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The SG's take on easing restrictions is worrying.  As has been said on here countless times, once the vulnerable and all front line NHS staff are vaccinated, meaning hospitals can easily cope, we should all be down to Tier 2 at worst, with some places at Tier 1 or better, no restrictions.

Studies have already shown that the number of cases in the over 80s has dropped, showing that the vaccine is working as it should.  They need to start setting clear pathways out of this fucking cuntmare.

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3 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

The last bit is exactly as I see it. Everyones demeanour changed almost immediately. It's easy to look like a leader when there are little to no expectations on you, facing a situation for which there really isnt a clear answer. As soon as there was one, it became their job to make it so, and they appear to be shitting the bed.

The rhetoric around the vaccine not being the key to some sort of normality, in particular would be deep cringe, were it not be the fact that it's really quite dangerous stuff.

I've said all along. Good leaders can emerge from crisis but crisis suits poor leaders too. Chaos, snap unscrutinised decisions, move on to the next issue.

Think about it at work, poor managers love fire fighting, it means they never have to look long term and actually manage by anticipating and resourcing adequately.

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17 minutes ago, Steven W said:

Disheartening to see a lot of the Scottish newspapers lead with stories of our 'sluggish' roll out of the vaccine, and that we're beginning to lag behind the rest of the UK. I know some of these rags have agendas, but they can't all be wrong.

Also from Jeane Freeman's infamous 1 million by the end of Jan, which last week became Nicola Sturgeon's 900k; I'm now seeing the health secretary quoting 560k by the end of the month. I and a few others on this thread saw the warning signs several weeks ago, but were batted away and accused of worrying about something that hadn't happened yet. The warning signs are there, and Scotland should be getting angry. Pressure should be heaped on the government to ensure its rolled out as rapidly as can be.

On a similar vein, I saw the story on Sky News this morning re the vaccine roll out in Israel. Again, I know there's some stuff about Palestine and what have you, but whatever way you look at it, they're powering through their roll out. Presumably this must begin to reflect in their daily infection / hospitalisation / death numbers - anyone seen anything on this?

Israel has a high density, urban population. A highly digitised health care system that makes tracking and planning easier and a massive reserve military (every Israeli adult does 2 years in the military) that they can call on to boost  numbers of medics, vaccinators and infrastructure construction.

As for our vaccination numbers. They are limited by the numbers and timing of those numbers coming in. We expect to have 900,000 doses by the end of January, and recently took delivery of something like 400,000 doses. Thus we can do up to 560,000 before the balance f that 900,000 arrives. However, if that remainder arrives on the 31st of January then there will he a discrepancy between the number of doses available "in January" vs. The number of actual people vaccinated.

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1 hour ago, Aufc said:

Why the f**k would anyone want to take their kid(s) to the supermarket? From my experience, its shite. They spend their time running away and hiding half the time and you get to the till and you find you have extra items you didnt put in. It also adds an extra 20 or so minutes onto a job that is necessary but infinitely shite.

Aye, leave them at the Mother in Law's. The kettle will be on for you coming back.

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3 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

The SG's take on easing restrictions is worrying.  As has been said on here countless times, once the vulnerable and all front line NHS staff are vaccinated, meaning hospitals can easily cope, we should all be down to Tier 2 at worst, with some places at Tier 1 or better, no restrictions.

Studies have already shown that the number of cases in the over 80s has dropped, showing that the vaccine is working as it should.  They need to start setting clear pathways out of this fucking cuntmare.

I think they're worried that as soon as they say it will soon be over, people will start easing off prematurely and we'll get another spike. I agree it's time they described a pathway to something more like normal, even with loads of caveats, people need a bit of hope.

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6 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

The SG's take on easing restrictions is worrying.  As has been said on here countless times, once the vulnerable and all front line NHS staff are vaccinated, meaning hospitals can easily cope, we should all be down to Tier 2 at worst, with some places at Tier 1 or better, no restrictions.

Studies have already shown that the number of cases in the over 80s has dropped, showing that the vaccine is working as it should.  They need to start setting clear pathways out of this fucking cuntmare.

On top of this, the "most vulnerable" priority list goes well beyond the scope of what is actually required.

Take the "clinically vulnerable" younger people like myself. There have been just 33 deaths to date in those aged under 45, clinically vulnerable or not. I'm not convinced the rest of the population should be living under considerable restrictions until the likes of me have been vaccinated.

I've no doubt I am at greater risk than the general population of similar age, but that means little when you consider the base level of risk if I was not "clinically vulnerable" is absolutely tiny.

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11 minutes ago, renton said:

Israel has a high density, urban population. A highly digitised health care system that makes tracking and planning easier and a massive reserve military (every Israeli adult does 2 years in the military) that they can call on to boost  numbers of medics, vaccinators and infrastructure construction.

As for our vaccination numbers. They are limited by the numbers and timing of those numbers coming in. We expect to have 900,000 doses by the end of January, and recently took delivery of something like 400,000 doses. Thus we can do up to 560,000 before the balance f that 900,000 arrives. However, if that remainder arrives on the 31st of January then there will he a discrepancy between the number of doses available "in January" vs. The number of actual people vaccinated.

According to the usually reliable travelling tabby, we have vaccinated just over 150,000 to date (which I believe is up to last Tuesday)

That leaves the SG around 3½ weeks to vaccinate 400,000 people.

Those sound like fantasy land numbers based on what has gone before, but tomorrow's vaccinated update will give a clearer picture of whether we have any hope of getting to 560,000 by month end.

I could be wrong here but i'd be absolutely stunned if we have managed to vaccinate 115,000 in the last 7 days.

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23 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

The SG's take on easing restrictions is worrying.  As has been said on here countless times, once the vulnerable and all front line NHS staff are vaccinated, meaning hospitals can easily cope, we should all be down to Tier 2 at worst, with some places at Tier 1 or better, no restrictions.

Studies have already shown that the number of cases in the over 80s has dropped, showing that the vaccine is working as it should.  They need to start setting clear pathways out of this fucking cuntmare.

This is why I flagged up Israel earlier. For several reasons they're leading the way on the vaccine front, which must therefore at some point (maybe even by now) translate into big drops in infections / hospitalisations / deaths, so it would be interesting to keep an eye on their numbers. Ultimately we're following their path, and their numbers were plummet, you'd expect ours to do simliar in time. Upon that basis SG could begin to start eyeing up easing of restrcitions - if SG really wanted to

Unfortunately Travelling Trabby has yet to branch out into Middle East charts and graphs

Edited by Steven W
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8 minutes ago, Distant Doonhamer said:

Are there figures to support press claims that Scotland is behind the rest of the U.K. in terms of vaccination rates?

Slightly opportunistic reporting tbh (in terms of overall population percent only N. Ireland is ahead of Scotland), however they are correct that Scotland is currently vaccinating at a lower rate than anywhere else in the UK.


Edited by Todd_is_God
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5 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

According to the usually reliable travelling tabby, we have vaccinated just over 150,000 to date (which I believe is up to last Tuesday)

That leaves the SG around 3½ weeks to vaccinate 400,000 people.

Those sound like fantasy land numbers based on what has gone before, but tomorrow's vaccinated update will give a clearer picture of whether we have any hope of getting to 560,000 by month end.

I could be wrong here but i'd be absolutely stunned if we have managed to vaccinate 115,000 in the last 7 days.

That is also significantly less than the 1m we were originally promised and the 900k target Sturgeon mentioned more recently.

Like everything else in Scotland it will be split into two tribes of varying levels of extremes - there are countless people who will defend everything the Scottish Government do mindlessly banging on about "supply", and then you'll have the other side panning anything which comes from Nippy Krankie.

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Slightly opportunistic reporting tbh

Thanks for this reply. So lowest figure for one week of the 4 weekly periods reported, albeit the most recent one. Be interesting to see a figure for each country for the total number delivered per 100k population I.e total per 100k since vaccination started.
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4 minutes ago, Distant Doonhamer said:

Thanks for this reply. So lowest figure for one week of the 4 weekly periods reported, albeit the most recent one. Be interesting to see a figure for each country for the total number delivered per 100k population.

Wales aside, pretty much neck and neck


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6 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

That is also significantly less than the 1m we were originally promised and the 900k target Sturgeon mentioned more recently.

Like everything else in Scotland it will be split into two tribes of varying levels of extremes - there are countless people who will defend everything the Scottish Government do mindlessly banging on about "supply", and then you'll have the other side panning anything which comes from Nippy Krankie.

This has been one of the most frustrating things about the pandemic for me. Groups of people so entrenched in their position that any criticism of their side, regardless of merit, is met with condescending comments or downright anger. As someone who pre-pandemic was a big Sturgeon and SNP fan, I still overall am a supporter of the SNP and will vote for them and think Sturgeon is the best we have got, but posters like Granny Danger and Wee Willie snidely refuting any criticism must push people away.

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Wales aside, pretty much neck and neck

Thanks again for this. So in essence Scotland has fallen behind the rest of the U.K. for a one week period re vaccination. I’m all for keeping pressure on the Scottish Government around this but as you say the reporting of us being behind the rest of the U.K. is both opportunistic and selective.
Edit to add we are of course some way behind the previous self proclaimed targets from the ScotGov.
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That is also significantly less than the 1m we were originally promised and the 900k target Sturgeon mentioned more recently.
Like everything else in Scotland it will be split into two tribes of varying levels of extremes - there are countless people who will defend everything the Scottish Government do mindlessly banging on about "supply", and then you'll have the other side panning anything which comes from Nippy Krankie.
Obviously the SG are reliant on supply of the vaccine via Westminster but if it is provided in the numbers and at the times expected then there should be no excuses for backlogs and supplies just sitting there.

If Westminster aren't communicating properly and then just dump half a million doses on us at the end of the month then the SG should be shouting from the rooftops about it because you can't plan the largest scale vaccination program in history that way.
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8 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

That is also significantly less than the 1m we were originally promised and the 900k target Sturgeon mentioned more recently.

Like everything else in Scotland it will be split into two tribes of varying levels of extremes - there are countless people who will defend everything the Scottish Government do mindlessly banging on about "supply", and then you'll have the other side panning anything which comes from Nippy Krankie.

Absolutely. But people should remember that the SG themselves set these targets and expectations, not once or twice, but three times, and still  don't look like getting near it.

They've set themselves a target rate now which would allow them to have given 1.6m people their first dose by the end of March, with the capacity to do even more if stocks allow.

Absolutely no one surely believes that.

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