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15 minutes ago, Archie McSquackle said:

Vaccines are way ahead of normal schedule. Hopefully the first bulk batch will be available in June or July

Fraid not, they won't even have narrowed down the likely contenders by then. Better chance is antivirals but they have to be administered before the symptoms kick in and our immune defences kick off, so we need early detection. Maybe existing hiv or malaria drugs might help a bit, but don't sound like a cure. Talking as someone who knows shit but listening fairly hard.

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4 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Fraid not, they won't even have narrowed down the likely contenders by then. Better chance is antivirals but they have to be administered before the symptoms kick in and our immune defences kick off, so we need early detection. Maybe existing hiv or malaria drugs might help a bit, but don't sound like a cure. Talking as someone who knows shit but listening fairly hard.

Had a look at the diference. 

Vaccines prevent or mitigate infections. They are designed to induce a protective immune response in the body against the viruses represented in the vaccine. When vaccinated, the immune system of the body produces a specific response, consisting of specific T cells and specific antibodies that fight off the infection when exposure to the virus occurs at a later stage. More importantly, vaccination also leads to the induction of a specific immunological memory against the viruses represented in the vaccine. Upon contact with the virus at a later stage, the immune system is able to mount a specific response much more rapidly than the non-primed immune system.

Antivirals are drugs that can treat people who have already been infected by a virus. They also can be used to prevent or limit infection when given before or shortly after exposure, before illness occurs. A key difference is that the antiviral drug is effective only when administered within a certain time frame before or after exposure and is effective during the time that the drug is being administered.

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9 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Actually you’re getting punked.  This is a very elaborate April’s fool aimed solely at you.  Getting all the countries and news agencies to join in was some effort.

Well that's a relief. Away round to my da's house to apologise for ignoring him. Can't wait to give him a manly handshake.

arnold schwarzenegger predator GIF

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33 minutes ago, cyderspaceman said:

Don't know if Leclerc used that tactic, I can see how it would work. Last time I was there , a guy on the door was counting exits and entries.

Don't know if Leclerc used that tactic, I can see how it would work. Last time I was there , a guy on the door was counting exits and entries.


Relatively quiet when we were there so it was working fine, people here are taking the distancing seriously so guy at door was having no problems except for an old couple who were adamant that they weren't going to put a coin into a trolley they weren't going to use!


Full range of bog paper available. 


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3 minutes ago, Merkland Red said:

Well that's a relief. Away round to my da's house to apologise for ignoring him. Can't wait to give him a manly handshake.



Don’t be too hasty, it was his idea to begin with.

Edited by Granny Danger
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53 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

My older brother got married a year ago, to a woman he had been with for 17 years.

They separated towards the end of the year and are living apart.

He jumped on Tinder and met some bird from Mexico. They have been talking via video every day for a couple of hours. 

She flew in yesterday and is now with him in Dunfermline.


They're going to see my parents on Sunday. They turned 60 (same birthday; indeed born on the same ward just hours apart) at the end of December. My maw is, to be blunt, an alcoholic, and thus has high blood pressure for which she takes some mad tablets. The old man has type 2 diabetes and the resultant high blood pressure, and has been taking a bunch of tablets for years. He was rushed to hospital in December after nearly dying. Turns out he has chronic lymphocytic leukeamia. Daft old dick was feeling shit for days, and maw was telling him to get to the doctors, but he was being a stubborn old tit and it wasn't until he was near death and couldn't get out of bed that he thought he should get to the hospital. 4 blood transfusions later and he was doing pretty good. Saw him on his birthday and he was remarkably well. He had 4 sessions of targeted chemotherapy recently and it has done a lot of good, to the extent that he's pretty mucj back to normal (save for the eventually terminal cancer!). He and the maw were at the Scotland England and Scotland France games (aye, he's a rugby guy and was in the navy, so f**k knows what foul pints he's downed and how many balls he's gargled).

I have declined the invitation to join them on Sunday. Also a bit annoyed at them all for the obvious risk.

My younger brother and his husband likewise declined. They were stranded in Vegas earlier in the week and are being sensible and isolating for a week, even though they both feel fine (although their cat died recently and they were a LOT of pictures and a eulogy on Facebook).

And I thought I was being hopeful setting my Tinder to get women from Dundee.

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Just now, MixuFixit said:

We need to stop the French because my wee mind can't sustain it and I'm still sad about knocking my trip to Nice on the head. emoji853.png

Bien sur. 

Not trying to show off, my French is extremely basic even after 15 years but it's better than some here. I actually think there will be many who don't even realise the restrictions that are in place. Fckem.

Never been to Nice. Years ago, at work, some guys got sent there on a training course. Beats Harrogate or Stone.   (BT)

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Went for the Jim Beam Single Barrel Select, poured myself a double. Ice cold Coke. Has to be real full fat b*****d Coke. One block of ice. Stir. Drink. 

Just the ticket. To all single malt fans - bourbon is my thing. I hope you all enjoy your dram of choice tonight - and tomorrow.

Cheers P&B.

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Couple of good examples there, AC Milan v Barcelona in the 1994 European Cup Final is an education in football ability & tactics.
I was pondering a question Mrs Poz asked. I said to her that this weekend, I might watch my DVD of the 2013 League Cup final. She asked what other games I could watch in their entirety again. If it didn’t involve St Mirren, I’d go for the 1970 World Cup Final and Liverpool v AC Milan in Istanbul.
Good choices. I'd go for a game that wouldn't have sounded good if you just saw the result but was one of the best games I think I've seen on TV - Germany v Italy from the 2006 World Cup semi final in Dortmund.
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Also anyone looking for a job in time being in Dundee give me a shout. Interviews n start dates are next week.received_2511238102476779.jpeg.a21cc42bc1af629b72f0b2d0edcfce75.jpeg
That's brilliant but it seems daft that tesco workers actually need to walk round and buy stuff? Do they not get free stuff?
If not they should.
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Just now, pozbaird said:

Went for the Jim Beam Single Barrel Select, poured myself a double. Ice cold Coke. Has to be real full fat b*****d Coke. One block of ice. Stir. Drink. 

Just the ticket. To all single malt fans - bourbon is my thing. I hope you all enjoy your dram of choice tonight - and tomorrow.

Cheers P&B.

We malties get your bourbon taste eventually.  Did you know they only use each barrel once?

I'm currently reading Iain Banks' whisky distillery tour book, Raw Spirit. It's good but he's  (was) a petrol head and the car bits are a bit  meh  for me.

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2 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

Buy some fucking whisky you heathen

Pure Paisley. 

4 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

Went for the Jim Beam Single Barrel Select, poured myself a double. Ice cold Coke. Has to be real full fat b*****d Coke. One block of ice. Stir. Drink. 

Just the ticket. To all single malt fans - bourbon is my thing. I hope you all enjoy your dram of choice tonight - and tomorrow.

Cheers P&B.

I'm actually glad it's only bourbon you're polluting ya melon. 


Only kiddin. Better than vodka.

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1 minute ago, cyderspaceman said:

We malties get your bourbon taste eventually.  Did you know they only use each barrel once?

I'm currently reading Iain Banks' whisky distillery tour book, Raw Spirit. It's good but he's  (was) a petrol head and the car bits are a bit  meh  for me.

I bought that when it came out but was bored by it. I never finished it.

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6 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

That's brilliant but it seems daft that tesco workers actually need to walk round and buy stuff? 

In theory it's a very decent thing. In practice, you'll just get NHS folk buying stuff for non NHS staff. 

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54 minutes ago, GordonS said:

Good post.

Worth noting what Mark Woolhouse, a professor of infectious disease epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh, said:

"Waiting for a vaccine should not be honoured with the name 'strategy', that is not a strategy."

It's a really good article.


I know

We have never cured the common cold

What guarantee is there we could ever produce a vaccine

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6 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Is it weird to find it comforting witnessing the speed with which nature is reclaiming places that are normally busy with people?

I feel like whenever The Big One happens planet Earth will be just fine without us in charge.


It will, if any of it left. 

When getting the ferry to France and seeing the chalk cliffs, I think the ancient seas must have been like soup to have the amount of marine life necessary to lay down that amount of calcium carbonate. Even over millions of years. We've knackered things.

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