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2 minutes ago, JMDP said:

She wrote a piece in The Spectator a couple of years back that mentioned she drove somewhere. It was tweeted quite a lot yesterday. 

maybe her eyesight wasn't up to it at the moment in question, though ?

that's the sort of thing you don't take risks with - it's not as if you can just jump in your car and swan about for a bit to test if your eyesight is good enough to drive, is it ?

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22 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

Have we got confirmation if the wife drives yet? That blows his whole story apart.

This is the wife who was never too ill to look after the children, negating the entire journey in the first place.

Oh, she can drive.....


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7 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Sadly it’s too soon after Johnson’s landslide election victory to make much odds.

If this had happened three years from now Cummings would be away already.


In normal times, maybe. Right now? I have never heard (irl), read (online and print) or seen (online and TV) such united disgust at a ruling Party. It started with Cummings, then Johnson, and now ministers are tying themselves to this particular handcart. Honestly, the Tories have managed to find something, maybe the only thing, that can make the scales drop from the GBP's eyes. We cannot afford the defeatist idea of "oh, it's the wrong time in the electoral cycle" any more. We have to take this anger and focus it.

That landslide was in terms of seats. In terms of votes, it was much less impressive.

To paraphrase Wilson, let's make this the longest week in politics these arseholes have ever had.

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Political genius right enough. Reminds me of a line in 'Rivers of London' where the main character works as a police officer in the Met.
"We can handle looking heavy handed, cruel or even racist. The thing that really damages us is when we look stupid."
This is the sort of stuff that will get the 1922 committee twitching a bit.
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14 minutes ago, JMDP said:

She wrote a piece in The Spectator a couple of years back that mentioned she drove somewhere. It was tweeted quite a lot yesterday. 

Hopefully Pippa Crerar is preparing the next instalment as we speak..

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35 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

Have we got confirmation if the wife drives yet? That blows his whole story apart.

This is the wife who was never too ill to look after the children, negating the entire journey in the first place.

I thought he took the entire journey to keep his wife and kid safe from bullies while he was bed bound at work. 

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1 hour ago, Snafu said:
John Inge (@BishopWorcester)

Received a delightful e-mail earlier: ‘Stay out of politics or we’ll kill you.’ For me the whole Cummings drama is not about politics but life and death. If trust in Government guidance is eroded we’ll have a second spike and 1000s of lives will be lost.

May 25, 2020

Archbishop of Canterbury needs to work on his people skills

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5 minutes ago, Crùbag said:

The UK is a failed state. Never saw that coming....

Gove on the white stuff again.

Straight off the bat with the 'I didn't quite hear that question' to give him more time to think of an answer.

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12 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

In normal times, maybe. Right now? I have never heard (irl), read (online and print) or seen (online and TV) such united disgust at a ruling Party. It started with Cummings, then Johnson, and now ministers are tying themselves to this particular handcart. Honestly, the Tories have managed to find something, maybe the only thing, that can make the scales drop from the GBP's eyes. We cannot afford the defeatist idea of "oh, it's the wrong time in the electoral cycle" any more. We have to take this anger and focus it.

That landslide was in terms of seats. In terms of votes, it was much less impressive.

To paraphrase Wilson, let's make this the longest week in politics these arseholes have ever had.

I think it will have a long term impact but sadly I think the length of time to the next GE and the size of the majority makes Johnson fairly bullet proof.

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4 hours ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

It seems like the Cheltenham Festival and the Liverpool vs Atletico game did cause a spike in cases in those areas.


It’s strange there’s been no mention of the Rangers v Leverkusen game that week as well. Did this cause a “spike” around Glasgow/Inverclyde area 

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6 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Watching the briefing, the Test and Protect strategy is starting this week.  Sounds like a promising development.

Yes, of course it is. In other news, all pigs fuelled, prepped and ready for take off.

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1 minute ago, Granny Danger said:

I think it will have a long term impact but sadly I think the length of time to the next GE and the size of the majority makes Johnson fairly bullet proof.

I think his majority is large but soft.  The last few elections have seen a lot of seats change hands and I can see that continuing in the future. 

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First time I've heard Ms Sturgeon's briefing - very impressed. No "ehmming" and "ahhing" and waving the hands about there, seems to have a command of the subject.

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1 minute ago, Jacksgranda said:

First time I've heard Ms Sturgeon's briefing - very impressed. No "ehmming" and "ahhing" and waving the hands about there, seems to have a command of the subject.

1 bad day, the rest just like today. 

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