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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Was back in the office today for my third go at trying to restart my job this pandemic.  Since I went to Berlin in March I've still not done 10 days work (would go back on that basis), which makes it all the more bizarre that I was given a key workers letter today :lol:

Can see me finishing up on Wednesday, back in on Tuesday and away back on furlough via Somerset Park at the end of the shift.  

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Like it or not, the government made the decision to prioritise children's education and the political constituency of working families over the hospitality industry and single folk who like to go for a pint.
Was this the correct decision with regards to completely suppressing the virus ?
Probably not.
Was it the correct decision with regards to forthcoming elections and shielding at risk groups whom parents often depend on for childcare ?
It is what it is and I would guess that even with hindsight, they'd still pretty much take almost exactly the same path.
IMO, whether the schools are open or closed would make no difference as to how the SG have treated hospitality. They have already shown a deep distrust in the public regarding alcohol over the years, and the fact is they don't think that we can he trusted to have a few drinks, even with a meal, and still follow the guidelines.
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According to Boris, just over 170 lorries were stuck waiting on the M20 due to France closing it's border.

According to Highways England, there are over 900 lorries waiting to get into Dover.

I wonder who we should believe?
I don't understand how it's legal for these c***s to just fabricate lies and spout them as fact.
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That depends on how many employees are in the total team and how many parents actually need leave. If you have 4 or 5 parents in a team then the number who actually need full-time level leave is most likely going to be 3-3.5 to begin with. The idea that businesses are going to be cracking the whip to insist that people come in to exploit the great business environment of January 2021 instead of having them take unpaid leave in the wake of nationwide school closures is just dystopian nonsense. 

Sorry to burst your bubble but if January is anything like the period from april-december 2020 then it will be totally manic. I work in construction and its been flat out all year. All of our suppliers and clients are the exact same. It looks like construction is being allowed to be continued so there is no chance of many employers letting employees take time off or have holidays.
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If you've been fortunate enough to be employed over the past year then you will likely be much better off now than at any previous Christmas beforehand. The savings figures for the UK this year speak for themselves. Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of people have already been chucked onto the necessity of food banks and £80 a week Universal Credit because of you beloved 'keep schools open, burn the rest down' policy so forgive me if I don't feel too much concern that full-time wage earners might have a dodgy month instead. 

Yes this pandemic has been a financial godsend for your average joe with 2.5 kids. Again planet zog stuff. It's been a godsend for your 10k holiday in Florida every year types and your holiday home in Spain folks plus your Jacob Rees Moggs. It has most certainly not been for your factory worker, your bin man or your cleaner. 



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2 hours ago, peasy23 said:

According to Boris, just over 170 lorries were stuck waiting on the M20 due to France closing it's border.

According to Highways England, there are over 900 lorries waiting to get into Dover.

I wonder who we should believe?

They are both right.  Compared to 50,000 lorries,  900 lorries is still just over 170.

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That's [mention=20881]Marshmallo[/mention] bait!

Haha aye. Was more just meaning that it doesnt really seem to have impacted the nurseries as much. Maybe because they are outside a lot more and also not mixing outside of the class
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8 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Your timeline is all over the place here.

Blended learning was indeed the plan from about the 10th of June, but the decision for schools to return on a pretty much full scale basis was reached on the 23rd of June - hardly late summer and about six weeks ahead of the early August "exams fiasco".

No. That's not right.

On the 23rd June Swinney announced the *aim* was for pupils to return to class, if the infection rate continued to fall. The final decision wasn't taken until the 30th July.

Up until the 30th July we were all working under the assumption blended learning would have been in place.


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6 minutes ago, Gaz said:


Up until the 30th July we were all working under the assumption blended learning would have been in place.

Unequivocally and quite simply not true.

Before the school holidays, it had been made utterly clear that a full return to school would happen across Scotland.

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1 minute ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Unequivocally and quite simply not true.

Before the school holidays, it had been made utterly clear that a full return to school would happen across Scotland.

If that decision had been made prior to the holidays, why on the 28th July was Swinney and the SG still talking about the decision to be made?

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