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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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3 hours ago, John MacLean said:

The extended households are exempt from the restrictions in the NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde are (and I assume the other Health Board areas with restrictions in place).

If they are to apply those restrictions across all of Scotland I would guess that the extended households would be exempt across the country too.

Does this extended household still include being able to meet your other half? Scottish Gov specifically mentioned a few months ago that it was fine to meet your partner with no social distancing required no matter what the living arrangements are. 

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Does this extended household still include being able to meet your other half? Scottish Gov specifically mentioned a few months ago that it was fine to meet your partner with no social distancing required no matter what the living arrangements are. 

Yes, you can still do that
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2 hours ago, NotThePars said:

You can tell something’s going on with the Tory Party cause all their unpaid activists in the media are ramping up the “imagine if Corbyn was in charge during this emoji23.png emoji38.png emoji13.png “ stuff again.

I've been imagining that since Day One of this shambles, and, while I am an unashamed Socialist of long standing*, I honestly struggle to single out even one policy or action of this Government which has not proved to be the worst of all possible choices. Even the helpful stuff such as the Furlough scheme, has been presented as Wingnut Rishi being some benevolent financial genius, rather than the Party of Fiscal Responsibility ensuring our descendants will be hampered with this debt fo multiple generations. As for Eat out to Help Out - quite apart from more debt being piled onto the excequer, in whose mind was having everybody and their mates getting together to renew acquaintance and share infection a good idea?

Simply put, and it really is simple - we kept numbers down through control measures. If we loosen those control measures without implementing other measures, infections will rise and spread will soon get back to pre-lockdown levels. We aren't getting "back" to anything - even allowing you could get thousands upon thousands of commuters into city centres safely, how the blue fúck are you going to get them up into the dozens of floors of the blocks where they work? The employers overwhelmingly have been pleasantly surprised that their drones have performed quite acceptbly while working remotely.  Pret and Costa are fúcked, and they're probably getting used to the idea and planning alternative business models. Those commercial landlords who rely on income from office space in city centres? Fúck 'em, they're parasites.

*And even longer sitting down (S. Milligan)

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Nicola would be an outstanding wrestling GM.

I could see her announcing that Boris is going one on one with the Undertaker

Paul Heyman representing Covid. “Ladies and gentlemen, my client, the reigning, defending, undisputed, economy wrecking, grandma killing, COVID-19 will be ruining your Christmas and that isn’t a prediction... That’s a spoiler.”
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1 hour ago, Big Fifer said:

That announcement/conference was weird, mentioning "doubling" and "exponential rise" but showing graphs that don't show that. Have to assume that's just them laying the groundwork for whatever new restrictions come into play the next few days. 

So, Whitty or Vallance - which one is Todd_is_God?

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12 hours ago, tamthebam said:

House parties is an interesting one. Pre-covid there were plenty of decent folk whose daily lives were made a misery by their neddy neighbours having parties every night and it took a long time, if ever, for action to be taken. Usually the housing officer would say "keep a diary of incidents" and a warning would be given which would likely be ignored. Now there's an epidemic some folk can't go a few months without having a house party. My inner fascist says the Polis should be issued with baseball bats to break up parties by smashing up music playing equipment like Alexas, hi-fi's and the like.

And yes I don't tend to get invited to parties. And the last house party I was at (last year) I found quite boring. 


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Looks like instead of constantly drinking partying and shagging all those uni students might actually have to get a fucking education now [emoji38] always abright side!

Many a student has managed to get an education while enjoying the other elements you list. Presumably shagging contributes to a fucking education in any case.
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4 hours ago, Big Fifer said:

Maybe I've missed it but I've not seen them talking about the household bubbles for a very long time, wasn't really aware they were still a thing. 

Of course they are still a thing, a household should have been within 1m or anyone or another house hold since March. The bubbles allow couples living apart to see each other etc.

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8 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

I've been imagining that since Day One of this shambles, and, while I am an unashamed Socialist of long standing*, I honestly struggle to single out even one policy or action of this Government which has not proved to be the worst of all possible choices. Even the helpful stuff such as the Furlough scheme, has been presented as Wingnut Rishi being some benevolent financial genius, rather than the Party of Fiscal Responsibility ensuring our descendants will be hampered with this debt fo multiple generations. As for Eat out to Help Out - quite apart from more debt being piled onto the excequer, in whose mind was having everybody and their mates getting together to renew acquaintance and share infection a good idea?

Simply put, and it really is simple - we kept numbers down through control measures. If we loosen those control measures without implementing other measures, infections will rise and spread will soon get back to pre-lockdown levels. We aren't getting "back" to anything - even allowing you could get thousands upon thousands of commuters into city centres safely, how the blue fúck are you going to get them up into the dozens of floors of the blocks where they work? The employers overwhelmingly have been pleasantly surprised that their drones have performed quite acceptbly while working remotely.  Pret and Costa are fúcked, and they're probably getting used to the idea and planning alternative business models. Those commercial landlords who rely on income from office space in city centres? Fúck 'em, they're parasites.

*And even longer sitting down (S. Milligan)

Borrowing costs are pretty low at the moment (0.5% or thereabouts) so the furlough scheme shouldn't add astronomical amounts of debt or at least won't cost huge ammounts to service.  The alternative is to lay off millions of people, with all the affect that would have on increased welfare payments, loss of economic activity, failing businesses etc.  It's effectively a money transfer from the government to people to avoid complete catastrophe and help stop the virus.

Regarding Eat Out To Help Out, the cost of that, compared to other measures, is relatively low (about £500m) and it has had a huge affect on hospitality.  Again, balance the costs out against the dangers of destroying the restaurant and allied sectors.  I don't think there's any solid evidence that this spiked infection rates significantly - the rates were beginning to rise during August anyway and the places that have seen increases have had other causes - people meeting in houses for example.


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