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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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It can be 6 metres for a cougher or sneezer but for a talkers the droplets that carry the virus travel about 2 metres.
This is my understanding. I can try to find the link if you want. A South Korean doctor.
Shops are dangerous places for catching the virus. 

It’s still an estimate. Simply staying two metres apart from other people won’t stop the spread. But whatever, it’s quite possible to go jogging and come nowhere near anybody else. My issue is with the joggers and cyclists in Lycra shorts who think they can still go out in groups of five and be assured of safety.

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1 minute ago, JTS98 said:

No. Shopping for food is essential. Going for a jog is not.

Also, how do you know 'most' people are doing this? A huge proportion of the UK population is urban. They can't all be going running and not seeing another soul.

We see every weekend that people going out to exercise causes big groups of people to congregate together. It's absolutely bonkers. Also, we've seen that jogging near other people is a comparatively risky thing to do.

But, but, but, but, but, but I'M DIFFERENT!

Are you suggesting that:

1. no one should be going out exercising;

2. jogging is more ‘dangerous’ form of exercise than, say, walking;

3. it’s really only joggers who are acting like arseholes we should be critical of?

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The government advice and public health experts literally say you can go out once a day for exercise so long as you keep a safe distance from others.

I’m first to criticise the roasters who don’t care about the 2 metre rule but the fact there’s people on here having a go at those who do keep their distance (and are following all the fucking advice given to them) is insane. Certified Tories the lot of them.

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Apparently Eamonn Holmes suggested there might be some truth to the 5G cause Covid conspiracy.

Got to say I was on the fence about it but now that Les Dennis’ ex, a permanently knocked unconscious delusional sportsman and a tubby autocue reader have backed it, I’m starting to come round!

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13 minutes ago, VladimirMooc said:

There’s a lot to unpack here. But safe to say I don’t feel any need to “justify” my actions of going for a socially distanced run or walk every day with someone who is concerned about Coronavirus “on the ground.”

Maybe you’re right though. Maybe we should avoid all “ground” and the government should invest in an elaborate series of ropes - a sort of pan-country Go Ape - to allow for the delivery of essential supplies. 

I was being hyperthetical, my point being we don't know enough about how it's transmitted, am i overly concerned about the virus living on the floor outside, no of course not, do i think everybody being allowed to exercise for an hour a day will make this situation worse or prolonged, absolutely, is it essential, no it's not, that's the bottom line. 

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7 minutes ago, JTS98 said:

No. Shopping for food is essential. Going for a jog is not.

Also, how do you know 'most' people are doing this? A huge proportion of the UK population is urban. They can't all be going running and not seeing another soul.

We see every weekend that people going out to exercise causes big groups of people to congregate together. It's absolutely bonkers. Also, we've seen that jogging near other people is a comparatively risky thing to do.

But, but, but, but, but, but I'M DIFFERENT!

The fact that people congregating makes the news shows how infrequent it is. Otherwise they'd be showing pictures of empty streets, parks and beaches, with the odd jogger or man walking his dog. The aim is to get Ro to less than one, not zero.

Edited by welshbairn
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Guest JTS98
1 minute ago, Granny Danger said:

Are you suggesting that:

1. no one should be going out exercising;

2. jogging is more ‘dangerous’ form of exercise than, say, walking;

3. it’s really only joggers who are acting like arseholes we should be critical of?

1. Ideally, yeah. People should only be going out when absolutely necessary.

2. Jogging is more dangerous. The droplets go further and since people tend to jog in the same places around cities, you can easily spread it that way.

3. I think the point with this is that as long as people keep being told that it's ok to exercise outside, we're going to see a lot of people going to parks and congregating together. We see it every weekend. Give people an inch of rope and they hang themselves.

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An example near me of joggers being bawbags.


Theres a perfectly fine park to do laps on but the joggers instead use the pavements bothering the kids and families out for a walk. They're just doing their usual hobby and running miles from the house.




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Guest JTS98
1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

The fact that people congregating makes the news shows how infrequent it is. Otherwise they'd be showing pictures of loads of empty streets, parks and beaches, with the odd jogger or man walking his dog. 

Hell of a claim, that.

I'd argue it shows how stupid it is.

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1 minute ago, JTS98 said:

1. Ideally, yeah. People should only be going out when absolutely necessary.

2. Jogging is more dangerous. The droplets go further and since people tend to jog in the same places around cities, you can easily spread it that way.

3. I think the point with this is that as long as people keep being told that it's ok to exercise outside, we're going to see a lot of people going to parks and congregating together. We see it every weekend. Give people an inch of rope and they hang themselves.

Exercise is essential for physical and mental wellbeing.  Your inability to acknowledge that negates any further views you have imo.

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1 minute ago, JTS98 said:

No. Shopping for food is essential. Going for a jog is not.

Also, how do you know 'most' people are doing this? A huge proportion of the UK population is urban. They can't all be going running and not seeing another soul.

We see every weekend that people going out to exercise causes big groups of people to congregate together. It's absolutely bonkers. Also, we've seen that jogging near other people is a comparatively risky thing to do.

But, but, but, but, but, but I'M DIFFERENT!

Give the whinging a rest , you're allowed out for exercise, even the c***s in the jail are. Are you a mind reader that you think everyone out jogging or walking are just a bunch of big weans doing it as a GIUY to the rules, the world is turned upside down, people must spend up to 24 hours a day with people the may normaly only spend half that or less with, people may have lost their jobs or be on leave, gyms are closed, sports are cancelled, pubs are shut so on and so on basically  everything that anyone ever used to use to pass the time is now off limits and yet you 're on a football forum giving folk a hard time for going for a walk as if that literaly just killed someones granny, GTF mate,   You're saying the same sort of things as one of my friends, This person is a lazy c**t who never gts off her arse to leaves the house if she doesn't have work or has been asked to go somewhere  and so can't understand why other folk have a problem being couped up in the house all day. Are you the same?

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Guest JTS98
1 minute ago, Granny Danger said:

Exercise is essential for physical and mental wellbeing.  Your inability to acknowledge that negates any further views you have imo.

Right enough, da.

You can exercise at home. It is not essential to go out for a jog.

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Surely I'm not reading Granny Brexit talking about how folk should be following the instructions? You still taking your wife shopping?

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Guest JTS98
1 minute ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

Give the whinging a rest , you're allowed out for exercise, even the c***s in the jail are. Are you a mind reader that you think everyone out jogging or walking are just a bunch of big weans doing it as a GIUY to the rules, the world is turned upside down, people must spend up to 24 hours a day with people the may normaly only spend half that or less with, people may have lost their jobs or be on leave, gyms are closed, sports are cancelled, pubs are shut so on and so on basically  everything that anyone ever used to use to pass the time is now off limits and yet you 're on a football forum giving folk a hard time for going for a walk as if that literaly just killed someones granny, GTF mate,   You're saying the same sort of things as one of my friends, This person is a lazy c**t who never gts off her arse to leaves the house if she doesn't have work or has been asked to go somewhere  and so can't understand why other folk have a problem being couped up in the house all day. Are you the same?

Honestly, I'm not reading something as poorly paragraphed as that.

I'm not getting dragged into this pish again. Let's just agree that, yes, you can absolutely do whatever it is you want to do. Yes, you are definitely much more intelligent than all those other people doing it wrong. *

*Applicable to all people at all times. Do what you want.

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2 minutes ago, JTS98 said:

Right enough, da.

You can exercise at home. It is not essential to go out for a jog.

Have you seen the size of Granny's front yard? Half of P&B could exercise in it while maintaining social distancing.

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Guest JTS98

For the avoidance of doubt, I should probably point out that I'm a four-times-a-week jogger. I do about twenty miles a week in normal life.

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