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Scotland's Shame

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She’s not just some “old bird” though is she? How many other “old birds” do you know who have used £12 million of public money to help cover up people trafficking and sex offences? Or have been head of state when multiple atrocities have been committed? You’re being deliberately obtuse by claiming you don’t see a difference between her a old Isa down the road in her council house. 

I don’t disagree with your thoughts. However, I just don’t see the point in making up banners when she has just croaked it. I’m very much against the royal family but just I don’t feel the need to revel in her death
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6 hours ago, Buckets said:

There were more much more offensive anti monarchy protests and banners tonight than at the Celtic game. If it offends you look the other way because it won’t stop. By all means mourn your loss but don’t get offended when others don’t. The Empire isn’t all that popular outside the UK so your best just to do what you feel is right and not worry about others. Irish people have been singing about their patriots and independence for hundreds of years and will be doing the same in a hundred years from now. And the same is true in all countries that won their independence from Britain. So commemorate your Queen in your own way among your own likeminded people. But let other’s do what they see fit and try and have an open mind or just ignore it. Either way you’ll never change it.

If Celtic were an Irish football club then you may have a point, an albeit slim one. But just as the island of  Ireland is not British Celtic, however much you may wish it different, are not Irish. Their founders have Irish roots in the same way that Millwall's founders have Scottish roots. No one would seriously suggest Millwall are a Scottish club. And anyway how many forward thinking people in Ireland in the 21st Century still belt out the historical 'rebel songs' that Celtic fans revere ? Similar to Scots who still sing about William Wallace, Robert The Bruce & Bonnie Prince Charlie I'd wager. A small, quaint and slightly eccentric minority.  I'm proud to be Scottish and British and I want us to be a republic. I just don't think little bhoy banners spouting abuse helps that cause.


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7 hours ago, Hoose Rice said:

Sorry, cat got your tongue? 

The subject is Scotlands Shame. 

A group of fans representing a Scottish club abroad singing IRA songs is shameful and scummy.  Agreed? 


I don’t really care to be honest, I’m not Irish. 

But it’s obviously a good way to deflect from the argument for you 

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20 minutes ago, Aufc said:

 However, I just don’t see the point in making up banners

Hilarious isn't it. Groups that want to portray the image of being football hard men and ultras who stand up for the ideologies of their clubs (and religions it seems) all gathering around one guys house on an evening with some paper and paints to do 'Arts and crafts night'. Kind of like toddlers in nursery getting to do playtime and make some pretty pictures for mummy and daddy to be proud. All under the guise of in preparation of the upcoming big game.

Bit pathetic really when you think deeper into it.

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It’s not the content of the Green Brigade banners that offends me. As a retired graphic designer, it’s that w**k typeface they keep using on their banners that offends me. Gie’s a good solid Gill Sans Bold or something. Scotland’s shame indeed.

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Both sets of fans are complete scumbags generally but it’s hard to criticize Sevco for their display, you wouldn’t expect anything else from them due to the whole GSTQ mantra they have.
But again overall they are both absolute scumbags.

You would think for such ardent Royalists they would know that the Queen was Elizabeth I of Scotland (and the UK) and not Elizabeth II.
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2 hours ago, kennie makevin said:

If Celtic were an Irish football club then you may have a point, an albeit slim one. But just as the island of  Ireland is not British Celtic, however much you may wish it different, are not Irish. Their founders have Irish roots in the same way that Millwall's founders have Scottish roots. No one would seriously suggest Millwall are a Scottish club. And anyway how many forward thinking people in Ireland in the 21st Century still belt out the historical 'rebel songs' that Celtic fans revere ? Similar to Scots who still sing about William Wallace, Robert The Bruce & Bonnie Prince Charlie I'd wager. A small, quaint and slightly eccentric minority.  I'm proud to be Scottish and British and I want us to be a republic. I just don't think little bhoy banners spouting abuse helps that cause.


I'm not getting into a debate about Celtic's identity or how people should feel and think.  There is foreign communities in every country that keep their ancestral links alive even if individuals only have parents of grandparents born there. There is plenty of examples in Scotland among immigrant communities. You may see it as them not integrating and assimilating but you can't police identity. 

I was actually reading about Welsh communities in Argentina the other day which I found very interesting. Now maybe these people are subject to ridicule in Argentina and get called plastic Welsh men and told they are Argentinian but its not a route I would go down. You can put what you want on a passport but you can't make people identify with what you want them to. Anyway the point is a lot of people identify with Irish and Scottish history rather than British whether we like it or not. 

As for rebels songs in Ireland? Walk into any pub playing live music on a Saturday night. Usually they're not singing Coldplay.

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1 hour ago, pozbaird said:

It’s not the content of the Green Brigade banners that offends me. As a retired graphic designer, it’s that w**k typeface they keep using on their banners that offends me. Gie’s a good solid Gill Sans Bold or something. Scotland’s shame indeed.

Century Gothic FTW IMO

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4 hours ago, bdu98196 said:

Hilarious isn't it. Groups that want to portray the image of being football hard men and ultras who stand up for the ideologies of their clubs (and religions it seems) all gathering around one guys house on an evening with some paper and paints to do 'Arts and crafts night'. Kind of like toddlers in nursery getting to do playtime and make some pretty pictures for mummy and daddy to be proud. All under the guise of in preparation of the upcoming big game.

Bit pathetic really when you think deeper into it.

Bet they get on the Sports Direct black joggers and jumpers when they do it too.  Its utterly omni-tragic.

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