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Ethical veganism protected by law

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14 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Give me animals over people any day of the week.

Humans are a parasitical pest on the rest of the planet and the sooner we become extinct the better for every other species.

Tedious try hard, tediously trying hard...

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Guest Moomintroll
Give me animals over people any day of the week.
Humans are a parasitical pest on the rest of the planet and the sooner we become extinct the better for every other species.
Please practice what you preach.
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14 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Give me animals over people any day of the week.

Humans are a parasitical pest on the rest of the planet and the sooner we become extinct the better for every other species.

Apart from species that have evolved to live off us and our environment, both domesticated (from Guinea pigs to sheep) and uninvited (pigeons, rats). 

I'd like to see how long a feral chihuahua lasts in the wild. 

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8 hours ago, coprolite said:

I'd like to see how long a feral chihuahua lasts in the wild. 

To be fair, they'd probably evolve into the canine equivalent of honey badgers. Only (a few) people want to go anywhere near them as it is.

I'm not really getting the distinction between an "ethical vegan" and what I'd always deemed veganism to be to be honest. Veganism has always been about more than simply consuming a plant-based diet but avoiding any products derived from animals in some way. If you were to speak to a sane vegan (they do exist) they'll tell you that their aim is simply to minimise the suffering they inflict on animals and not eating meat, eggs or dairy is an obvious decision in that regard. No ones disputes that animals are killed during the cultivation and harvesting of crops. Many vegans disagree with keeping any animal in captivity either domestic or wild but I do see an advantage of having healthy captive populations of animals that do well in captivity so I'm not dead set against zoos, wildlife parks and such.

We do have animals ourselves (both pet and exotic) but only adopt from reputable rescues or take from friends/family member that can no longer keep them for whatever reason. 

I wound up leaving a lot of the vegan groups I had joined when I decided to move from a vegetarian to vegan diet as there were too just too many militant folks. I got absolutely lambasted for feeding my dogs on meat for example when, to my mind at least, it'd be cruel to feed them on anything else. You'd also get folk who slated anyone that bought vegan food from fast food outlets that also serve animal products but then admitted to doing their shopping in a supermarket.

My partner will occasionally buy some high welfare meat to bung into a vegetable curry and I tend to just cook it all together. I prefer to waste less energy by cooking in one pot and if me consuming some chicken juice is the cost then I'm not going to get too upset. The end result is we're still using half the meat we'd use otherwise. 

I don't concern myself with other folks choices as I don't expect them to pass comment on mine. I've never argued face to face with anyone regarding it but do have fun winding up the gammony types on social media who get offended by stores offering vegan options.

I'd say it's pretty much impossible to be a fully-fledged "ethical vegan" in the western world. I avoid unnecessary journeys and don't really use my car during the week but not using public transport seems insane. Surely it makes more sense to reduce the number of vehicles requiring use?

I imagine most vegans would be insulted by me calling myself one so I tend not to.

Edited by Rizzo
My spelling is apparently not great.
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6 minutes ago, Rizzo said:

To be fair, they'd probably evolve into the canine equivalent of honey badgers. Only (a few) people want to go anywhere near them as it is.

I'm not really getting the distinction between an "ethical vegan" and what I'd always deemed veganism to be to be honest. Veganism has always been about more than simply consuming a plant-based diet but avoiding any products derived from animals in some way. If you were to speak to a sane vegan (they do exist) they'll tell you that their aim is simply to minimise the suffering they inflict on animals and not eating meat, eggs or dairy is an obvious decision in that regard. No ones disputes that animals are killed during the cultivation and harvesting of crops. Many vegans disagree with keeping any animal in captivity either domestic or wild but I do see an advantage of having healthy captive populations of animals that do well in captivity so I'm not dead set against zoos, wildlife parks and such.

We do have animals ourselves (both pet and exotic) but only adopt from reputable rescues or take from friends/family member that can no longer keep them for whatever reason. 

I wound up leaving a lot of the vegan groups I had joined when I decided to move from a vegetarian to vegan diet as there were too just too many militant folks. I got absolutely lambasted for feeding my dogs on meat for example when, to my mind at least, it'd be cruel to feed them on anything else. You'd also get folk who slated anyone that bought vegan food from fast food outlets that also serve animal products but then admitted to doing their shopping in a supermarket.

My partner will occasionally buy some high welfare meat to bung into a vegetable curry and I tend to just cook it all together. I prefer to waste less energy by cooking in one pot and if me consuming some chicken juice is the cost then I'm not going to get too upset. The end result is we're still using half the meat we'd use otherwise. 

I don't concern myself with other folks choices as I don't expect them to pass comment on mine. I've never argued face to face with anyone regarding it but do have fun winding up the gammony types on social media who get offended by stores offering vegan options.

I'd say it's pretty much impossible to be a fully-fledged "ethical vegan" in the western world. I avoid unnecessary journies and don't really use my car during the week but not using public transport seems insane. Surely it makes more sense to reduce the number of vehicles requiring use?

I imagine most vegans would be insulted by me calling myself one so I tend not to.

Most journalists are unnecessary nowadays, imho.

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10 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

I wonder how many humans need to live in order to maintain a decent standard of living for those that survive. As we begin to automate even farming crops, how many folk are needed to keep power, internet, sanitation, hospitals, universities going? I reckon it would be in the fairly low millions tbh, a lot of us are surplus to requirements.

Have you been read about technocracy? Dr Anthony Sutton or Patrick Wood?

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17 minutes ago, Rizzo said:

not eating meat, eggs or dairy

Wouldn't be much of a hardship to me giving up meat but eggs and cheese would seriously affect my quality of life. What if I kept chickens and goats and spoilt them rotten in exchange for eggs and milk?

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2 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Wouldn't be much of a hardship to me giving up meat but eggs and cheese would seriously affect my quality of life. What if I kept chickens and goats and spoilt them rotten in exchange for eggs and milk?

You might as well just eat the chicken and goat once they die then. It's a waste otherwise.

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5 minutes ago, sjc said:

You might as well just eat the chicken and goat once they die then. It's a waste otherwise.

It would be cruel not to, humiliating to be eaten by worms with a hungry friend and carer about.

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18 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Wouldn't be much of a hardship to me giving up meat but eggs and cheese would seriously affect my quality of life. What if I kept chickens and goats and spoilt them rotten in exchange for eggs and milk?

To be honest the only reason I no longer eat eggs is because we don't have hens any more. We did take some from a battery farm that still laid and they were nice pets (although the dogs were terrified of them).  Not something I'd have done if there weren't so many available for adoption.

Quite fancy adopting more but need to make some repairs to the run first. It was fun watching them transform from "oven ready" to fully feathered and healthy. 

Oven ready 👇


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54 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

No but that sounds interesting, any recommendations?

There are some good interviews with Patrick Wood with James Corbett on CorbettReport.com. search for technocracy on the site.

You can find Dr Antony Sutton interviews on YouTube. Wood actually worked with Sutton in the 70's.

A lot of it dates back as far as the 1910's/20's. Aldus Huxley was part of the "movement".

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1 hour ago, Rizzo said:

Veganism has always been about more than simply consuming a plant-based diet but avoiding any products derived from animals in some way.

Remember the howls of outrage when it was discovered that the new plastic fivers included a tiny percentage of animal product?

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The world has about 80% more humans than it needs or can sustain, and any times I see stuff about automation, basic income or the like in the news I always wonder how it factors in climate change and a world population that's going to reach 10 billion right around the time large parts of it become uninhabitable, not to mention the amount of arable land that'll be lost.

I look forward to the cull. 

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