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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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As for that weirdo Devi, I cant wait for the day she is called out on her shit views by people in the MSM, rather than her being wheeled out onto GMB or quotes from her in the papers. Shes a fcking nutriotisint (iirc) yet her warped mindset is being taken as gospel by those looking for soundbites


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2 hours ago, anotherchance said:

She’s blocked a couple of scientific types simply because they’ve challenged her on her nonsense today, and she’s gone defensive claiming she’s being destroyed.

i can imagine she gets sick of being questioned off a layman like me, but just patching any reasonable detailed arguments from people who know the ins and outs of the data simply because it doesn’t suit her narrative and bank balance is shite.

She thinks she knows better than people whose credentials and remit exceed hers by far. She is an utterly absurd big child who is probably WhatsApping Chelsea Clinton asking why those big bad vaccinologists are picking on her.

1 hour ago, Ron Aldo said:
1 hour ago, Honest_Man#1 said:
It’s a bit scary that in terms of hospital and ICU numbers we are going to be in a better position within a few days than we were in during last summer when a lot had opened back up, but still be 7 weeks away from being allowed into another household or even having more than 4 people in a group together in a hospitality setting.

Aye but variants.

Err, that's highly transmittable, immunity and vaccine dodging variants, thanks.

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16 minutes ago, virginton said:

Last time I checked you were comparing the UK to Australia; it's really not my fault that you can drive the entire daily UK-France convoy of HGVs through your ridiculous argument. 

Perhaps you can try again with another photo and that hot take to see if anyone buys it.


Ah, so you are arguing for the sake of it: it was you who mentioned the UK being a transport hub, you are being contrary for the sake of it.

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France claims UK will struggle to source second Covid jabs


I haven't paid too much attention to the UK v EU vaccination squabbles, and while the UK Gov have continually said they are confident about having enough supplies, what happens if we don't? It was always the case we'd rely more on the Oxford/AZ vaccine as the roll-out progresses, but are we really at the stage where the EU are going to block supplies to the UK and lead to a potential problem with people getting their second jag?  

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11 minutes ago, s_dog said:

I've seen sense in some of her articles (don't look at her stuff on twitter apart from what gets posted here) but I completely agree with this. I get she's looking at stuff from a super-cautious public health perspective, but she's made a bold statement that's not based on fact, and has refused to back down from that. Then blocking someone like @sailorrooscout for a perfectly reasonable response to that statement isn't just her being defensive, it's just crazy. He was very polite and factual in his replies, including data and saying stuff like "I think it’s important to distinguish that point. Thank you."

The fact shes blocking people for asking valid questions and also blocking actual experts gives her a bit of a narcissist vibe imo. The fact her and the main guy JL also love the sound of their own voice and their face on the TV confirms this even more. A pair of narc moonhowlers 

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8 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

As for that weirdo Devi, I cant wait for the day she is called out on her shit views by people in the MSM, rather than her being wheeled out onto GMB or quotes from her in the papers. Shes a fcking nutriotisint (iirc) yet her warped mindset is being taken as gospel by those looking for soundbites


Yeah, you certainly don't want nutriotisints involved in deciding policy.

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The Taiwan comparison is pointless anyway as they were scarred by SARS and paranoid. That simply did not exist in the UK or rest of Europe. Shutting the borders when Taiwan did in January 2020 would have been inconceivable and nobody was calling for it. Granted, most border measures now are also utterly pointless, but still.

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The UK is obviously highly reliant on road haulage from the continent which couldn't just be cut off. We could, however, have done something about the passengers travelling in and out of the country.

It should also be noted that countries like Taiwan had pandemic plans based on a coronavirus after SARS and MERS. We based all of ours on a flu which has proved to be pretty useless.

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3 minutes ago, Michael W said:

We are definitely not falling deeper and deeper into an authoritarian nightmare though. Definitely not at all. 

The sad part is despite the falling numbers of deaths and people in ICU, people will still accept any rule they're told because "we just dont know" and varients!!! Folk have been brainwashed and cant believe truths for believing propaganda and scaremongering 

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Ever since March 2020, the authoritarian response from governments has worried me far more than the virus ever could, because I knew then what it might mean for the future.

As an aside, Anthony Costello, the duffer that Shridar subtweeted in her lie, quite literally has a disastrous track record of predictions throughout the pandemic. A bit like Devi's 'Scotland nearly eliminated Covid' claim, basically.

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Sridhar said that the AZ vaccine isn’t effective against the South African variant, but she was quoting a single study that showed lack of protection against mild to moderate illness. No-one in the study became seriously ill and it wasn’t Carried out on the dosing schedule used in the vaccine rollout. It’s not a worthless study but it’s not something to make sweeping statements about vaccine effectiveness over.

For Sridhar to make a claim that this shows the vaccine doesn’t work against the South African variant is deeply irresponsible, given her official position and her media profile.

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Sridhar said that the AZ vaccine isn’t effective against the South African variant, but she was quoting a single study that showed lack of protection against mild to moderate illness. No-one in the study became seriously ill and it wasn’t Carried out on the dosing schedule used in the vaccine rollout. It’s not a worthless study but it’s not something to make sweeping statements about vaccine effectiveness over.

For Sridhar to make a claim that this shows the vaccine doesn’t work against the South African variant is deeply irresponsible, given her official position and her media profile.

When the pandemic is over she won't have a media profile. She was an irrelevance before covid and she'll go back to being an irrelevance afterwards. The more shite she spouts the more desperate she seems and I genuinely think she'd be happy for this to drag out for as long as possible if it keeps her in the public eye.
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Ever since March 2020, the authoritarian response from governments has worried me far more than the virus ever could, because I knew then what it might mean for the future.
As an aside, Anthony Costello, the duffer that Shridar subtweeted in her lie, quite literally has a disastrous track record of predictions throughout the pandemic. A bit like Devi's 'Scotland nearly eliminated Covid' claim, basically.
Last year this thread was very pro-china on terms of how they handled things, and you don't get more authoritarian than that.

The tide has turned though, and folk on here seem to have moved into full blown libertarian mode.
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12 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Sridhar said that the AZ vaccine isn’t effective against the South African variant, but she was quoting a single study that showed lack of protection against mild to moderate illness. No-one in the study became seriously ill and it wasn’t Carried out on the dosing schedule used in the vaccine rollout. It’s not a worthless study but it’s not something to make sweeping statements about vaccine effectiveness over.

For Sridhar to make a claim that this shows the vaccine doesn’t work against the South African variant is deeply irresponsible, given her official position and her media profile.

Hahaha inject the rent free seethe 😂🤣😭 she is a wid haha 😂🤣😭

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18 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:
28 minutes ago, ICTChris said:
Sridhar said that the AZ vaccine isn’t effective against the South African variant, but she was quoting a single study that showed lack of protection against mild to moderate illness. No-one in the study became seriously ill and it wasn’t Carried out on the dosing schedule used in the vaccine rollout. It’s not a worthless study but it’s not something to make sweeping statements about vaccine effectiveness over.

For Sridhar to make a claim that this shows the vaccine doesn’t work against the South African variant is deeply irresponsible, given her official position and her media profile.

When the pandemic is over she won't have a media profile. She was an irrelevance before covid and she'll go back to being an irrelevance afterwards. The more shite she spouts the more desperate she seems and I genuinely think she'd be happy for this to drag out for as long as possible if it keeps her in the public eye.

Her and Leitch will be irrelevant when this is over and they know it. 

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