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World War Three Watch


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9 minutes ago, Grant228 said:

Aye we're quite pally with Oman, train their Army, have a large excercise every now and then in Oman. 

Yep, they're on diplomatic terms with Iran. it's proper old fashioned balance of power stuff. Needs handled sensitively. 

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26 minutes ago, coprolite said:

Random factor thrown into the mix now. Power vacuum in Oman. 

We've got military bases there. I think the US do. The detached bit at the north could give strategic control of Gulf shipping. Still at loggerheads with Yemen and with a rapidly grown young and disaffected demographic. 

Transition could go smoothly if no outside parties try to influence it. And monkeys might fly out of my butt arse.

There's enough imponderable shit going on without you adding to it with that travesty.

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Not been the best of weeks if you’re a supporter of the Iranian Armed Forces.

First your top boy gets taken out in a precision strike. Then a stampede at his funeral kills 56 people. Then your ‘retaliation’ is a bunch of dud missiles which hurt no one and cause barely any damage.

Then you think the US has struck back (it hasn’t) and shoot down a plane full of your own people by mistake. Then you lie and try cover it up, before realising the whole world knows you’re lying and you won’t be able to fake news this away so decide to front up. The tragic incompetence is remarkable.

It’s like that Simpson’s episode where Homer is the trade union rep. At the end Burns goes ‘ I think we may have grossly over estimated the intelligence of our opponent ‘

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29 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

Theres yer Iran admitting to shooting down the passenger plane.

I always find it amusing when leaders of countries come out with their sentimental statements of sorrow (regardless of which side they're on) whenever a transitivity like this occurs. Yet they all have their fingers on the nuclear buttons ready to obliterate millions if it suits them politically to do so.

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17 hours ago, Margaret Thatcher said:

That thing has been tested twice - once in 2011 and once in 2014. In 2014 it blew up. Funding was then withdrawn and a smaller version that's not hypersonic attached to submarines. And I found that out in 10 minutes of googling. 


Yes, sir.

So now, as opposed to your previous post, admit that America does have hypersonic capability.

Let me make it clear that I was never in the military, the five weeks I spent in Iran during the Iran/Iraq war I was in the MN, (albeit foreign flag), the tanker I was on when we initially entered Bandar Abbas was taken over by the Iranian Navy and the radio room was sealed, they then took us north to Bandar Shapur where we came under attack.

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On the evidence of this week

World war three would last about 10 seconds

Iran causing the death of two hundred of their own in two separate farcically sad incidents

America would wipe the floor with them

Desert storm 2

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It's absolutely beyond belief that the airliner was allowed to fly in the area at that time. Although, they are saying this was human error and not some kind of automated response, and I find it just as unbelievable that someone at the air defense base cant easily identify a civilian airliner, which they must see every day of their lives flying the same flight paths.

I hope Trump is pleased with himself. Top job making the world a safer place by taking out the 'terrorist'.

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17 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

If India and Pakistan went at it, it is estimated to lead to about 2 billion deaths and drop the global temperature by 2 degrees. A bit scary but from a global warming perspective maybe not the worst thing, unless you live in Karachi I guess.

You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.

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It really, really fucking helps though. 
America would very quickly establish naval and air superiority, there armour is light years ahead of Iran, there's absolutely nothing to suggest Iran would win in an armed conflict. 
There's everything to suggest it would be a long, drawn out costly affair. You need and army to win a war. Bombing doesn't win wars and it certainly wouldn't beat a country as big as Iran. The Yanks and the British just don't like fighting countries with a bit of teeth.
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There's everything to suggest it would be a long, drawn out costly affair. You need and army to win a war. Bombing doesn't win wars and it certainly wouldn't beat a country as big as Iran. The Yanks and the British just don't like fighting countries with a bit of teeth.


They’d need far more feet on the ground to make Iran submit, compared to places like Iraq and Afghanistan. US can bang the drum all they like about bombing it, they’d shit the bed having to actually invade.

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8 minutes ago, AUFC90 said:
On 09/01/2020 at 23:39, Grant228 said:
It really, really fucking helps though. 
America would very quickly establish naval and air superiority, there armour is light years ahead of Iran, there's absolutely nothing to suggest Iran would win in an armed conflict. 

There's everything to suggest it would be a long, drawn out costly affair. You need and army to win a war. Bombing doesn't win wars and it certainly wouldn't beat a country as big as Iran. The Yanks and the British just don't like fighting countries with a bit of teeth.

They've done it twice to Iraq, and horsed them both times

The problems come later when trying to control it

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They’d need far more feet on the ground to make Iran submit, compared to places like Iraq and Afghanistan. US can bang the drum all they like about bombing it, they’d shit the bed having to actually invade.
Of course they would. If me and you can see the guaranteed shitstorm that would follow so can the US generals. They'd much rather blow up farmers than invade any large country with a large military.
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They've done it twice to Iraq, and horsed them both times

The problems come later when trying to control it

Iraqs no Iran. In fact it's not even close. One is a major player in that region the other can barely be described as organised let alone ready to fight a war. The Yanks had about 300 miles of flat land and straight roads in the "race to Baghdad". Good luck doing that to Iran.


The Russians found Afghanistan horrendous due to the mountainous terrain and the determination of its people. Iran is 10x the quagmire even without considering that Iran actually has a large, functioning and well trained army.






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1 hour ago, Binos said:

On the evidence of this week

World war three would last about 10 seconds

Iran causing the death of two hundred of their own in two separate farcically sad incidents

America would wipe the floor with them

Desert storm 2

^^^^ got a MAGA cap for Christmas.

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They've done it twice to Iraq, and horsed them both times
The problems come later when trying to control it

Horsed, yet still problems exist even to this day as a result of those escapades. Couldn’t even invade Vietnam properly ffs.
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Iraqs no Iran. In fact it's not even close. One is a major player in that region the other can barely be described as organised let alone ready to fight a war. The Yanks had about 300 miles of flat land and straight roads in the "race to Baghdad". Good luck doing that to Iran.  
The Russians found Afghanistan horrendous due to the mountainous terrain and the determination of its people. Iran is 10x the quagmire even without considering that Iran actually has a large, functioning and well trained army.

That determination you’re on about is really important; if you’re going to be invading Iran, it won’t just be the army you have to worry about. Was similar in Iraq and Afghanistan; you’ll have large swathes of the civilian population fundamentally despising you, and potentially doing everything they can to make sure you head home in a casket.
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