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Celtic 1 - 2 Rangers. Glasgow is Red, White and Blue

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3 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Nah, despite the bad press he gets on here, he can't compete with the clown who wrote that piece.

This flailing around by Celtic fans when confronted by the possibility that they might not keep winning everything in sight in perpetuity, really is quite something.

Aye, that hasn't actually happened yet, they are still (just about) winning everything, and they're in a lather about it maybe not lasting.

When the circle turns - and it will - and Rangers (I can't see any other team winning the league) become top dogs again (with the rest of us getting the odd cup) it will be as big a physchological shock to Celtic fans as Celtic's emergence under Stein was to the Rangers' fans of that generation.

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42 minutes ago, Romeo said:

This thread seems to be more popular with Aberdeen fans that the Aberdeen thread.

I wonder why?

The second Celtic poster to go full Kincardine in recent times.

Your club are thrashing around making an utter c**t of themselves. Take your medicine.

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40 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

The second Celtic poster to go full Kincardine in recent times.

Your club are thrashing around making an utter c**t of themselves. Take your medicine.

You still following me around?

And Aberdeen fans content that their club only makes a complete c**t of itself with tear stained tweets from it's chairman when there's no break? #fairnessforall 😪

All pretty standard stuff.

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12 minutes ago, Romeo said:

You still following me around?

And Aberdeen fans content that their club only makes a complete c**t of itself with tear stained tweets from it's chairman when there's no break? #fairnessforall 😪

All pretty standard stuff.

Image result for cheryl cole ok gif"

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19 minutes ago, Romeo said:

You still following me around?

And Aberdeen fans content that their club only makes a complete c**t of itself with tear stained tweets from it's chairman when there's no break? #fairnessforall 😪

All pretty standard stuff.


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18 hours ago, bennett said:

Ten days later.....


My first thoughts when I read about the Ryan Christie decision was to write to SFA CEO Ian Maxwell, but then I thought again, I’ve written to Maxwell on numerous occasions and had one reply, so I won’t waste any more of my time writing to him direct, instead I’ll write this open letter to him.

Mr Maxwell,
In all walks of life there are Leaders, and there are followers, you basically tend to be one or the other. I thought when you were appointed to your present job that you would be a Leader, but it would appear that you are indeed a follower, just who you are following I’m not entirely sure, but I’m fairly sure they are not season ticket holders at Celtic park.
The latest episode from the SFA Compliance Officer Clare Whyte is quite baffling, if not disturbing, as is the continuing lack of transparency from within the SFA in general, and in particular within the disciplinary process, for instance it’s been 17 months since the beginning of the investigation into the issuing of a European Licence to Oldco Rangers, and still no decision.
The incident involving Ryan Christie and Alfredo Morelos at Celtic Park recently looked like an accidental collision between two players, something that happens regularly in all levels of football, and while Ryan is a competitive player, I don’t think he would be in any list compiled of dirty players in Scotland, I think there would more chance of Mr Morelos making that type of list


I accept that you don’t personally deal with individual disciplinary cases, but this is where the Leaders come into their own, when processes are failing, Leaders change the process, followers sit on their backside and do nothing, so what are you doing Mr Maxwell? I hope you have a comfy seat.
Last season one of the players involved, Morelos was involved in not one, but three separate incidents, involving three different Celtic Players, the match official John Beaton did nothing, and when Morelos was cited, Beaton claimed he saw all three incidents, and no action was required. If that action by Beaton was not Corrupt, then he is the most Incapable Official in Scottish Football, and believe me, you would need to be really bad to achieve that lowly position


Celtic Football Club have supplied the backbone for the Scottish National Team for many years, I don’t know what influence the club has with players taking part in International Football, but I would be talking to those players involved with Scotland, one of whom is Ryan Christie.
The Celtic Support are at breaking point with the SFA, we have been getting shafted by them almost since our inception, we are very close to getting a reaction. The Celtic Support contribute more into Scottish Football than any other set of supporters, we have single-handedly kept the lights on at Hampden for many years. You might find that will change in the not too distant future. That will only change if you change, will you? I very mugh doubt it


Joe O’Rourke,
General Secretary,
Celtic Supporters Association


I like how he starts by saying he won't waste his time. Then writes screeds of presumably (I didn't read it) whingeing victim crap


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27 minutes ago, GNU_Linux said:

It's goimg to be a long winter break isn't it?

This sort of wailing, victimhood pish will certainly shorten it

21 hours ago, bennett said:



My first thoughts when I read about the Ryan Christie decision was to write to SFA CEO Ian Maxwell, but then I thought again, I’ve written to Maxwell on numerous occasions and had one reply, so I won’t waste any more of my time writing to him direct, instead I’ll write this open letter to him.

Mr Maxwell,
In all walks of life there are Leaders, and there are followers, you basically tend to be one or the other. I thought when you were appointed to your present job that you would be a Leader, but it would appear that you are indeed a follower, just who you are following I’m not entirely sure, but I’m fairly sure they are not season ticket holders at Celtic park.
The latest episode from the SFA Compliance Officer Clare Whyte is quite baffling, if not disturbing, as is the continuing lack of transparency from within the SFA in general, and in particular within the disciplinary process, for instance it’s been 17 months since the beginning of the investigation into the issuing of a European Licence to Oldco Rangers, and still no decision.
The incident involving Ryan Christie and Alfredo Morelos at Celtic Park recently looked like an accidental collision between two players, something that happens regularly in all levels of football, and while Ryan is a competitive player, I don’t think he would be in any list compiled of dirty players in Scotland, I think there would more chance of Mr Morelos making that type of list


I accept that you don’t personally deal with individual disciplinary cases, but this is where the Leaders come into their own, when processes are failing, Leaders change the process, followers sit on their backside and do nothing, so what are you doing Mr Maxwell? I hope you have a comfy seat.
Last season one of the players involved, Morelos was involved in not one, but three separate incidents, involving three different Celtic Players, the match official John Beaton did nothing, and when Morelos was cited, Beaton claimed he saw all three incidents, and no action was required. If that action by Beaton was not Corrupt, then he is the most Incapable Official in Scottish Football, and believe me, you would need to be really bad to achieve that lowly position


Celtic Football Club have supplied the backbone for the Scottish National Team for many years, I don’t know what influence the club has with players taking part in International Football, but I would be talking to those players involved with Scotland, one of whom is Ryan Christie.
The Celtic Support are at breaking point with the SFA, we have been getting shafted by them almost since our inception, we are very close to getting a reaction. The Celtic Support contribute more into Scottish Football than any other set of supporters, we have single-handedly kept the lights on at Hampden for many years. You might find that will change in the not too distant future. That will only change if you change, will you? I very mugh doubt it


Joe O’Rourke,
General Secretary,
Celtic Supporters Association



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