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1 minute ago, pozbaird said:

Message received and disagreed with. Hardly saw another person all day, yeah, touched some surfaces, but I touched surfaces getting money out the cashline last week, by picking up a petrol pump yesterday, by having to open doors to toilets...

Any advice on how not to touch things would be greatly appreciated. 

They actually do advise you to wear gloves when getting petrol because there is potential for the virus to spread there. As for the rest of you're snowflake style nonsense, obviously it's impossible to not touch things, it's about limiting the number of things you touch or go near. But keep making it out as if we're suggesting everyone gets chained up to their bed if it makes you feel better.

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3 minutes ago, Bairn Necessities said:

All countries have different measures. Every country is different and should be treated as such. Ireland for example still has horse racing going. They have adopted similar other provisions to us as regards closures. The Irish have also said walking is recommended if you follow social distancing . In Spain you can go out to walk your dug. 

Taking advice from our own health professionals is the right thing to do. There's a reason to listen to people like Jason Leitch and Caroline Calderwood have studied for many many many years. 

Why you seem to arrogantly dismiss their knowledge i have no idea.

And why you, GordonS and many other British people (like the people you mention in your post) seem to arrogantly dismiss the knowledge and experience of those in other countries who are dealing with this better than us I have no idea either.

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8 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Couple of the Estates lads came back into the jail this afternoon not too happy. Apparently the local Bacon Butty and Tea outlet has stopped accepting cash - card-only for the forseeable. How fast would this thing be spreading if we were still exchanging coins and paper notes for every day-to-day transaction?

I've had a twenty quid note in my wallet for about six weeks now, surely it'll be sound as it's not been out anywhere.

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1 minute ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

And why you, GordonS and many other British people (like the people you mention in your post) seem to arrogantly dismiss the knowledge and experience of those in other countries who are dealing with this better than us I have no idea either.

They are making decisions about their own country. Not about the UK or Scotland. 

But do please tell me why you are right and Caroline Calderwood is wrong. This should be good.

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24 minutes ago, Romeo said:

Waste of time ordering all those antibody tests then.

You should phone the CMO and tell him.

Not a time to pussyfoot around before getting them developed and manufactured. They just aren't sure if they'll be any use yet, hopefully they'll be invaluable. Otherwise we're fucked until we get a vaccine.

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48 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

@GordonS are you going to respond to this and explain why the UK advice is correct and why the advice in other countries (several of whom have surprisingly have made a far better job of containing the spread than us) is coming from people who “don’t know what they’re talking about”?

My view (and I'd stress that it is simply my own view based on absolutely no directly knowledge of virology) is that the UK advice is probably technically accurate, and that people who obey the rules being set out regarding social distancing probably have next to no chance of catching the disease. Therefore, I'd say that at the individual level it is likely absolutely safe for someone to go out a walk or a run or to play golf or whatever.

I think where it falls down, and why the advice in other countries exists (and may be more successful) is that many people do not properly heed this advice. This could either be down to people ignoring the advice completely (eg getting on busy trains) or people trying to obey it but ultimately going to areas where lots of other people are also trying to do the same thing (eg parks or beaches). This might be why a stricter clampdown eventually comes into play here too, but I don't think it renders the current advice on going outside wrong. That's why I dislike the tone of the people who try to make it sound as simple as "STAY AT HOME" without the appropriate caveats.

I went out for a run on Friday along the canal in Glasgow and it was a wee bit busier than I'd have liked - not heaving by any means, but I'd pass people every minute or so, and some of those people (especially arsehole cyclists) weren't really making complete effort to maximise the distance. Also, on Saturday we went a walk up near Greenock, where it was pretty quiet and yet a couple of people didn't really seem bothered about moving to the opposite side of the path when passing. From now on, if I do go out, I think it's going to be on the streets, because these are generally wide, it's pretty quiet, and it's easy to cross the road out of people.


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3 hours ago, Tight John McVeigh is a tit said:


Really poor show by yourself!

You write that but don’t say which brand! Clearly not Red Horse of Gold Eagle if you are the only one drinking it. San Mig Extra dry?


I was amazed, nay, gobsmacked with incredulity when I learned that Sanny Mig was not a Spanish beer.

The things you just presume.

Well, you can't check every little fact, you'd never get out of the house.        Hmm, maybe a bad example.

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1 minute ago, bernardblack said:

Would Boris announce a lockdown during his 5pm briefing? If it was going to happen?

Wouldn't surprise me, but there's no way it's going to another "as of 10pm tonight..." effort.

If it is then it'll probably start on something like Thursday night to give folk a few days to plan where they need to be and how they're going to get there.   I think that's how everybody else has played it to date.

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