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Worst interview experiences


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No idea if it's the same now, or in other industries, but agencies for IT professionals used to be ridiculous for sending people along to companies who didn't have experience even remotely in the same area as the job they were applying for. I took myself off the books of a couple that were constantly trying to talk me into pretending to have experience or qualifications that I didn't have, or was even interested in having. No idea what they thought they'd gain from that - surely an employer would blacklist an agency who kept sending them the equivalent of jannies for their vacancy in brain surgery?

I did IT recruitment for a short while, and it’s all about targets. Recruitment agents have targets for absolutely everything, so sending a ridiculous CV in or someone along to an interview counts towards those targets even if they’ve got absolutely no chance of getting it and it’s a waste of everyone else’s time.

The bigger agencies are especially bad for that kind of nonsense.
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Used to manage a theatre and we hired schoolgirls as usherettes. One lassie came in for interview - 15 and dressed like a $5 hooker. Short skirt, low cut top, caked-on makeup etc etc. She sat down and immediately crossed her legs and tugged her top down a bit more at which point I stopped her and told her to go home and get changed into something more suitable.  When she came back dressed more appropriately she came across well and was hired but she later told me that she thought dressing like that was what was expected for a girl going for a job - something I found quite depressing. 

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On 12/01/2020 at 18:52, welshbairn said:
On 12/01/2020 at 18:31, Miguel Sanchez said:
I got a call from an agency once with a job in Stirling. "Can you drive?" Well, if I could drive I would have mentioned this on my CV which you say you're looking at, wouldn't I?

I got offered a job in Norway when I was living in Aberdeen on condition I had a driving licence. Booked a cancellation test the next morning in Buckie, hitched up, couldn't find anywhere to stay and tried to sleep in the park with it pissing down all night, turned up at the test centre looking a right state, to be asked where my car was. What, don't you provide them? I was 17 or 18 I hasten to add.


My first proper theatre job, the boss phoned me up after the interview and said "Just to confirm, you can drive can't you?" I assured her I could and she says great, you start in 3 weeks.

Problem is, I couldn't drive. I'd had one half-arsed driving lesson with my mum and I'd thrashed my mate's work pick up on waste ground once or twice. 

So I phoned all the driving schools who all laughed at me and said forget it until finally one lot said to try and get a Saturday appointment for a driving test as they'd just been introduced. To their surprise, I managed to get one for the Saturday morning before I started the new job on the Monday. They managed to fit in a double lesson on the Friday then half a lesson before the test on the Saturday and they gave me their car for the test. The instructor said he couldn't teach me to drive so quickly but he could show me what was in the test.


You've guessed it - I passed, much to the astonishment of the instructor. Sunday was spent buying a wee Renault 5 then when I turned up for work on the Monday morning I was told to go up to the Mercedes garage and collect the new van - one of those giant long wheelbase Mercedes panel vans! Bit of a shock but it worked out fine. 

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20 minutes ago, NewBornBairn said:

Used to manage a theatre and we hired schoolgirls as usherettes. One lassie came in for interview - 15 and dressed like a $5 hooker. Short skirt, low cut top, caked-on makeup etc etc. She sat down and immediately crossed her legs and tugged her top down a bit more at which point I stopped her and told her to go home and get changed into something more suitable.  When she came back dressed more appropriately she came across well and was hired but she later told me that she thought dressing like that was what was expected for a girl going for a job - something I found quite depressing. 

I've seen that film. It's okay, she's not actually 15, she's a 28 year old with two kids and chlamydia.

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53 minutes ago, NewBornBairn said:

Used to manage a theatre and we hired schoolgirls as usherettes. One lassie came in for interview - 15 and dressed like a $5 hooker. Short skirt, low cut top, caked-on makeup etc etc. She sat down and immediately crossed her legs and tugged her top down a bit more at which point I stopped her and told her to go home and get changed into something more suitable.  When she came back dressed more appropriately she came across well and was hired but she later told me that she thought dressing like that was what was expected for a girl going for a job - something I found quite depressing. 

I never thought I'd say this, but can we hear more from Gareth?

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I've interviewed lots of folk, and now as part of my job train others on how to do it.

It amazes me how many folk think that making an interview a horrible, stressful, difficult experience for all the candidates is the best way to find the ideal candidate for the role. Pure ego trip for the arseholes doing the recruitment, and nothing more.

As for my personal experiences, when I was just 17 went for a job where the Managing Director told me my first mistake at the interview was the crucifix I was wearing, as he gets most of his clients through the lodge. Cringe to think I just accepted that as honest feedback at the time, but I was just a young lad...

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47 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

I know this is how the world works but I actually disagree. For lots of jobs, being honest about when you can competently deal with something or not is quite important. I say 'I don't know' at work all the time. Of course I follow it up with I'll find out or so and so would know, but I don't think it should be a bad word in an interview context. Saying anything to fill dead air comes from moves to introduce scoring in interviews.

I agree to an extent, but a lot of places also want to see how well you can bullshit your way through a pressurised situation as you work towards the desired outcome.

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8 minutes ago, Ross. said:

I agree to an extent, but a lot of places also want to see how well you can bullshit your way through a pressurised situation as you work towards the desired outcome.

I'm conducting an interview this afternoon. The chap who is coming in did well at the 1st interview and gave all the right answers to the questions about the job that I put to him. 

The 2nd part of the interview is a test that I have set for him, which is directly related to the role. However, HR are involved and they are insisting that I asked at least 4-5 "competency-based" questions, along the lines of "Where do you see yourself in 5 years", or "Name a time when you've battled adversity". I feel sorry for the poor sod coming in and hope it doesn't put him off getting a job if I offer him it. 

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2 hours ago, NewBornBairn said:

Used to manage a theatre and we hired schoolgirls as usherettes. One lassie came in for interview - 15 and dressed like a $5 hooker. Short skirt, low cut top, caked-on makeup etc etc. She sat down and immediately crossed her legs and tugged her top down a bit more at which point I stopped her and told her to go home and get changed into something more suitable.  When she came back dressed more appropriately she came across well and was hired but she later told me that she thought dressing like that was what was expected for a girl going for a job - something I found quite depressing. 


Young lady, would you pull down your dress....




Up! I Mean up!


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22 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

I had to do a lot of interviewing in my last couple of jobs and always try to be as kind as possible.  Some people are just absolute idiots though and make no effort to prepare.

I mind one question, a nice simple ice breaker, what did you do to prepare for the interview today, now I work in healthcare so it's a freebie.   The applicants reply was nothing its destiny, it went downhill from there tbh.   She even had the temerity to moan about not getting the post when demanding feedback.

Another issue is when you're desperate to recruit but alas the candidates are terrible, its a real dilemma but I reckon its always best to take the hit and re advertise as opposed to being opposed to being landed with a balloon long term.

It can be very frustrating at times but not as awful as when you have someone with a great CV, who then does an excellent interview but within a few months in post you realise you've hired a dud.

Meh you should just be allowed to ask about whether you like fitba, do you post on a scottish football webiste etc.

You're more likely to find patients on here than any potential employees!

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2 hours ago, NewBornBairn said:

Used to manage a theatre and we hired schoolgirls as usherettes. One lassie came in for interview - 15 and dressed like a $5 hooker. Short skirt, low cut top, caked-on makeup etc etc. She sat down and immediately crossed her legs and tugged her top down a bit more at which point I stopped her and told her to go home and get changed into something more suitable.  When she came back dressed more appropriately she came across well and was hired but she later told me that she thought dressing like that was what was expected for a girl going for a job - something I found quite depressing. 

Big Gus would have hired her on the spot

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51 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:


Young lady, would you pull down your dress....




Up! I Mean up!


Can't remember if this happened to my brother in law or if he told me the story but, towards the end of his teacher training he went on placement to a secondary in Dundee. First day solo with his new class and they trooped in - all these young teenage girls in short skirts sitting down at desks too small for them and him getting a real eyefull.


"Umm... err.. right girls... umm... if you could take your textbooks and open your legs at page 22...."

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My first ever job was stacking shelves in the meat aisle at Sainsbury's in Edinburgh. The only other applicant that day was a vegetarian who walked out the moment she found out what she'd be doing. I, apparently by virtue of being (a) present and (b) alive, was then "guided" through my interview by the helpful HR lady who happily wrote down nonsense answers for all of the "give me a time when you..." questions. 

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16 minutes ago, nsr said:

My first ever job was stacking shelves in the meat aisle at Sainsbury's in Edinburgh. The only other applicant that day was a vegetarian who walked out the moment she found out what she'd be doing. I, apparently by virtue of being (a) present and (b) alive, was then "guided" through my interview by the helpful HR lady who happily wrote down nonsense answers for all of the "give me a time when you..." questions. 

My interview for Burger King consisted of going in and asking the manageress if I could apply for a job, as a mate of mine worked there and said they were hiring. She gave me an interview right there and then and essentially asked me if I could do weekends and the odd evening shift during the week around college. It lasted about ten seconds and then I had my first shift three days later :lol:

She was a great boss. I met most of the folk that I now consider my close friends (and my wife) through working there.

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When I was 18 or so I was at m GF's in Glesga staying midweek when I was unemployed and I got a call from the buroo asking if I could make it to Hampden for an interview in an hour's time with British Gas (or maybe it was Scottish Power). Anyway it was going door to door selling gas/leccie deals. At ma GF's I only had what I was wearing, shorts, t-shirt, trainers and a change of another pair of shorts, t-shirt and trainers. The buroo made it quite clear failure to attend would look bad and I could lose my jobseekers (or so it felt to me at the time) I figured I would suck it up, explain the situation on arrival, and hope they'd see past it.

Got there and I was a group interview. About 30 people all suited and booted and I turnt up wearing a Less than Jake t-shirt and a pair of cargo shorts. I remember they handed out those wee personality tests where you strongly agree to strongly disagree and me and three or four south Asian fellas with English as a second language were informed we never passed it so we were out. Ever since I've always assumed no one checks the results of those tests and they're just for employers to get rid of folk without having to explain their decision.

Edited by AsimButtHitsASix
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Not me personally but I remember my old man applied to Amazon for a job as something to get him by until he was due to retire. They had to do some sort of aptitude test then an interview, followed finally by a drug and alcohol screening test. He said it was the funniest thing ever when the group were told the guy would arrive shortly to carry out the last test, at this point more than half of the candidates made their excuses and left. This was despite it being clearly stated on the inital advert that it was part of the process.

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2 hours ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

The 2nd part of the interview is a test that I have set for him, which is directly related to the role. However, HR are involved and they are insisting that I asked at least 4-5 "competency-based" questions, along the lines of "Where do you see yourself in 5 years", or "Name a time when you've battled adversity". I feel sorry for the poor sod coming in and hope it doesn't put him off getting a job if I offer him it. 

Asking "Where do you see yourself in 5 years"  in an interview should be a sackable offence.

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6 minutes ago, bobbykdy said:

Not me personally but I remember my old man applied to Amazon for a job as something to get him by until he was due to retire. They had to do some sort of aptitude test then an interview, followed finally by a drug and alcohol screening test. He said it was the funniest thing ever when the group were told the guy would arrive shortly to carry out the last test, at this point more than half of the candidates made their excuses and left. This was despite it being clearly stated on the inital advert that it was part of the process.

Done quite a few stints temping on the production lines at IBM in Greenock when I was living there and at college. Wasn't much in the way of an interview but there was always a drugs/alcohol test at the end and I think that was the only real decider in whether or not they took you on. Was generally the same there though, a fairly high % of the folk who turned up would simply head straight for the exit after being given their wee pot to piss in.

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6 minutes ago, Ross. said:

Done quite a few stints temping on the production lines at IBM in Greenock when I was living there and at college. Wasn't much in the way of an interview but there was always a drugs/alcohol test at the end and I think that was the only real decider in whether or not they took you on. Was generally the same there though, a fairly high % of the folk who turned up would simply head straight for the exit after being given their wee pot to piss in.

One of the agencies that hired folk for IBM was located across from my flat in Greenock when I was 18/19 and, back then, I was drug free but most of my mates loved a toke. They would give ye a cup to piss in and tell ye where the toilet was. Had a few pals sprinting up to my flat to get me to piss in their cup for them before running back across the road with a cup of my piss.

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14 minutes ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

One of the agencies that hired folk for IBM was located across from my flat in Greenock when I was 18/19 and, back then, I was drug free but most of my mates loved a toke. They would give ye a cup to piss in and tell ye where the toilet was. Had a few pals sprinting up to my flat to get me to piss in their cup for them before running back across the road with a cup of my piss.

When I was there it was getting towards the arse end of them running production there, didn't even bother hiring offices for it. On a few occasions they used some warehouse in Gourock that was also a small production unit for them(Can't remember the name of that company anymore but was well known in the area) and they also just had folk turn up at the main IBM factory and diverted them to some of the unused offices while they waited their turn in the toilets. Fairly surreal set up, and all for a 3/4 week run of 12 hour night shifts. Felt horrendous by the end but the money was more than decent when compared to anything part time you could get in the town. My only problem was making it last more than a couple of weeks after I had finished up!

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