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What should they have done? And when should they have done it?

Right. Very few posters on here are Boris voters, but it’s pretty clear this is a non political issue. There is a divergence of medical courses of action, but the UK and Scotland governments are following the same advice.
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Right. Very few posters on here are Boris voters, but it’s pretty clear this is a non political issue. There is a divergence of medical courses of action, but the UK and Scotland governments are following the same advice.

It’s definitely a political issues if it’s politicians who are deciding what protocols to follow. Obvs most people aren’t experts on this but I find the snide attitude from journos who are holding the public to account more than a Conservative government who have a known history of lying and bullshitting to be incredibly concerning. It doesn’t help either when senior government officials are briefing journalists who reveal their conversations in private blogs like Peston or write an op-ed in a newspaper that’s hidden behind a paywall.
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Was in ASDA earlier stocking up on wine (McGuigans Chardonnay and Campo Vieja Rioja) and saw my first surgical mask wearing person IRL.

Surgical masks of course going nothing to protect the wearer but do protect others. While overreacting is a serious problem, I don’t think that person was doing anything wrong.
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5 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:


Right. Very few posters on here are Boris voters, but it’s pretty clear this is a non political issue. There is a divergence of medical courses of action, but the UK and Scotland governments are following the same advice.


It’s a political issue.  The extent of how political will play out in the weeks and months to come.

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21 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

What should they have done? And when should they have done it?

Lockdown, imo. It is inevitable anyway. As i said my opinion. What's yours? 

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It’s a political issue.  The extent of how political will play out in the weeks and months to come.

Currently the SNP are willingly making policy announcements on behalf of the national government. At this point, all the parties are singing from the same hymn sheet.

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Managed to get a 4 pack of toilet roll yesterday but no kitchen roll for love nor money.

A niece of ours was been sent home from work (Thursday or Friday I think) with a fever and sore throat, If she's not better by tomorrow she'll probably be told to stay at home. She works in a hospital.

I was in town on Thursday and went into our local supermarket for a few bits and pieces, it was worse than Christmas and the 12th of July rolled into one. The checkout girl said it had been worse on Wednesday. I noticed an ambulance outside but didn't pass any remarks, I wasn't even sure if it had been called to the store, but apparently there had been a shoving match/altercation/argument and a lady had been pushed/knocked over (accounts vary) and had hit her head and subsequently died. Have been unable to confirm this.


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1 minute ago, Savage Henry said:


Currently the SNP are willingly making policy announcements on behalf of the national government. At this point, all the parties are singing from the same hymn sheet.



So what?  To say this isn’t political is naive in the extreme; I will give two diverse examples.

I asked in an earlier post why a rich country like the UK doesn’t have a blueprint for dealing with a pandemic.  They obviously don’t and that is due to a lack of planning which is political.

Given the projections why hasn’t the government(s) requisitioned every private hospital bed, in particular those still being used for elective procedures?

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4 minutes ago, jagfox99 said:

Lockdown, imo. It is inevitable anyway. As i said my opinion. What's yours? 

Gradual measures. Nobody knows how this is going to pan out, medical opinion seems to vary. Lockdown is probably on the cards but not just yet.

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Lockdown, imo. It is inevitable anyway. As i said my opinion. What's yours? 

I think there’s merit in the argument that imposing lockdown too early will have bring about other issues, from things like the impact on individuals mental health to the potential of widespread social disorder.

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3 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

So what?  To say this isn’t political is naive in the extreme; I will give two diverse examples.

I asked in an earlier post why a rich country like the UK doesn’t have a blueprint for dealing with a pandemic.  They obviously don’t and that is due to a lack of planning which is political.

Given the projections why hasn’t the government(s) requisitioned every private hospital bed, in particular those still being used for elective procedures?

Do the high heid yins in the NHS just sit there twiddling their thumbs waiting from the nod from the government before they do any contingency planning?

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Work has set up isolated departments to stop the office being completely closed if someone becomes infected and it starts tomorrow.

Someone was sent home for having a temperature and another was sent home for coughing on Friday.

Can see us being told to work from home if possible by Wednesday.

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I’m frankly sick reading about old yins’ being kept home for ages, the possibility of mass social unrest, mental health issues, panic buying, fighting, the collapse of the economy and people losing their livelihoods. I just want to know, have Celtic won nine-in-a-row or not.

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6 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

Gradual measures. Nobody knows how this is going to pan out, medical opinion seems to vary. Lockdown is probably on the cards but not just yet.

The Chinese government acted and have seemingly stopped the exponential growth of infected cases.

They didn't try to balance economic measures with infection rates.

Our governments are pussy footing around and Italy will probably end up with more deaths than China. God knows what happens in other European countries slower to react.

I get the feeling China didn't blow it's economy for the sake of 3000 pensioners? 

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