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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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I think the main lesson to take from furlough spending is that "the money is there of you want to spend it on other things - like improving the lives of those at the bottom".
Not "mY taXeS WeRE spUNKeD oN KEePiNg PeOple IN pAId eMPLOymenT". Or the P&B classic of "But ZImBAbWe".
Arguing that we shouldn't have done furlough is fine. And in an alternative reality where we didn't lockdown that's a fair argument. But in reality we did lockdown, and furlough was a necessity. I don't think it went far enough but it has, objectively, been a good thing. 

Countries that don’t have furlough ( mostly developing countries that can’t afford it) don’t have lockdowns, to enforce closure of the economy without compensation for those affected would lead to the swift collapse of society . Some have put in other measures like evening and weekend curfews, kept schools closed since march 2020 and so on.
In most developing countries it takes far fewer cases of seriously ill people to overwhelm the hospitals and many people have died of pneumonia who would have survived if they were in the first world.
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1 hour ago, madwullie said:

What a bizarre black and white confrontational world you live in.

 What has actually happened is people have chosen their own expert to follow and parroted whatever they've said throughout. A couple of yours being the laughably discredited Michael Yeadon and Ivor Cummins. 

No-one here has done any original research mate, and your now regular boasting of being ahead of the curve is extremely wild all things considered. 

Whatever helps you make your own sunshine buddy 🌞

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22 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Yeah Christmas 2022 if we tighten up on other things as well including border control as “vaccines alone won’t eradicate it”. I take anything the experts/advisors say with a pinch of salt tbh

You could live the life of Roman Emperor and still find something to moan about.

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1 hour ago, yoda said:

Arguing that we shouldn't have done furlough is fine. And in an alternative reality where we didn't lockdown that's a fair argument. But in reality we did lockdown, and furlough was a necessity. I don't think it went far enough but it has, objectively, been a good thing

And it now begs the question if 80% of your salary for 18 months is an acceptable amount of money why do people who lose their job through no fault of their own not receive the same support and instead end up on Universal Credit.

The Tory government have admitted that UC isn't enough to sustain life otherwise everyone would have been punted on to that save building an expensive new paying system. Hopefully Labour and the SNP go gunning for this in the inquiry.

Edited by 101
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1 hour ago, Lichtie78 said:

Lovely day. No chance of opening the boozers a couple days early?

Weather has been relatively decent for the time of year for the past fortnight and now looks largely pish for opening up next week. Well done to the Scottish Government for caring just that tiny wee bit more to make sure we're extra 'safe'!

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1 hour ago, yoda said:

I think the main lesson to take from furlough spending is that "the money is there of you want to spend it on other things - like improving the lives of those at the bottom".

Not "mY taXeS WeRE spUNKeD oN KEePiNg PeOple IN pAId eMPLOymenT". Or the P&B classic of "But ZImBAbWe".

Arguing that we shouldn't have done furlough is fine. And in an alternative reality where we didn't lockdown that's a fair argument. But in reality we did lockdown, and furlough was a necessity. I don't think it went far enough but it has, objectively, been a good thing. 

Unsure if this is in response to my earlier post, but if so then I’m very much not saying that taxpayers money shouldn’t have been used for furlough. What I was saying is that it shouldn’t have been used as widely in such an all encompassing manner over as long a period. Given our understanding of the virus, it’s transmission and those most likely to be vulnerable was in a far better place when the decision was made to roll out a blanket extension to the furlough scheme; it seems to me it’d have been wiser to adapt the furlough criteria, get some folk back to work and perhaps limit some of the damage to the economy. Perhaps using some of those billions lost to (arguably unnecessary) furlough to test certain workforces (i.e. factories and not outdoor construction workers) which might’ve had the knock-on effect of eradicating numerous lines of transmission in both the workplace and consequently at home/elsewhere.

1 hour ago, Marshmallo said:

Hardly surprising to see a total lack of empathy or appreciation for the circumstances of anyone else from a twat who freely brands neighbours etc "scum" on a consistent basis.

Or so I see in quoted posts!

^^^An oddball with a pea for a brain. 

“a total lack of empathy or appreciation for the circumstances of anyone else”

Yeah, as I was clearly over the moon about the millions now out of work and companies that have needlessly gone out of business. :1eye 

Edited by 8MileBU
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27 minutes ago, 8MileBU said:

Unsure if this is in response to my earlier post, but if so then I’m very much not saying that taxpayers money shouldn’t have been used for furlough. What I was saying is that it shouldn’t have been used as widely in such an all encompassing manner over as long a period. Given our understanding of the virus, it’s transmission and those most likely to be vulnerable was in a far better place when the decision was made to roll out a blanket extension to the furlough scheme; it seems to me it’d have been wiser to adapt the furlough criteria, get some folk back to work and perhaps limit some of the damage to the economy. Perhaps using some of those billions lost to (arguably unnecessary) furlough to test certain workforces (i.e. factories and not outdoor construction workers) which might’ve had the knock-on effect of eradicating numerous lines of transmission in both the workplace and consequently at home/elsewhere.

^^^An oddball with a pea for a brain. 

“a total lack of empathy or appreciation for the circumstances of anyone else”

Yeah, as I was clearly over the moon about the millions now out of work and companies that have needlessly gone out of business. :1eye 

Where was your empathy when you flung sh*te at a pal?

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Scottish numbers: 24 April 2021


177 new cases of COVID-19 reported

18,384 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results – 1.1% of these were positive

4 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive 

2,764,607 people have received the first dose of the Covid vaccination and 993,180 have received their second dose

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2 hours ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Aye but you could shag your sister (if you wanted) and make your horse a senator.

Swings and roundabouts.

I mean, Jackie Baillie was Labour's health spokesperson...

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Just curious, I got a phonecall to get my first dose on the 2nd March. Will I just receive another phonecall for my next one or will it be an envelope? The nurse told me they’d be in touch but didn’t elaborate. I was too excited to ask any further question and was basically willing them to inject me with Pfizery goodness.

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