Boris on the news last night raising the restrictions in England and when the camera panned round to a journalist for a question you could see two armed policemen in the room.  There will have been armed police in the building during this party too.

It's a tricky one for a journalist who attended the party - they will be sitting on quite possibly the scoop of the decade but would lose their job if they were to reveal all.  Whilst everyone present will have been told to keep quiet and absolutely no photos - I would imagine that there will still be photos out there  - taken surreptitiously on someones phone.  Laura K always seems to have "sources in Number 10" - amazing this is the first time she has none - and apparenlty dozens of options.......

Personally I hope Boris retains his job and has a few more of these dodgy lying episodes....turn quite a few of the dyed in the wool Tories from NO to YES perhaps


The amount of lies Johnson's told has just about brought him to Sturgeon's level.  I honestly hope he goes now.

He's entertaining and gets things done, but we need a fresh face.

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1 hour ago, Caledonian1 said:

Every single visitor to Number 10 will be accounted for on every occasion.  Security will be incredibly tight and no way anyone, whether politician or journalist, can get in without security knowing about it.  I saw Boris on the news last night raising the restrictions in England and when the camera panned round to a journalist for a question you could see two armed policemen in the room.  There will have been armed police in the building during this party too.

It's a tricky one for a journalist who attended the party - they will be sitting on quite possibly the scoop of the decade but would lose their job if they were to reveal all.  Whilst everyone present will have been told to keep quiet and absolutely no photos - I would imagine that there will still be photos out there  - taken surreptitiously on someones phone.  Laura K always seems to have "sources in Number 10" - amazing this is the first time she has none - and apparenlty dozens of options.......

Personally I hope Boris retains his job and has a few more of these dodgy lying episodes....turn quite a few of the dyed in the wool Tories from NO to YES perhaps


Rishi Sunak is the occupant of the living accommodation at Number 10. This is a practice followed since Blair and Brown did a house swap. Given the apparent close relationship between Sunak and Stratton, he may have something to contribute to the discussion.

Johnson and family actually occupy Number 11.  Johnson should have been banging on the wall demanding that they keep the fucking noise down or, alternatively, next door with a bottle asking if he could join in.

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He lied to his own commissioner on standards that he didn't know where the money came from as there are whatsapps asking the guy for more. 

When Boris gets the report from his standards adviser into the lies Boris told to his standards adviser Boris is going to have a very difficult decision to make as to whether Boris should resign or not. Joke country.



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