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Reports that Scottish Government was set to approve 3 thousand fans before they were blocked by the Westminster Tory Government.

Also the Scottish FA are a shambles and should be lobbying for more fans.

Ultimately the important thing is that the Scottish people are being kept safe. We just don't how the pandemic will unfold.

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What an absolutely farcical waste of time and money all of this is. And that would include your suggestion too BTW. There is absolutely no need to be testing perfectly healthy people.
They need to focus on finishing vaccinations and stop this pissing about with increasing cases which are showing no consequent increase in either hospitalisations or deaths.
I wasn't advocating it I was suggesting it might be more effective that what GGC NHS are actually going to do. You do realise though there are voluntary walk in asymptomatic testing facilities in every LA as it stands it's merely an extension of that.

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These aged nicely. Intrigued to see how you will spin this one into somehow not being SG at fault. 
Spin what, I've no idea what your on about (not for the first time). It wasn't the SG blocking the use of Hampden that is now fact. The fact they are restricting attendance is and I haven't said otherwise although it looks like you are pulling back an older response than my response to today's announcement.
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3 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
8 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:
These aged nicely. Intrigued to see how you will spin this one into somehow not being SG at fault. 

Spin what, I've no idea what your on about (not for the first time).

Spin the SG rejecting the request from the SFA (who you were blaming in the posts I quoted for not getting good numbers of fans in, and saying it was nothing to do with the SG) limiting the numbers to a ludicrous 600 as anything other than a farcical outrage.

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13 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
30 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:
600 fans in a 52,000 capacity stadium, outdoors, in May, when all relevant metrics are low and the majority of the population have had at least one dose of the vaccine emoji23.png.

Guy on the radio there saying that the SFA only have access to part of one stand. Get it moved ffs or if it cant be moved tell us exactly what the contractual situation is since the stadium purchase. Utterly pointless exercise using a stadium with access so massively restricted.


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Spin the SG rejecting the request from the SFA (who you were blaming in the posts I quoted for not getting good numbers of fans in, and saying it was nothing to do with the SG) limiting the numbers to a ludicrous 600 as anything other than a farcical outrage.
Wrong end of the stick. My not blaming the SG post was in response to posts that Hampden wasn't to have a crowd for the cup final. That initial stance wasn't down to the SG as is now public knowledge. Today's restrictions totally are and I've called them out on it just 10m ago.

Strange you seem to trawl / save my every post in some bizarre attempts at a "gotcha" but each to their own I suppose. The SG and the SFA both come out of this poorly. Happy now (make sure you bookmark this now)
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57 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

Scottish Government limiting the Scottish Cup Final to 600 in attendance. SFA asked for 2,000 and the Government reduced it. I'd laugh but at this rate I can see them cacking their pants and reducing the Euros capacity. 

Fascinated to see how The Simps spin this one!

Surely not. The simps just the other day were claiming UEFA & the SFA were to blame for the pathetic crowd limit...

Not at all surprised to see supersimp BJK stanning the f**k out of the SG the last few pages either.

The problem in constantly sticking up for the common denominator in pretty much every laughable situation, is that you are overlooking that they are the common denominator for a reason.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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Chances that there'll be a non-distanced cluster of significantly >600 at whatever the Orcs are planning (with the local police not batting an eyelid), generating (understandable) seeth amongst the Saintees and Hibees?

I'd say high.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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Edinburgh City v Dumbarton on Monday, which despite being moved to be played after the small crowd allowed threshold of May 17th, now not able to go ahead with any fans due to the social distancing requirements and the need to have red, amber and green areas.

Football fans really need to come together en masse and put a stop this nonsense.

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Genuinely no idea why you'd bother your arse with a tragic, sanitised 'experience' rattling about a 99% empty stadium that is soulless at the best of times, rather than simply watching at a mates house. The 'experience' at the Euros won't be any better.

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10 minutes ago, Steven W said:

Edinburgh City v Dumbarton on Monday, which despite being moved to be played after the small crowd allowed threshold of May 17th, now not able to go ahead with any fans due to the social distancing requirements and the need to have red, amber and green areas.

Football fans really need to come together en masse and put a stop this nonsense.

What do you propose they do?  Too many people in this country will support the SNP no matter what policies or restrictions they place on peoples lives and the government knows it.  They could be injecting coronavirus into pensioners and they’d still get public backing.

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Make him PM.

Posted at 16:58

People should stop panicking about every new variant - scientist

People need to "stop panicking" every time a new coronavirus variant is identified in the UK, a leading scientist has said, amid concern about the growing number of cases of the Indian variant.

Professor Robert Dingwall, who is a member of the government's New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group, said that while the Indian variant may be capable of becoming the dominant variant in the UK, the risk of a surge in deaths or hospital admissions remains low.

Prof Dingwall, of the School of Social Sciences at Nottingham Trent University, told the PA news agency: "This variant seems to be better managed by the vaccines than the South African variant so that vaccinated people have only a very low risk of infection that is likely to be mild."


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Covid Scotland: Glasgow nightclub bosses on being 'left in limbo' over lockdown levels system


'We've been repeatedly ignored'

Nightclub veteran and gigs promoter Donald MacLeod, who owns the Cathouse and Garage and runs entertainment firm CPL, said the night time industry is stuck in "no man's land."
He said: “It’s a sector that is so vital to the Scottish economy and we believe we have not been valued. We knew we’d be the first to shut and last to open, but we’ve not been included in the road map, not even at Level Zero.
“We’re not allowed to put live shows on without social distancing. We’re not allowed to operate as clubs. We've tried to speak to the government but we've been repeatedly ignored.
“We’re very clear that we take customer care and staff very seriously. We’ve always had duty of care, we have followed guidelines.
"We’re also very aware a lot of people are anxious [about reopening] and that has to be part of our consideration. We wouldn’t be able to make money and pay wages if we weren’t safe.
"As long as social distancing remains in place, business is not viable for us."
He added: “I’m not saying ‘Let’s open tomorrow’ but it would be good to get parity with England, who have indicated June 21 for opening. Why are we not being given a tier level or indicative dates? The vaccine is rolling out and it will be safer than it was come June. Air corridors are being introduced yet we are not being given answers. We’re becoming a cultural wasteland.”
What happened to their court proceedings or is the Court backlogs such that it won't be heard for months ?
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I take it the joke's been done about St Johnstone struggling to sell that many tickets?


I just got my second AZ vaccination this afternoon.  I'll admit to being slightly nervous about it, not about blood clots or any such nonsense, but last time, although I was absolutely fine, loads of colleagues were really pretty unwell.  I don't fancy a sleepless night of aches and shivers.  We'll see.

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1 hour ago, Lyle Lanley said:


SG are pathetic. That just shows they don't give a f**k about fans in this country. 

600 fans in a 50,000 stadium 😑What is the fcking point. Yet 3 weeks later there will be 20 times that number. Absolutely bizarre way the SG are handling football, but not surprising 

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10 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

I take it the joke's been done about St Johnstone struggling to sell that many tickets?


I just got my second AZ vaccination this afternoon.  I'll admit to being slightly nervous about it, not about blood clots or any such nonsense, but last time, although I was absolutely fine, loads of colleagues were really pretty unwell.  I don't fancy a sleepless night of aches and shivers.  We'll see.

That was what I was like after my first dose of AZ, thought I'd avoided it as I was fine all day Saturday after it but woke up during the night with a fever and couldn't move until about midday on the Sunday but then was absolutely fine afterwards 

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