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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Just now, Thereisalight.. said:

Of course it won’t be short term. It will be like “just 3 weeks to flatten the curve” and 13months on we’ll still have to use them. Then of course you’ll have to get the booster jags or your app wont be valid anymore. Creating a never ending cycle of injections for a virus that isn’t harmful to 99% of those outwith the elderly/vulnerable/obese categories. Mind blowing but as has been shown over the last year, we really are a nation of wet wipes who’ll shrug their shoulders and accept anything they’re told by someone in authority 

It also creates the potential for a Social Credit system similar to the one planned in China. And paves the way towards the Cashless Society with all transactions digitally recorded. 

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5 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Of course it won’t be short term. It will be like “just 3 weeks to flatten the curve” and 13months on we’ll still have to use them. Then of course you’ll have to get the booster jags or your app wont be valid anymore. Creating a never ending cycle of injections for a virus that isn’t harmful to 99% of those outwith the elderly/vulnerable/obese categories. Mind blowing but as has been shown over the last year, we really are a nation of wet wipes who’ll shrug their shoulders and accept anything they’re told by someone in authority 

What have you done to register your opposition?

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59 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I doubt we will even be talking about Covid-19 in two years. We are months away from being in a position to have offered every adult in the UK a vaccine which is ridiculously effective.

Anyone talking about covid vaccines in 2023 will only be doing so because they have money to be made from them. With a substantial number of shares in GSK, Whitty falls squarely into that category.

I might not be talking about it but I will always keep it in my head for reference. 

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I read in today's paper that Devi was recently made a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh or FRSE.

Some of you might think she should just have been made an Associate to have the appropriate letters after her name...

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53 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I don't agree that it is necessary, nor do I think it's justifiable.

But it's going to happen, and not because we need it.

Other countries may have a valid case for them due to being behind in their vaccine rollout, but that doesn't mean we need to copy them.

Labour, of course, could grow a set and vote against it, but they will abstain like they have for every other vote, meaning the Lib Dems and 'rebel' Tory MPs won't be enough to stop it.

Starmer's said domestic vaccine passports are "not British" whatever that means but presumably it means Labour don't support it.

It's a horrific policy. I know some fellow lefties who are for them and it's utterly baffling that they want to give someone like Priti Patel that level of power. Incredibly short-sighted.

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2 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

Literally can only speak for myself here and won't presume to do so for others.

At no point during this have I ever been scared of Covid.


Put it this way, I think you are safe from Long Covid anyway, arf arf

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17 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Starmer's said domestic vaccine passports are "not British" whatever that means but presumably it means Labour don't support it.

It's a horrific policy. I know some fellow lefties who are for them and it's utterly baffling that they want to give someone like Priti Patel that level of power. Incredibly short-sighted.

By abstaining at every opportunity they technically haven't supported anything so far.

But they have stopped short of actually opposing anything.

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Boris:  ‘Two fully vaccinated people cannot meet indoors because vaccines are not giving 100% protection.’
Also Boris: ‘You need a vaccine passport to get into the pub.’
I hope this is his poll tax moment, but there’s so many spineless politicians and general public so it will be passed with flying colours 
Yip it seems to be taking a somewhat sinister twist last few days. What is it exactly they don't trust about the vaccines or is the uptake in certain areas of the uk nowhere near the figs being published. Only reason I can think of given all the most vulnerable have a huge % of protection from their first jag and will have been double dosed in around 3 months.
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Starmer's said domestic vaccine passports are "not British" whatever that means but presumably it means Labour don't support it.
It's a horrific policy. I know some fellow lefties who are for them and it's utterly baffling that they want to give someone like Priti Patel that level of power. Incredibly short-sighted.
Corbyn and IDS were both speaking out against the passport scheme this morning. Appears to transcend the political spectrum.
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11 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

By abstaining at every opportunity they technically haven't supported anything so far.

But they have stopped short of actually opposing anything.

That's unfair. You're forgetting this barnstormer (barnstarmer?) of a stance he took back in August.



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5 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
56 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:
Boris:  ‘Two fully vaccinated people cannot meet indoors because vaccines are not giving 100% protection.’
Also Boris: ‘You need a vaccine passport to get into the pub.’
I hope this is his poll tax moment, but there’s so many spineless politicians and general public so it will be passed with flying colours 

Yip it seems to be taking a somewhat sinister twist last few days. What is it exactly they don't trust about the vaccines or is the uptake in certain areas of the uk nowhere near the figs being published. Only reason I can think of given all the most vulnerable have a huge % of protection from their first jag and will have been double dosed in around 3 months.

Definitely sinister. You had the two clowns BJ and MG flatly denying there would be vaccine passports a few months ago, now an almighty uturn. I think in certain parts of the country - London, Bradford, Birmingham etc uptake among certain communities will have been low, but that's their choice. Personally I dont think people should be ostracised for not having the vaccine. 

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28 minutes ago, Rugster said:

That’ll show them. 

I absolutely fucking hate this response. What do you expect him to do that will actually “show them”? Take an AK47 to Westminster?

It’s the same shite response that the ‘SNP can do no wrong’ tosser s give when someone says they’ve written to their MSP to complain about something. What do you suggest that someone does then to voice their opinion?

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10 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

I absolutely fucking hate this response. What do you expect him to do that will actually “show them”? Take an AK47 to Westminster?

It’s the same shite response that the ‘SNP can do no wrong’ tosser s give when someone says they’ve written to their MSP to complain about something. What do you suggest that someone does then to voice their opinion?

I’ll be absolutely sure to get your permission in future before posting a tongue in cheek remark. 

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  • 414 new cases of COVID-19 reported
  • 23,818 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results – 2.0% of these were positive
  • 4 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive 
  • 2,515,748 people have received the first dose of the Covid vaccination and 414,540 have received their second dose

Decent numbers again gents! 🍻

ETA: There will be a few days without hospital updates, but here’s hoping they keep tumbling

Edited by ClathyDave
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