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37 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

(replying to your reply to me)

Sure, they're doing no harm. But what they are doing is entirely unnecessary, and they probably wouldn't be doing it if those supposed to be running the country provided clear guidance and, dare I say, leadership rather than trusting the GBP's "common sense". Since Day One, there has been a lot of misinformation out there leading to many being in fear for their lives (at worst) or simply unnecessarily anxious (at best).

My worry is that, for everybody suiting up to go and put their own bins out, there is someone blithely swanning around with no protection at all, because "common sense" says that if the lockdown is easing, the pandemic is ending.

The abdication of responsibility by Johnson and his Clown Cabinet has been an absolute disgrace. The failure to act in the country's interests has been absolutely treasonous, imho.

I disagree, see below.

2 hours ago, craigkillie said:




If person 1 has a runny nose or whatever then they're doing the right thing. They might be worried that they might sneeze and spread some germs. Just like you often see Asian people wearing them around cities even before this took off.

For number 2, that person could easily be a healthcare professional driving a pool car, in which case they are doing exactly what they are instructed to do in order to keep both themselves and the car disease free.




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25 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

(replying to your reply to me)

Sure, they're doing no harm. But what they are doing is entirely unnecessary, and they probably wouldn't be doing it if those supposed to be running the country provided clear guidance and, dare I say, leadership rather than trusting the GBP's "common sense". Since Day One, there has been a lot of misinformation out there leading to many being in fear for their lives (at worst) or simply unnecessarily anxious (at best).

My worry is that, for everybody suiting up to go and put their own bins out, there is someone blithely swanning around with no protection at all, because "common sense" says that if the lockdown is easing, the pandemic is ending.

The abdication of responsibility by Johnson and his Clown Cabinet has been an absolute disgrace. The failure to act in the country's interests has been absolutely treasonous, imho.

I'm not defending the complete shitehawk way Johnson has "led" this pandemic but I don't think criticising those who are being overly cautious is productive in any way. They might be wearing more protection for a reason, they might just be wearing because they're anxious, either way they are protecting themselves within the law and that should be all there is to say.

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54 minutes ago, madwullie said:

And I've just realised she's lifted that straight off about a million alt right websites. 

You didn't think she wrote that herself?

Edited by Jacksgranda
missed out a word - daft old c***
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6 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

You didn't think she wrote herself?

I did for a bit. Stupid too, because when I was an English teacher, spotting obvious plagiarism like that and then finding the source was a fairly big (and enjoyable) part of the job. 

Nothing better than some wee smart arse handing something like that in, commenting on how nice a turn of phrase they used was, firing up Google and watching them squirm as the exact page they copied it from appears on the screen for the whole class to see. For all they're meant to be computer literate etc, kids can be really fucking dense when it comes to the internet. 

Brilliant lesson too, but only for the overconfident ones. 

Edited by madwullie
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Over the past few weeks, I've become used to sharing public transport with folk who wear face masks over their mouth only, or who wear their mask when talking to the driver and whip it off immediately afterwards, but today we had a snotty-nosed jakeball who wore a mask correctly, only to whip it off to indulge in an extended bout of coughing and sneezing into his hands for the rest of the trip, which remained unsullied by cleaning products.

Airborne Ebola now, please, let's just get it over and done with.

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I still can't understand the logic of announcing this measure that reduces the risk of transmission and yet then not have it come into force for another 9 days. 

Another communications success here for No.10.

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1 minute ago, Michael W said:

I still can't understand the logic of announcing this measure that reduces the risk of transmission and yet then not have it come into force for another 9 days. 

Another communications success here for No.10.

To give people time to buy masks?

Where Scotland leads, they follow.

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Bbc reporting predictions of a second wave in winter with modelling up to 250k deaths. 

The guy who wrote the report specifically says it isn’t a prediction but is a possibility.

SAGE said back in March that they expected countries who locked down hard to experience a significant second wave later in the year. This was before the U.K. went into lockdown.
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