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33 minutes ago, H Wragg said:

"That's when the security guards arrives and started to forcibly remove him.

Mr Leigh shouted: "I'm an officer of the court. I'm putting you on notice, if you put one hand on me and touch me I'll be doing you for assault.""


Get tae f**k!


*whips out magna carta*


Edited by madwullie
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21 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Politicians are terrified of being accused of callously allowing  lots of people to die so they play it ultra-safe and find ways to create a narrative in which subsequent infection waves are due to yobs not following their nanny state rules rather than new more readily transmissible variants messing with the R0 number until herd immunity is achieved again. A party that is generally perceived as having handled a pandemic badly could easily be in opposition for a generation or mess up that chance of an independence referendum they are completely obsessive about.

Deciding it must be untrue is also a perfect head in the sand technique for those with the SG on a pedestal.

Far easier to rubbish data from Israel than come to terms with the SG's piss poor vaccine roll out.

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29 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Politicians are terrified of being accused of callously allowing  lots of people to die so they play it ultra-safe and find ways to create a narrative in which subsequent infection waves are due to yobs not following their nanny state rules rather than new more readily transmissible variants messing with the R0 number until herd immunity is achieved again. A party that is generally perceived as having handled a pandemic badly could easily be in opposition for a generation or mess up that chance of an independence referendum they are completely obsessive about.

the public- we want the grown up conversation you were telling us about , we want to be able to make our own choices we know the risks but we need to live our lives

also the public - you did nothing to stop the virus from spreading, MURDERERS!

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When are reporters going to start taking Leitch  and crowd to task.  On Radio Scotland this morning an 84 yr old was questioning why she had not been jagged but letters are being sent out to over 70's. At that point Leitch appeared and started his usual pontificating. Apparently we are vaccinating around the clock - really where exactly but that was not questioned. Last week he was challenged when he said the Louise Jordon was vaccinating 7 days a week. When challenged he said it did not matter and rambled on about something else.  It was good to hear that his folks are getting the jag but he finished off saying to the 84 yr old that if she has not heard anything by 5th February then phone back into the programme telling them that Jason told you to do so.  Who is running the country because it certainly appears not to be the SG

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When are reporters going to start taking Leitch  and crowd to task.  On Radio Scotland this morning an 84 yr old was questioning why she had not been jagged but letters are being sent out to over 70's. At that point Leitch appeared and started his usual pontificating. Apparently we are vaccinating around the clock - really where exactly but that was not questioned. Last week he was challenged when he said the Louise Jordon was vaccinating 7 days a week. When challenged he said it did not matter and rambled on about something else.  It was good to hear that his folks are getting the jag but he finished off saying to the 84 yr old that if she has not heard anything by 5th February then phone back into the programme telling them that Jason told you to do so.  Who is running the country because it certainly appears not to be the SG
The answer was spot on. She's scheduled to receive her injection by 5 Feb so why was she even on moaning before she hasn't had it 10 days before that date ?
Folk can't complain about slow rollout then in the same breath complain about preparing to start the next tranche during the current one. This sort of media shit needs to stop.
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15 hours ago, pandarilla said:

Just to address the similar point in these posts (and because i hate to see marshmallo baffled any more than he normal is) ...

I try hard not to judge folk, and certainly don't think I'm better than the average punter.

But if you're going to pretend that there's not an element of scummery in our society then i honestly don't know how to respond.

f**k knows where you're living. I live in Dundee, a city with huge problems of deprivation. I don't live in one of the wealthy pockets of the city, and therefore encounter these folk from time to time (usually at the chemist or the shops - but also through work).

The problems facing these families are numerous and complex, and can only be solved by a massive increase in government funding (something that i support but that all main parties run away from) - but as far as i can see their actions during this pandemic are part of the problem with community transmission.


You try hard not to judge, yet leap to the description of "scum". Aye, OK then..

There are indeed examples of scum throughout our society - you don't have to look further than the current Cabinet for examples of cúnts interpreting rules in their own sweet way. There'a an arbiter of moral values foghorning every morning on ITV who hacked a dead girl's phone to increase newspaper sales. Our current leader left his wife while she was suffering from cancer. 

No-one deprives themselves. If you spend the time utilising the media to tell the economically disadvantaged that their lives are worth less than others, don't be surprised if they take less care to protect those lives. 

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When are reporters going to start taking Leitch  and crowd to task.  On Radio Scotland this morning an 84 yr old was questioning why she had not been jagged but letters are being sent out to over 70's. At that point Leitch appeared and started his usual pontificating. Apparently we are vaccinating around the clock - really where exactly but that was not questioned. Last week he was challenged when he said the Louise Jordon was vaccinating 7 days a week. When challenged he said it did not matter and rambled on about something else.  It was good to hear that his folks are getting the jag but he finished off saying to the 84 yr old that if she has not heard anything by 5th February then phone back into the programme telling them that Jason told you to do so.  Who is running the country because it certainly appears not to be the SG
Because these are for appointments in several weeks time. If you waited to send out the letters because not all over 80s are jagged you'd have a delay.

You could have 99.99% of over 80s vaccinated and BBC Scotland would still wheel out that one 80+ year old who has not been vaccinated.

It's symptomatic of the box pop pish route that drives their "journalism".
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6 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Because these are for appointments in several weeks time. If you waited to send out the letters because not all over 80s are jagged you'd have a delay.

You could have 99.99% of over 80s vaccinated and BBC Scotland would still wheel out that one 80+ year old who has not been vaccinated.

It's symptomatic of the box pop pish route that drives their "journalism".

Yes, and some areas will have a lot more over 80s than others, it would be daft to wait for everyone to catch up.

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All over 80s are in JCVI group 1. Did the lady have a date yet? If not I think it's perfectly fair to question why not given we are already sending out letters to those in groups 3 and 4.

"Tell them Jason told you to do so" is just another shite soundbite.

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Because these are for appointments in several weeks time. If you waited to send out the letters because not all over 80s are jagged you'd have a delay.

You could have 99.99% of over 80s vaccinated and BBC Scotland would still wheel out that one 80+ year old who has not been vaccinated.

It's symptomatic of the box pop pish route that drives their "journalism".

This is absolutely inevitable, and will happen in the rest of the UK too. Sad face pictures with words like ‘disgusting’ and ‘disgrace’. A small footnote at the bottom of the article saying the person hasn’t been registered with a GP since 1976 and isn’t on the voter roll.
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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

Yes, and some areas will have a lot more over 80s than others, it would be daft to wait for everyone to catch up.

Correct. So we should be doing more per day, rather than trundling along doing just what is required to hit 56% of our original target by the end of January.

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11 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Peston thread on the AZ-EU dispute.


The comments are interesting as they seem to argue against what Peston is saying. That in fact the EU have agreed a deal and paid up front now AZ just aren’t delivering. It seems that the EU deal was reached around August, so really plenty of time for AZ to sort out supply issues.

Edited by Jambomo
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3 minutes ago, Jambomo said:

The comments are interesting as they seem to argue against what Peston is saying. That in fact the EU have agreed a deal and paid up front now AZ just aren’t delivering. It seems that the EU deal was reached around August, so really plenty of time for AZ to sort out supply issues.

I can’t really say and it wouldn’t surprise me if there was more to it. Peston did find mirrors confusing the other day.


One point I’ve read that’s pertinent to this and the ‘8% efficacy” story is that a lot of the reporting on this crisis has been from political correspondents and thus has been done using their methods - briefings, anonymous sources, tips. That might work for speculating on who is going to get the Department of Social Affairs in the next reshuffle but when you are reporting about data from vaccine trials it really isn’t good enough. Perhaps people with more understanding should be given central roles but I guess that Peston etc all get the big bucks so they get the big stories.


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5 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I can’t really say and it wouldn’t surprise me if there was more to it. Peston did find mirrors confusing the other day.


One point I’ve read that’s pertinent to this and the ‘8% efficacy” story is that a lot of the reporting on this crisis has been from political correspondents and thus has been done using their methods - briefings, anonymous sources, tips. That might work for speculating on who is going to get the Department of Social Affairs in the next reshuffle but when you are reporting about data from vaccine trials it really isn’t good enough. Perhaps people with more understanding should be given central roles but I guess that Peston etc all get the big bucks so they get the big stories.


Peston is an idiot but yes, it’s a worry that political journalists are developing the story that’s being told.

It is probably to be expected that after years of working in this field they will develop biases but I feel these are coming through. Stories like the 8% efficacy one are so irresponsible at a time when we are in a panic already over people not trusting vaccines and information in general. 

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