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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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The FT's charts had excess mortality in Italy at 90% and Spain at 51%. England and Wales (so not an entirely similar comparison) was at 37%. 

No really sure how those percentages  can be so different. 

Northern Ireland is so interesting as they are now below normal according to that graph but are also encountering a rising number of cases rather than decreasing. Weird. 

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1 minute ago, Michael W said:

The FT's charts had excess mortality in Italy at 90% and Spain at 51%. England and Wales (so not an entirely similar comparison) was at 37%. 

No really sure how those percentages  can be so different. 

Northern Ireland is so interesting as they are now below normal according to that graph but are also encountering a rising number of cases rather than decreasing. Weird. 

It's something called Z-score that it's based on, which is something to do with difference in standard deviations or something. I have got to be honest I don't  understand, I don't do maths/statistics anymore, but it's a different counting method and that will make a difference. 

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4 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

This is more like playschool than a national crisis update, can they not just man up and start giving us the real figures instead of graphs they can't even read.

Surely the trends are as important as the numbers.  Comparison with other countries are important too, particularly if there’s talk of lifting the restrictions.

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The FT's charts had excess mortality in Italy at 90% and Spain at 51%. England and Wales (so not an entirely similar comparison) was at 37%. 

No really sure how those percentages  can be so different. 

The graphs are “Z scores” as opposed to percentages. That may help make sense of it


If you need to revise your old stats classes then read this




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3 hours ago, Bob Mahelp said:

The Express excels in lunacy and bitterness, but this is probably my favourite so far...



I can no longer comment in the Express.   That's twice I've been dumped. No warning, just can't post any more.

Shame.  I used to enjoy discussions with them  calling them cúnts.

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9 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Surely the trends are as important as the numbers.  Comparison with other countries are important too, particularly if there’s talk of lifting the restrictions.

Yes the trends are important but it's as if the govt, are saying ahh f**k em they are old and frail so they were on their way out anyway. The ghandi quote says it all

"The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members.”

The Scottish govt have also been hopeless on this front too.

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3 hours ago, Wee Willie said:


I was under the impression that unions were socialists. Silly me.

In Scotland how many unions have decried Trident being based at Faslane?

I keep harping on about Trident but that issue should be above party politics.


Trade unions are mostly concerned first and foremost with protecting their members' jobs which makes them regressive when it comes to things like Trident, HS2, and particularly environmental concerns.

Also there's a rich and gloriously insane history of nuclear communism but I agree there's no valid reason for Scotland, or the UK to hold nuclear weapons. I'm all for moving Trident on to bipedal tanks and giving them to Wales though.

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1 minute ago, hearthammer said:

Growing up in said Kingdom, there were lots of girls who revelled in that extra finger    😲😲 

You can take the boy out of Fife, but the police will eventually find him.

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