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Just saw a meme saying words to the effect of, 'The government know everyone would go mental if they told you 4 months lockdown so they're telling you 30 days at a time'.

Probably not far from the truth IMO.

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9 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

Out for a walk, guy jogging along a street empty other than me crosses the road then runs past me about 2 foot away. I'm taking a 6 foot breaker's bar with me next time.

Social Distancer 3000 don't go out without it. 


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1 hour ago, Dee Man said:

Just saw a meme saying words to the effect of, 'The government know everyone would go mental if they told you 4 months lockdown so they're telling you 30 days at a time'.

Probably not far from the truth IMO.

But the UK Deputy CMO said to prepare for up to 6 months, and I've heard 5 months. I'm sure I've heard Scottish authorities say similar and our CMO said 3 months "in the first instance."

Many people are desperate to believe in mind games.

The regs are for 21 days at a time, IIRC, which is obviously better than doing a Hungary.

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3 hours ago, Fullerene said:

In all fairness I see where you are coming from regarding predictions. 

Take climate change as an example.

Scientist A has an article printed in one magazine saying Climate Change will be a disaster.  The world will get hotter.  Europe south of Paris will turn to desert and it will be a nightmare.

Meanwhile Scientist B has an article printed in another magazine saying Climate Change will be a disaster.  The world will actually get colder.  Europe north of Paris will have severe winters and it will be a nightmare.

Net result.   The two articles cancel out and nobody worries about Climate Change.

A better approach is to say Climate Change is a serious matter.  We can't entirely predict how it will might make things worse but that is all the more reason to deal with while we still can.  If we wait until we know everything it might be too late.

Is that about it? 

I only see Kincardine's tweets when someone replies to him. He really is an omnishambles.

That thing about scientists predicting an ice age in the 70s is an absolute myth that zoomers tell each other to justify their anti-scientific drivel.

FWIW, the way you describe science above is wrong. It also massively distorts the contradictory evidence on climate change to make it appear like it has validity or is on an equal footing with the evidence supporting climate change theory.

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2 hours ago, PauloPerth said:

That guy goes from being excellent to a bit of an idiot quite regularly during each video for me.

I like watching it because it really annoys me.

His simplified way of explaining medical stuff to a population of thickos is excellent, but then contrast that with his spelling mistakes, his pronunciation of 'expedential' growth and many others, and the way he now seems to feel his opinion is on a par with the head of the WHO.

Hes hit a winning formula with it though. Take a few random countries and print off the figures, regularly say how awful it is. Lockdown measures good. Non lockdown measures bad.  Figures for xxx in Europe are appalling. Name a random densely populated poorer country and say how concerned you are for them.  Bang, half million followers.

I think I like how much it annoys me.

That and Trump's evening conferences.


I enjoyed him ripping into the WHO in his understated manner at the start of the top video.

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7 minutes ago, Snafu said:

They won't get diverted to the USA will they?

US accused of 'modern piracy' after diversion of masks meant for Europe


They'll go were the money is, like most things in life.

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4 hours ago, GordonS said:

I only see Kincardine's tweets when someone replies to him. He really is an omnishambles.

That thing about scientists predicting an ice age in the 70s is an absolute myth that zoomers tell each other to justify their anti-scientific drivel.

FWIW, the way you describe science above is wrong. It also massively distorts the contradictory evidence on climate change to make it appear like it has validity or is on an equal footing with the evidence supporting climate change theory.

Don't get me wrong.  I am in no doubt that climate change is a serious issue and we must do something about it.

We definitely see melting glaciers.  We definitely see tropical jungles getting smaller.  We see more extreme weather in places.

There is no question this is due to human activity.  All of that has been measured.  It has all been observed.

You then have to predict what will happen if nothing is done about it.  I think that what Kincardine is on about.  Predictions can go wrong and that creates scepticism.

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6 hours ago, Dee Man said:

Just saw a meme saying words to the effect of, 'The government know everyone would go mental if they told you 4 months lockdown so they're telling you 30 days at a time'.

Probably not far from the truth IMO.

"Daddy.  Are we nearly there?"

"Just a bit further."


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7 hours ago, GordonS said:

More bad news for the "it's just flu" crowd.

One of the stupid things they do is compare excess mortality with hospital deaths. Here's New York State's hospital deaths from flu:


I'm not one of the 'it's just the flu' crowd, but I'd say one of mistakes the 'end is nigh' crowd make is to compare excess deaths from other things to total reported (i.e. not just excess, which we don't currently know) for this. Despite the media reports of wards full of people in their twenties and thirties, over 50% of deaths have been in over 80s.

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10 hours ago, Fullerene said:

In all fairness I see where you are coming from regarding predictions. 

Take climate change as an example.

Scientist A has an article printed in one magazine saying Climate Change will be a disaster.  The world will get hotter.  Europe south of Paris will turn to desert and it will be a nightmare.

Meanwhile Scientist B has an article printed in another magazine saying Climate Change will be a disaster.  The world will actually get colder.  Europe north of Paris will have severe winters and it will be a nightmare.

Net result.   The two articles cancel out and nobody worries about Climate Change.

A better approach is to say Climate Change is a serious matter.  We can't entirely predict how it will might make things worse but that is all the more reason to deal with while we still can.  If we wait until we know everything it might be too late.

Is that about it?

You wouldn't happen to be selling a house in Paris, would you?

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