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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Was out on my run today and spotted down on the estuary just outside Tayport a bloke fishing.
Now he cant have been exercising.
I was wondering if he was part of an essential workers group.
Demand for flounders is clearly a problem for the main fleet at Peterhead.

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12 minutes ago, coprolite said:

Five weeks ago I thought it was a bit of a hype job and not really worth bothering about. 

Hindsight is great.

I did think quarantining all skiers would have been a good idea, but that was nothing to do with the coronavirus and would have added golfers to the list.  

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I was seriously ill a few years back (sepsis). The nurses in Hairmyers were remarkable. They 100% stayed at my bedside during the couple of touch & go days at the start. Saved my life no question. I think it’s just in them no matter who you are.

Yup. My experience involved potential paralysis and they barely left my side all through my rehab. Likewise when my old man passed. I can’t really take issue with anything Boris said today.
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56 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

I'm very pleased that Boris has survived coronavirus  - he was obviously in a bad way with it, and it's encouraging that the NHS, with all its foreign and European personnel, have got him through this critical ordeal.

I have to wonder all the same, if your average Tom, Dick or Harry would have received similar round the clock care and attention. Would they have lived to fight another day?



Yep those working in the NHS generally pick and choose who they give good care too. Deary me.

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8 minutes ago, Distant Doonhamer said:

Yep those working in the NHS generally pick and choose who they give good care too. Deary me.

I'd imagine some of the part time private/NHS consultants suddenly found they had some free space in their diaries though.

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I was asking a question and illustrated my reason for asking by referring to the UK. 
If you don't understand the question or don't know the answer, that's fine but no need to be arsey. 
I'll try again. 
Is that a figure for government spending on health or is it the figure for the amount of spending on health in each economy? That is, do those figures include spending by private individuals and companies on private health provision? I ask because private health spending is not a good comparator if you are looking at what the government is doing.  
It seems Germany is definitely doing something better and i would really be interested to know what and how. Those raw figures are not particularly illuminating without context. 
One thing Germany has done better is to elect a government led by a politician who tries to do the best for her nation, not one led by a racist who prostitutes himself on quiz shows to gain approval, and is wholly unsuited to the job in front of him.
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23 minutes ago, Henrik's tongue said:

I was seriously ill a few years back (sepsis). The nurses in Hairmyers were remarkable. They 100% stayed at my bedside during the couple of touch & go days at the start. Saved my life no question. I think it’s just in them no matter who you are.


Great post, great to hear that. 

One can only hope that Boris, when trying to sort out the economic consequences of this pandemic, in the months and years that lie ahead, does not consider for 1 second making any cuts to the NHS. 

Surely he wouldn't do that, would he?

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1 hour ago, Forest_Fifer said:

Boris paid tribute to the two nurses who stood by his bed for 48 hours. One from New Zealand, the other from Portugal.
You couldn't give the b*****d a red neck with a blowtorch.

Did he ask for the cash for there visa up front?

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I’m sure the NHS staff who were looking after cuntface Johnson were totally dedicated and professional.  That’s not to say that he didn’t get any extra attention.

We will probably never know.

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58 minutes ago, coprolite said:

Five weeks ago I thought it was a bit of a hype job and not really worth bothering about. 

Hindsight is great.

Genuine question - why?

I can understand people being sceptical about the Chinese Government's version of events, but why were you dismissive of Italy?

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F*** me, scoring points over Johnston's care now.
It appears some folk don't grasp how ICU works, it's not like a normal ward where they check your SATS every few hours, you will have a nurse at your bedside constantly regardless of who you are or what condition put you there. My father in law had a couple of days in ICU in the golden jubilee after a heart op and the nurses were like part of the family by the time he left.
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Lets not forget amongst that Johnson is still a massive c**t.

Week 4 of lockdown here in Spain, looks like it will be until May 10th at the earliest. Good to see that it seems to be paying off here though, death and infection rate in a pattern of falling.

Government here were far too late in locking down, however, have been very strict with it since employed. I basically get out once a week to the shops, have to carry identification and if the police stop me further from my apartment than the nearest supermarket (or I cant provide evidence I'm out doing a weekly shop), I get a massive fine.

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29 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I’m sure the NHS staff who were looking after cuntface Johnson were totally dedicated and professional.  That’s not to say that he didn’t get any extra attention.

We will probably never know.

There's no doubt he'll have received extra attention but his actual treatment would have been the same. 

I'd find it strange if the leader of any country didn't get fussed over a bit. 

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5 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

There's no doubt he'll have received extra attention but his actual treatment would have been the same. 

I'd find it strange if the leader of any country didn't get fussed over a bit. 

I'm not totally convinced that NICE budgetary guidelines would have been fully enforced in his case. As you say, it's not a big deal.

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Is there not some sort of return to work tomorrow in manufacturing and construction in Spain ?

Lets not forget amongst that Johnson is still a massive c**t.
Week 4 of lockdown here in Spain, looks like it will be until May 10th at the earliest. Good to see that it seems to be paying off here though, death and infection rate in a pattern of falling.
Government here were far too late in locking down, however, have been very strict with it since employed. I basically get out once a week to the shops, have to carry identification and if the police stop me further from my apartment than the nearest supermarket (or I cant provide evidence I'm out doing a weekly shop), I get a massive fine.
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F*** me, scoring points over Johnston's care now.
It's a fair point Granda, and I've no doubt that Boris Johnson's broadcast was heartfelt and sincere.

However, we the UK public and especially those directly on the front line are now entitled to judge the ACTIONS and not the words of the Prime Minister and his colleagues. This Government, including the PM, were caught sleeping at the wheel and far too many people are dying as a result.
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