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6 minutes ago, Proudtobeabairn said:

By the end of April, the priority groups will all have been vaccinated.

At that point we need to ditch all the panic about 'infection rates' and concentrate on hospitalisation rates and deaths which will surely be tiny by then.  We can't allow lockdown to continue to weeks and months more just because younger healthy (often asymptomatic) age groups are catching Covid.  

We've been saying that all along on this thread, but with Leitch and Sridhar advising the SG, i doubt it'll go that way.

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7 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Would have to check my work emails but I think Gavin Williamson also said that they won't row back on the schools reopening so if there's an uptick in infection levels then that's unfortunate but that's the way it has to be.

Yes, because this Government absolutely have a track record on doing what they've said.

They also said it was safe for schools to go back in January. Not sure how that turned out

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5 minutes ago, Snobot said:

I had The AZ and didn’t have any side effects whatsoever, not even a sore arm, whereas someone I know had it on the same day and was in their bed for 36 hours feeling terrible.

Ears burning for 2 hours and arm started being sore to the touch after 2 days, bring on round 2 then us auld farts can get out to the pubs n clubs. 

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37 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

f**k me how many more times are the BBC going to regurgitate this same story.

BBC News - Covid in Scotland: Tighter rules will be used to decide on levels

Maybe if the powers that be read it often enough the lightbulb will go off that the WHO advice is out of date and therefore irrelevant as it doesn't take any vaccines into account.

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In this particular lockdown tennis, golf, fishing and horse riding have been allowed AFAIK
What confuses me is, I can't see what today's looseining of restrictions (specfically u18s allowed to do non-contact outdoor sports) actually changes. Yes it'll allow non-contact football / rugby training, but as far as i know, both of these are contact sports.

Cricket maybe? Not sure if it's currently allowed?

On that, I saw what looked like a full on cricket match going on in Glasgow the other day. It's the sort of thing the government should have been encouraging to keep people fit and active, rather than outlawing outdoor sports with minimal risk.
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4 minutes ago, craigkillie said:



Cricket maybe? Not sure if it's currently allowed?

On that, I saw what looked like a full on cricket match going on in Glasgow the other day. It's the sort of thing the government should have been encouraging to keep people fit and active, rather than outlawing outdoor sports with minimal risk.



The government have missed a massive opportunity to push an exercise agenda during this. Leaving fives pitches/gyms unopen until late August last summer was a disgrace.

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Cricket maybe? Not sure if it's currently allowed?

On that, I saw what looked like a full on cricket match going on in Glasgow the other day. It's the sort of thing the government should have been encouraging to keep people fit and active, rather than outlawing outdoor sports with minimal risk.
They should absolutely not be encouraging fucking cricket.
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14 hours ago, Le Tout P'ti FC said:

When I next go to Hampden to watch QP v Seaside I or II FC in front of 543 souls, will my now customary wee bottle of hand sanitiser in my right hip pocket survive the pat down by the aviricious Rock Steady thin yellow line?

(That I may never again go to Hampden to watch QP v Anybody is something I don't want to entertain yet.)

In that scenario, rather than giving up my slime, I'm pouring the entire bottle onto my paws. I'll have the most slippy hands that Hampden ever did see. (Other than Ray Clemence 1976.)


Rock steady? Did you wake up from a 15 year coma? G4S have did Hampden for years now 

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2 hours ago, Jeff Venom said:

Jumping back in here having not trawled through the last few weeks of this thread, but has anyone who has had the virus on here also had a vaccination?
If so, how did it go?
I received my first dose last Monday (the AZ one) and had a hellish reaction to it.

I had the virus at the back end of January (three-four days of mild fever/headache/cough) and felt like I was running at around 40% for the next few weeks. Got my first Jag (AZ)* twenty-nine days after initial infection, and had a sore arm for a couple of days. Overall, I felt (and am feeling) much more chipper though - whether that is down to the vaccine or a psychological feeling that I'm protected, I don't know.

* No queue jumping - when the goalposts got moved, my stroke history got me bumped up a couple of groups. Every cloud...

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5 minutes ago, Burnieman said:

First dose vaccination numbers have fallen off a cliff.

Presumably the initial folk starting to get their second doses, coupled with the supply issues that are going to be sorted by next week.

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