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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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9 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Saw Deep Purple in Dundee back in the 70’s.  Not one of my favourite bands of the time but a good live act.

Deep Purple played in Kiev the night Shevchenko et al did us 2-0 in 2005.

Going to the concert would have been a better use of time and money in retrospect.


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Serious question.

Is there an informed view as to whether the ‘herd immunity’ policy adopted at an early stage was the right one or was it totally misguided and we should have moved to ‘lockdown’ sooner?

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1 minute ago, Granny Danger said:

Serious question.

Is there an informed view as to whether the ‘herd immunity’ policy adopted at an early stage was the right one or was it totally misguided and we should have moved to ‘lockdown’ sooner?

The latter.  Courtesy of an informed viewer.

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I think the difference is more likely to be that they actually stick rigidly to the lock down. We have a lock down where the majority of people still go out every day. 

I think the government is still going for herd immunity and it's the smart move as poorer nations are going to take a long time to get the virus under control, possibly years.


Maybe if the developed nations focused on eradicating this virus within their borders first and quickly and then work with the WHO and send equipment and now experienced staff to these poorer nations to eradicate there as well?


It would kind of help everyone and as you allude to, f**k all point in doing anything in your own country if it will be rife elsewhere unless you're going to keep your borders permanently sealed.


Huge parts of India, Philippines, Indonesia, many countries in Africa, and many other places, people will never see a ventilator and have no treatment. We can be selfish and say f**k them, or berate said poorer countries or realise we need to help them to help ourselves.


If we don't, the cost of our underwear and t-shirts will sky rocket!



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5 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Serious question.

Is there an informed view as to whether the ‘herd immunity’ policy adopted at an early stage was the right one or was it totally misguided and we should have moved to ‘lockdown’ sooner?

It's a shambles, how the f**k anybody with half a brain can't work out that 0.5 to 1% of 60% of our population isn't a number we couldn't handle I'll never know, I'm losing all respect for experts as they're just towing their political masters line now, not all but the ones we get to hear from. 

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1 minute ago, peasy23 said:

My brother in law works for a company that makes submarines and diving bells, from Monday they are starting to produce ventilators.

I hope they're quick workers. 

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6 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

It's a shambles, how the f**k anybody with half a brain can't work out that 0.5 to 1% of 60% of our population isn't a number we couldn't handle I'll never know, I'm losing all respect for experts as they're just towing their political masters line now, not all but the ones we get to hear from. 

I think the ‘experts’ have allowed themselves to be appropriated.  That’s a bad sign.

6 minutes ago, peasy23 said:

My brother in law works for a company that makes submarines and diving bells, from Monday they are starting to produce ventilators.

“We might live on a yellow ventilator, a yellow ventilator, a yellow ventilator...”

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22 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Serious question.

Is there an informed view as to whether the ‘herd immunity’ policy adopted at an early stage was the right one or was it totally misguided and we should have moved to ‘lockdown’ sooner?

Can I get back to you on that? Say, two to three weeks time?

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Donald Trump shows his superior tactical awareness as he guides Team USA clear at the top. Italy, with a considerbly stronger away goals, can't muster the overall firepower that the US is showing in front of goal. Spain will surely knock China off the medal podium in the coming days. A huge disappointment for Team China, after so much effort, they really have wilted away. They can of course take some pride in scoring the first and fastest point in this tournament. The UK are gathering a little bit of momentum now the fans are behind the team and appreciate the efforts of the coach to get really involved. There is still a huge gulf between the leaders and the UK and it will take a concentrated effort to bridge that gap.

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24 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Serious question.

Is there an informed view as to whether the ‘herd immunity’ policy adopted at an early stage was the right one or was it totally misguided and we should have moved to ‘lockdown’ sooner?

The herd immunity strategy has been written in the response plans for this country devised by scientific, medical and statistical epidemiologists for years.  In effect it's the only way to end a pandemic surely, a large enough percentage of the population are immune so that the virus runs out of new folk to infect.  It's usually done through vaccination, but unfortunately we don't have one and are a good while from having one apparently.

Herd immunity is still happening now, but the negative portrayal of it simply being the government sacrificing thousands of citizens so that the economy can get going again, meant they binned using the expression.

So protect the elderly and most vulnerable as best we can, whilst using social distancing and other associated control measures to attempt to keep the strain on the health service at a manageable level.  But ultimately, with no knowledge on this, surely a large amount of people developing immunity is the only way it can ever end?  Otherwise, as long as the disease continues anywhere on the planet, we remain at risk of another outbreak.

For all those who say we should have locked down sooner, do you really think people would have complied here until it was right on their doorstep as it is now? No chance. Did anyone modify their behaviour at all when the SARS, swine flu, Ebola epidemics were killing people in other parts of the world?  Would people have been happy shutting everything down here and staying at home? Again, no chance.  


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Whats everyones thoughts on when the lockdown& restrictions will end?  

For me its got to be 4-5 weeks tops, Wuhan was much longer but it's china and youd be comparing apples and oranges for that Europe tbh.  people in Italy are starting to crack up already although theirs is a bit stricter than ours.  In any case there has to come a point where the lockdown & restrictions start causing more damage than the virus itself , coupled with the fact that people will just run out of patience and start disobeying the lockdown en masse. the last part would be better not happening so I think there will be a gradual loosening of restrictions at the end of next month, but May and june could well be a bogey as far as normal life is concerned with many places still closed. large crowd sports and music events will likely be the last to return to normal.  just my opinion 

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1 minute ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

Whats everyones thoughts on when the lockdown& restrictions will end?  

For me its got to be 4-5 weeks tops, Wuhan was much longer but it's china and youd be comparing apples and oranges for that Europe tbh.  people in Italy are starting to crack up already although theirs is a bit stricter than ours.  In any case there has to come a point where the lockdown & restrictions start causing more damage than the virus itself , coupled with the fact that people will just run out of patience and start disobeying the lockdown en masse. the last part would be better not happening so I think there will be a gradual loosening of restrictions at the end of next month, but May and june could well be a bogey as far as normal life is concerned with many places still closed. large crowd sports and music events will likely be the last to return to normal.  just my opinion 

I reckon we're in for several lockdowns over the next year or 18 months until we develop a vaccination, we develop herd immunity or the disease just fucks off (Not going to happen).

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