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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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5 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Why is it wrong to take a statement at face value?

Because behind whatever facts are being stated there is always a subtext being communicated. The subtext can usually be understood in context. Often it may not be intended to convey this subtext. In the case of the Jrg statement i'd say that they were very deliberately letting people know that the games were being cancelled because the govt wanted them cancelled and the football authorities didn't want to piss off the government. 

Local lockdown was probably a contextual factor in the government motivation for wanting the game cancelled but the need to be seen to act over player breaches was probably more pressing. 


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1 hour ago, renton said:

In fairness Grampian wasnt a couple of cases, it's round about 400 to date. That is not inevitable, otherwise we'd have seen infection rates take off everywhere a week after the pubs opened. It was pretty much a textbook super spreader event.

Other places have so far controlled the infection rates reasonably well to date. The issue, economically speaking is that hospitality is fucked until you can drive demand back up, and folk are being quite conservative with risk so far.

It’s a dog eat dog world at the end of the day and sadly a lot of old people are going to end up served for dinner.


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12 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

Disgusting, after nearly six months of peace, bloody kids are once again starting to appear on my triage list.

Its remarkable really, sore throat, sore ears, all the usual, could there be something causing this...

Won't be long until they pass on all those lovely upper respiratory tract infections to the grandparents etc then the cycle begins again.   

Oh such fun, its busy enough in primary care without them all appearing.


My kids have already shared their first cold with me. So kind of them. Back 1 fucking week 😭

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2 hours ago, Snafu said:

So much for 'Eat out, to help out' campaign.

No struggles for 'essential' Civil Service think-tanks having to justify their existence.

Mentioning furlough, I see the German government are looking to extend theirs for another 24 months


Extending furlough like that is essentially creating two tiers of unemployment. It might be acceptable in Germany but I doubt it would go down well here.

The better solution are benefits which provide a decent standard of living, a ban on evictions and mortgage holidays for those who require it. 

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Listening to NS just now, I get the impression that this won't be over until there are zero cases.  It seems likely that just a single case in anything resembling normality will rather quickly see a return to the current figures. 
Without a vaccine, which could realistically be years away, I honestly can't see a way out of considerable restrictions this year.  Fitba's fooked. [emoji20]

Vaccines sound relatively promising in the near/medium term future.

There’s already a treatment been approved and being used, another one being trialled further. These things will hopefully keep popping up, which makes the virus less of a killer.

Testing will improve, already chat of some tests that give far quicker results. This’ll potentially aid things like international travel.

Things are going slowly, but we’ll get there. Biggest concern at present is SG not being ready for the end of furlough - surely this would be the tipping point into focusing on the wider impact of restrictions rather than the virus itself?
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1 hour ago, Hedgecutter said:

It's a conspiracy!!!







but finally, spare a thought for poor Kirsty...


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Some of those comments are but a well placed graph away from earning them a starring role on this very thread. 

Edited by John MacLean
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16 minutes ago, anotherchance said:

Things are going slowly, but we’ll get there. Biggest concern at present is SG not being ready for the end of furlough - surely this would be the tipping point into focusing on the wider impact of restrictions rather than the virus itself?


They are a million miles away from being ready for that.

Whether or not you agree with the WM approach it is clear what it is - open as much as is possible and remove as many restrictions as possible to minimise any impact of the JRS ending in October.

They are accepting in the main of a relatively low number of cases (at a steady ~1,000 per day it would take just 150 years to infect the entire population) and are clearly satisfied that, so long as hospital numbers are decreasing / remain low then there is little danger of the NHS being overwhelmed.

The Scottish Government, on the other hand, are pursuing a different approach of elimination. This is fine on paper, but they don't hold the purse strings to finance what it would take to achieve this. They keep asking for the JRS to be extended, but there is no reason for WM to agree to this, which is why they continue to ignore her.

They have two options that I can see come the end of the JRS. Continue along their elimination strategy, and blame WM for the job losses that will cause, or, fling the doors open on November 1st, and, if it goes tits up, blame WM for forcing them to do so.

Either way, they can blame WM for any issues, and talk about how they could have done it so much better if they had complete control, which is, and has been for the last 12 years plus, the modus operandi of the SG under the SNP.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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1 hour ago, Tynierose said:

Disgusting, after nearly six months of peace, bloody kids are once again starting to appear on my triage list.

Its remarkable really, sore throat, sore ears, all the usual, could there be something causing this...

Won't be long until they pass on all those lovely upper respiratory tract infections to the grandparents etc then the cycle begins again.   

Oh such fun, its busy enough in primary care without them all appearing.


We’ve already had send one home who came in with a dose of the shites.

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If the Scottish government only gave the kids the results they were predicted because of a looming election, what's the excuse for England, Wales and Northern Ireland?

Edited by madwullie
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