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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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The plan is to have up to 20,000 in for the Autumn tests.
Which is fine, but i'm not sure how last night showed anything that could be scaled up to anywhere near that level.
Obviously last night was not about making money, but for our football clubs etc it will be (it's part of the reason the season was delayed). 10% on top of toilet stewards etc isn't going to allow them to do that.

Yeah they have to be a bit more ambitious, 600 people can safely get into a 67000 all seater stadium?- well i could have told you that! There were more at the BLM protests in Glasgow & Edinburgh. To me we have to do some testing for spread then look at how we can take a risk assessed approach to hosting crowds WITHOUT social distancing required,
You must give your details to the club when buying tickets,
You must sit in your allocated seat,
You must use the turnstile & exit gate stated on your ticket
You must use the toilet and refreshment vendor closest to your seat perhaps printed on your ticket
If you or anybody in your household has symptoms you should not attend the match

Masks? Possibly, although I don’t know what the police would make of that as precovid if you ever had your scarf pulled up over your face you often got pulled put the line for a “ random security search”
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If you are a solo football match attendee (picked as the worst type in terms of SD requirements, the more solo people, the more space required therefore the more empty seats) are you really at anymore risk of exposure than in a pub with 2 or 3 or 4 other people under the 3 household rule?

You are potentially beside 2 households on your left and right, and the guy behind you despite him being a bit above you. You would assume the guy directly in front poses almost no risk to you.

I would have thought masks plus the fact you are outdoors would be good enough to mitigate the risks. If 1 metre is good enough to mix households indoors, maybe you could push it to 1 seat left between groups but that would still allow for most clubs to get most of their season tickets at least in surely?

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7 minutes ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

You must give your details to the club when buying tickets,
You must sit in your allocated seat,
You must use the turnstile & exit gate stated on your ticket
You must use the toilet and refreshment vendor closest to your seat perhaps printed on your ticket
If you or anybody in your household has symptoms you should not attend the match


The first four points there basically already happen preCovid and the fifth applies to any activity.

The best thing to do would be to have no pie stalls.

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The first four points there basically already happen preCovid and the fifth applies to any activity.
The best thing to do would be to have no pie stalls.

Not always not everywhere but i know what you mean. Falkirk to their reluctant credit when they opened the south stand agreed to make the seating unreserved including for season tickets in a nod to the old terrace behind the goal at brockville, obviously that wouldn’t be allowed in this instance. Clubs with standing areas would have to observe social distancing although this isn’t usually a problem for most
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20 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Are people thinking Grahame is being serious here? 


Of course he is, real fans would gladly wait till midnight to leave the stadium after a Saturday afternoon game, despite all the naysayers.

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7 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
17 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:
This can't be real - Leitch would surely be more of an expert

So it only does that with children ergo the virus can work out a person's age now, ffs these folk need locking up.

I'll take a peer reviewed published study as being more reliable than a lad on The Forum tbh.

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20 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Maybe we need to get rid off children.

Or maybe just not allow them to flout all social distancing rules and be crammed into the same building at full capacity for five days a week for the sake of their parents' shot at career promotion.

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There is a multi-occupancy property “a few yards” from the 2Sisters factory where 30 people are sharing 6 bedrooms.  

“Several residents tested positive for Covid-19”.

It seems Perth and Kinross Council are not overly bothered though the local MP, Pete Wishart, is concerned at the “living environment”.

I’m assuming these people are employees of 2Sisters (and possibly their families).


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2 minutes ago, virginton said:

Or maybe just not allow them to flout all social distancing rules and be crammed into the same building at full capacity for five days a week for the sake of their parents' shot at career promotion.

During the war we sent them to the country to live with farmers. Why can't we do that now, preferably to farms in another country. Pubs can stay open, football can have crowds and parents can climb the greasy pole.

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10 minutes ago, virginton said:

Or maybe just not allow them to flout all social distancing rules and be crammed into the same building at full capacity for five days a week for the sake of their parents' shot at career promotion.

No need, it's well known you are safe as long as you are sitting down.

It's why you can sit in a pub for hours no problem, but standing up to take a drink is banned.

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2 minutes ago, GNU_Linux said:
25 minutes ago, Szamo said:
The virus doesn't care whether you're colouring in Tigger in school or at home completing the crossword in The People's Friend.

What if I'm colouring The People's Friend?

Then you must stay at home to protect the #NHS and save lives.

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