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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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I was reading an article about the covid Marshals and how their role could potentially last until 2023. Seriously what the actual fck? Cant the government and advisors  see how much impact the vaccines have had and see there is very little deaths occurring and numbers in ICU/hospital are rapidly declining. Why do they need jobsworths to tell grown adults to stay 2metres apart and sanatise their hands regularly just incase someone gets a wee cough 🙄

Edited by Thereisalight..
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55 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

I was reading an article about the covid Marshals and how their role could potentially last until 2023. Seriously what the actual fck? Cant the government and advisors  see how much impact the vaccines have had and see there is very little deaths occurring and numbers in ICU/hospital are rapidly declining. Why do they need jobsworths to tell grown adults to stay 2metres apart and sanatise their hands regularly just incase someone gets a wee cough 🙄

My ideal scenario once normality resumes (later this year) is for these pencil necked prefect types in their hi-vis to still be on the go, trying to marshal and cajole people and being routinely and obviously ignored.

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5 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:

Clearly no intention to have any major opening of international travel going by this development with Uni"s making representation to establish a scheme for foreign students arriving in September for the new term to avoid hotel quarantine !!!

BBC News - Covid in Scotland: Overseas students could bypass Scottish hotel quarantine

Or for those from red list countries once the Scottish Government acquiesce to green lighting most European/North American travel in line with England, because quite simply if not, they're going to get rinsed in the courts.

Even wee Devi's favourite, South Korea, is now scrapping quarantine requirements for fully vaccinated residents.

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1 hour ago, Thereisalight.. said:

I was reading an article about the covid Marshals and how their role could potentially last until 2023. Seriously what the actual fck? Cant the government and advisors  see how much impact the vaccines have had and see there is very little deaths occurring and numbers in ICU/hospital are rapidly declining. Why do they need jobsworths to tell grown adults to stay 2metres apart and sanatise their hands regularly just incase someone gets a wee cough 🙄

The word 'could' was doing most of the work in that article, and it was simply linked to what some diddy councils were slavering about.

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5 hours ago, Michael W said:

Sitting inside eating a meal = absolutely fine. 

Drinking inside = PUTTING LIVES AT RISK, SCUM. 

Think it's time we outed the peeping Toms for what they are: torn-faced grasses and the only people in Britain that hanker ambitions of being a Covid Marshall. 

Yeah these absolute weirdos who seem to thrive on grassing need punted back into obscurity where they belong. They are absolutely relishing the Covid situation as it gives them a great excuse to exercise their desire to creepily watch and grass on people.

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1 minute ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Yeah these absolute weirdos who seem to thrive on grassing need punted back into obscurity where they belong. They are absolutely relishing the Covid situation as it gives them a great excuse to exercise their desire to creepily watch and grass on people.

Absolute nap they were bullied at school.

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9 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

It's almost as if the vaccines work and the risk of transmission outside despite all those gatherings is well er pretty much zero.  

Aye but the variants, yup smashing them also, but what about the potential quadruple variant from mordor that can bypass the vaccines if the sun is shining at 3.04 pm on a Saturday, we just don't know.

Maybe time those scaremongering media melts acknowledged this as well as some of our politicos and their blinkered advisors.  Nanny state pish. 

Get restrictions in the bin and give people their life back.

Absolutely agree with this. I think most normal people are now just quietly going about meeting family and friends whenever and wherever they like. I know I am but definately we need to open the wider economy now because for the last year we've been existing not living. Get us back to the football, gigs, and whatever else people like to do for fun. We can't live like this indefinately because "we just don't know!!!"

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34 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

It's almost as if the vaccines work and the risk of transmission outside despite all those gatherings is well er pretty much zero.  

Aye but the variants, yup smashing them also, but what about the potential quadruple variant from mordor that can bypass the vaccines if the sun is shining at 3.04 pm on a Saturday, we just don't know.

Maybe time those scaremongering media melts acknowledged this as well as some of our politicos and their blinkered advisors.  Nanny state pish. 

Get restrictions in the bin and give people their life back.

22 million people across the UK are living in an area that reported no COVID-related deaths across April.  


People may well be meeting up privately (I've met friends indoors and will continue to do so, especially since my old man had his first jab and gets his second dose on Sunday) and that's a positive indication that people no longer feel restrictions are necessary.  That said, governments will always find that much harder to police and keeping businesses closed (or severely limited)  remains their only enforceable policy in a bid to appear to "care more".  There has to be pressure piled on governments now to grow a spine and make a decision - this wait-and-see attitude is cowardice that will destroy huge sections of our society for generations.  

Also, I'm no scientist, but I was always under the impression that scientists were quite flexible in their thinking in that if new evidence came to light then they would adjust their positions accordingly?  Some of these advisors we keep hearing seem to dogmatically entrenched in their position...

Edited by super_carson
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22 million people across the UK are living in an area that reported no COVID-related deaths across April.  
People may well be meeting up privately (I've met friends indoors and will continue to do so, especially since my old man had his first jab and gets his second dose on Sunday) and that's a positive indication that people no longer feel restrictions are necessary.  That said, governments will always find that much harder to police and keeping businesses closed (or severely limited)  remains their only enforceable policy in a bid to appear to "care more".  There has to be pressure piled on governments now to grow a spine and make a decision - this wait-and-see attitude is cowardice that will destroy huge sections of our society for generations.  
Also, I'm no scientist, but I was always under the impression that scientists were quite flexible in their thinking in that if new evidence came to light then they would adjust their positions accordingly?  Some of these advisors we keep hearing seem to dogmatically entrenched in their position...
I get the impression that some of the loudest voices are the most pessimistic whereas many scientists just seem to be hedging their bets. It also doesn't help when adopting a line of opening up a couple of months slower than we could just to be cautious and continuing genome sequencing to keep an eye on any mutations is reported as "Scientists TERRIFIED of loosening restrictions as they FRANTICALLY scan globe for vaccine resistant SUPER VARIANTS".
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I get the impression that some of the loudest voices are the most pessimistic whereas many scientists just seem to be hedging their bets. It also doesn't help when adopting a line of opening up a couple of months slower than we could just to be cautious and continuing genome sequencing to keep an eye on any mutations is reported as "Scientists TERRIFIED of loosening restrictions as they FRANTICALLY scan globe for vaccine resistant SUPER VARIANTS".

The papers are amplifying what some scientists would like the govt to do and selling it as imminent policy. That is also a major pain in the arse
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The US CDC (not just redneck states) punting restrictions into touch for vaccinated groups because of the overwhelming evidence that there's is f**k all risk is the light at the end of the tunnel. The UK's psycho brigade should be relentlessly hounded into explaining why their advice differs. 

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