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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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9 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

I see the back page of the Daily Record is ruining a story that SPFL chiefs are having a meeting with the SG on Friday to get fans back at games the following WEEK. With all this tier nonsense going on I reckon there’s no chance this will be given the go ahead 

Tier 1 and 0 allow restricted crowds.  Given the tiers come in on Monday it seems sensible for the spfl to be discussing how this can be implemented for tier 1 regions for games on.    Ross county v Livingston has a decent chance of fans especially given they have run a test event if highlands get tier 1.

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4 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

The tiers document states that areas in Levels 0 or 1 can have fans in stadia, with restrictions.

Going by that and if the leaks are accurate then clubs in the Highland and Moray regions can have fans in games.  That would be us, Ross County and Elgin City.

The way the article is reporting they mention ALL Scottish Premiership games that weekend. 

Maybe they need yet more test events to “see how fans behave”  

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Tier One: Don't pick up the phone
You know he's only callin' 'cause he's drunk and alone

Tier Two: Don't let him in
You have to kick him out again

Tier Three: Don't be his friend
You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in the morning

Tier 4: And if you're under him, you ain't gettin' over him

Tier 1: nothing wrong with me

Tier 2: nothing wrong with me

Tier 3: nothing wrong with me

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On 25/10/2020 at 17:59, Richey Edwards said:



Thanks guys.

Yeah, my mum, my dad and I are to stay at home for two weeks. I currently live with my parents, so need to isolate as well.

She has a cough and feels a bit chesty, but apart from that she says she's not feeling too bad.

She got track and traced via the app earlier in the week and had to isolate for two weeks anyway, but she was confident that she didn't have Coronavirus until a couple of days ago when she started having a cough.

I would be more concerned if my dad caught it, because he has a heart condition and is a bit older than my mum.

Having to stay at home is a ball ache because I was meant to be returning to work within the next week or so. However, it needs to be done.

Hopefully we'll all be well and come through this with no lasting effects.

As a further update, my dad has tested positive as well.


I am going for a test at Prestwick Airport later.

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1 hour ago, Lurkst said:

Pfizer the surprizer.


They should do a 2 for 1 deal with Viagra. Then if the vaccine doesn't work they can promote another lock down with the slogan "Go hard and go home".

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6 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

you sure are 😍

see this is why im clinging on and refusing to get rid of my faceapp !FemaleThistle_do_nicely pic yet. my inner attention whore thanks you.

edit: ill go back to the BG2 Arnie Smoking Cigar pic at some point, but not today. Not today.

In any event - to try to add something a bit more on topic, my partner said a guy had come in trying to get 10 bottles of hand sanitiser on her shift at Tesco the other week. She informed him that he would only be able to buy 3, he threw a strop and said he needed them for other households. Partner held firm and the guy said "fine, take them all back then".

which kind of had me seething a little; if he wouldnt even take 3 when offered the option then chances are he's already stockpiled enough to do him, and clearly didn't fucking need to buy *any*. Partner agreed, found the whole thing bizarre.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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18 minutes ago, Richey Edwards said:

As a further update, my dad has tested positive as well.


I am going for a test at Prestwick Airport later.

At least if you've all got it you won't have to worry about hiding away from each other. Hope none of you get more than a mild hit.

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see this is why im clinging on and refusing to get rid of my faceapp !FemaleThistle_do_nicely pic yet. my inner attention whore thanks you.

edit: ill go back to the BG2 Arnie Smoking Cigar pic at some point, but not today. Not today.
Whats the matter?
Cia got you pushing too many pencils?
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29 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Is this correct - death rates week ending 16 October different from the source - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-54696873 ?

''Separate figures from the ONS today showed that Covid-19 deaths in the UK increased from just under 500 to just over 750 in the week to 16 October, pushing the total number of deaths 6% over the level expected for this time of year.''

I usually find it worth while checking the source if given. I did and if this stat has been interpreted this way then this is bollox from the BBC.


And then on to the most recent data from week ending 16/10, (done on excel ffs 😒)

I got a message to say that my subscription had expired so if anyone wants to have a look, I'm open to correction if you can find where the BBC got that exact figure?

I caught before I was ejected, that the deaths from COVID-19 made up 6% of the deaths that week in the UK (not 6% over the level expected for this time of year as claimed by the BBC

Maybe @Todd_is_God, you could have a look as you don't seem to have a problem getting access?

So much misinformation given out, just find it harder and harder to trust mainstream media to get their facts right.

I don't really have time atm, but based on an average of 1,650 deaths each day in the UK, 750 would be 6.5% of the expected total of 11,550

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

I got put off going to Japan last year when I heard it's very taboo to blow your nose in public. You're supposed to just sit on the bus or wherever with snot dribbling down from under your mask.

Not like they send you to the Kaishakunin for it. You might get an odd look or a shake of the head but don't let that stop you visiting a truly amazing country.

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Is this correct - death rates week ending 16 October different from the source - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-54696873 ?

''Separate figures from the ONS today showed that Covid-19 deaths in the UK increased from just under 500 to just over 750 in the week to 16 October, pushing the total number of deaths 6% over the level expected for this time of year.''

I usually find it worth while checking the source if given. I did and if this stat has been interpreted this way then this is bollox from the BBC.


And then on to the most recent data from week ending 16/10, (done on excel ffs [emoji19])

I got a message to say that my subscription had expired so if anyone wants to have a look, I'm open to correction if you can find where the BBC got that exact figure?

I caught before I was ejected, that the deaths from COVID-19 made up 6% of the deaths that week in the UK (not 6% over the level expected for this time of year as claimed by the BBC

Maybe [mention=2588]Todd_is_God[/mention], you could have a look as you don't seem to have a problem getting access?

So much misinformation given out, just find it harder and harder to trust mainstream media to get their facts right.

Pretty much right - 10,534 deaths registered in England and Wales in the week ending 16th. Compared to 9,865 as an average of the previous 5 years for the 42nd week of the year (6.8% increase)


In normal circumstances, if there was no mortality improvements you would expect the number to be up slightly given that the population increases and is older. Compared to last year, population mortality is 10.4% worse for the year as a whole.


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3 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

Not like they send you to the Kaishakunin for it. You might get an odd look or a shake of the head but don't let that stop you visiting a truly amazing country.

Yeah, I bottled it really, thought with travelling alone I'd be too far out of my comfort zone. Getting less adventurous with age, I bet I would have loved it. 

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On a separate note, I notice that early January saw 2,476 people in one week die in England and Wales, where the underlying cause of death was respiratory disease.

Given the apparent desire to attribute Covid to as many respiratory deaths as possible (roughly 60% last week), either through a test or as a suspected factor, that doesn't bode well for the level of panic that will be portrayed over the next few months.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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4 hours ago, mizfit said:


When the daily mail claimed on Sunday that it would be rolled out shortly to front line health workers I laughed and thought it was to sell papers.

If we can start vaccinating the at risk categories before the end of the year we’re on our way to a bit more normality.


I'm in the at risk category but I'll no be taking a vaccine for several months just to see if it works.

1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

I got put off going to Japan last year when I heard it's very taboo to blow your nose in public. You're supposed to just sit on the bus or wherever with snot dribbling down from under your mask.

That's what your sleeve is for 

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5 hours ago, Stan Hope said:

then where to after that ? Homos ? Blacks ? Catholics ?

No, we can just stick disgusting fatties who emburden the rest of society* with their inability to stop stuffing their face with shite 24/7.

Can't see why you thought that was similar to any of the above categories tbh; sounds like your bigotry bubbling to the surface there.













* and weak bridges

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Mrs got invited to a house party on Saturday which of course she rejected and now someone who was there has been told to isolate as someone at her work tested positive.

Get it up every single one of them if she turns out to turn positive.

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