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Best city to live and work in Scotland is....


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Shite country if Aberdeen makes it 6th ffs. Drab, dull place with little character and less to do. Is it because of the beach area? Is that the difference here because it's not enough.

f**k all music scene unless you like shitey chart club pish, except for Tropicana which hardly constitutes an alternative scene.

Full of wanky, overpriced resteraunts all trying to appear up market but failing spectacularly.

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Shite country if Aberdeen makes it 6th ffs. Drab, dull place with little character and less to do. Is it because of the beach area? Is that the difference here because it's not enough.

f**k all music scene unless you like shitey chart club pish, except for Tropicana which hardly constitutes an alternative scene.

Full of wanky, overpriced resteraunts all trying to appear up market but failing spectacularly.

Drab and dull - will give you that on a dreich day, but granite sparkles in the sunshine

Beach - not sure about that - naturally great, but the developments there could be better

Little character - don’t agree - there are some unique old world parts of the city - and places like Rosemount Viaduct and even Union Street are built on a series of arches - got to love that

Music scene - getting on now, but Tunnels, Drummond, Blue Lamp, Lemon Tree are a few alternatives I can think to Tropicana for different musical tastes

Restaurants - some come and go and can be wanky- but also some mainstays that are very good

I don’t live in the city anymore, but still work there and my family lives there - prefer rustic life in my older age and go 20 miles or so west and it’s cracking countryside up Deeside and Donside.

Presumably all this means we are fractionally better than Edinburgh?
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Quite liked Aberdeen for a weekender. Not one of the tragedies that's into the "HUR HUR GLASGOW IS SHITE" patter either. Most towns in Scotland have got something going for them.

Until Gorgie becomes gentrified it's still Edinburgh for me, however.



In fact, f**k it. Rankings:

1. Edinburgh - looks best.

2. Glasgow - drinks best.

3. Aberdeen - chips best.

4-10 available upon request



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I'll give you parts of Deeside, even near Garthdee it's beautiful on a sunny day and I spent a lot of time there.
Mainly to stay away from the city centre. A boring, grey pit of despair. Build on arches? Couldn't give a f**k mate, it's utter Shite.

Granite sparkles aye? Naw, I'm telling you Aberdeen doesn't sparkle. Their ONLY nice area in the city centre was right in front of Marischal College where they should have build a small park with space for people to enjoy lunch in front of the grand old place. What did they do? Build a big, stupid wanky hotel that destroys any character left.

Hazelhead Park is nice and the parkrun there is terrific. But it's miles away from the centre so if you don't own a car you're fucked.

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