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41 minutes ago, Snafu said:

That's us at the beginning of the third wave according to Jason Leitch.

Covid: Scotland 'at the start' of a third wave


Prof Leitch was asked on BBC Radio Scotland's Drivetime if he thought Scotland was at the start of a third wave.

He replied: "Yes. I think we are. The question is how big that third wave is."

Covid cases hit a low on 5 May, when 85 cases were recorded across Scotland.

But since then numbers have been rising, with 641 recorded on Friday - the highest daily number since 25 March.

The variant first identified in India is believed to be responsible for about half of Scotland's daily cases.

Prof Leitch said that as society gradually opened again then it followed that there would be more cases.

He added: "The question is whether you control that to a level that doesn't cause enough severe disease to fill hospitals and enough severe disease to cause misery and death to families.

"And that's the balance we are now trying to strike in the advice we are giving and the decisions the first minister and the cabinet have made today."

Hampden crowds

Prof Leitch was also asked if Glasgow's role as a host city of Euro 2020 had any bearing on the decision to ease restrictions in the city, before the tournament starts on 11 June.

The Scottish government has given approval for 12,000 supporters - 25% of the stadium's capacity - to attend tournament matches at Hampden in June.

He said: "Absolutely not. There is no single sector, despite what you might believe, there is no single sector that gets to control the Covid response.

"I absolutely promise you. Not in the advice and not in the decision-making."

The churches did with the backing of the courts.

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1 hour ago, PedroMoutinho said:

The Edinburgh evening news saying that there’s no reviews scheduled for the next 3 weeks so all the areas staying in level 2 won’t be moving till June 28th.


Largely depends on whether or not SAGE successful bounce Johnson into delaying it, tbf. 

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1 hour ago, PedroMoutinho said:

The Edinburgh evening news saying that there’s no reviews scheduled for the next 3 weeks so all the areas staying in level 2 won’t be moving till June 28th.


So we could have a situation where the central belt and Dundee are stuck in tiers for the rest of summer and England possibly back to pre-covid normal. 

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Anyone else watching the anti-vax program on C4? Only half way through but the guy behind the MMR scandal is being set up as the main protagonist.  Andrew Wakefield who was struck off because of papers he published saying MMR causes autism.

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I mean. The demographic of case rises in the last 30 days really speaks volumes in itself. 

This 'start of the third wave' is utterly pish. It barely even registers as an upward trickle in the over 45s who all have at least one jag in them. 


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I don't think it's particularly controversial to suggest we're at the start of a third wave given what's happening with cases and to a far lesser extent hospitalisations. 

Point is though, we don't need to act like we did in previous waves due to the generally acknowledged fact by those in charge that vaccinations have broken, or at least seriously bodied, the link to deaths. 

Nothing that has been said in the last few weeks has made me think that even with rising cases were going to plunge back into heavy restrictions - quite the opposite in fact. It can still be called a wave tho

Edited by madwullie
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1 hour ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Thats ballparks in California moving to full crowds in a fortnight. Easily one of the most pro-lockdown states. 

Meanwhile in Scotland Whitburn are playing a pre season friendly in a couple of weeks limited to 250 crowd and you have to wear a mask.

Wear a mask. In a Level 1 area. In the large ground that is Central Park. In the open air. On what might be a scorching day.

Can't blame the fine club that is Whitburn but f**k right off.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
1 hour ago, Lyle Lanley said:

So we could have a situation where the central belt and Dundee are stuck in tiers for the rest of summer and England possibly back to pre-covid normal. 

Level 0 is still stuck in tiers, with restrictions. 

You could feasibly have the whole of Scotland still under lockdown of some kind, while England goes back to pre-covid normal. 

In fact, I think it's guaranteed to happen. This 'level 0' thing is disingenuious shite designed to fool people that the government isn't controlling their lives. 

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29 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

Level 0 is still stuck in tiers, with restrictions. 

You could feasibly have the whole of Scotland still under lockdown of some kind, while England goes back to pre-covid normal. 

In fact, I think it's guaranteed to happen. This 'level 0' thing is disingenuious shite designed to fool people that the government isn't controlling their lives. 

Last summer was fine, remember.

Those working from home could pop out for a meal or drink in a nice spacious bar or restaurant, all whilst having the messages etc delivered to their door.

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I think Sturgeon and Leitch et al have become so wedded to NPIs (that in many cases have no effect) and used to micromanaging that they just can’t see the wood for the trees.

Are they really saying that hospitals in somewhere like Stirling or Edinburgh will be overwhelmed if pubs are allowed to stay open half an hour later and soft plays open?

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11 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

I think Sturgeon and Leitch et al have become so wedded to NPIs (that in many cases have no effect) and used to micromanaging that they just can’t see the wood for the trees.

Are they really saying that hospitals in somewhere like Stirling or Edinburgh will be overwhelmed if pubs are allowed to stay open half an hour later and soft plays open?

By their actions that pretty much sums up what they believe is likely to happen.

Have you seen kids booting lumps out of each other in soft plays?  Should have an ambulance outside them all.

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1 hour ago, Detournement said:


Just in case anyone happens to be interested Reddit have a full forum just for weirdos who hate children.

Reddit doesn’t exactly strike me as the sort of place that would be that teeming with full-time mummies to the extent that those without kids would require their own wee section.

Classic oddballs on the internet desperate to polarise their innocuous lifestyle choices.

Also - “discussion of the childfree lifestyle”

Oh God Reaction GIF

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I'm as pro-independence as most others on this forum, however where the restrictions are concerned then it's high time Nicola (in particular) and Jason were put on an enforced vacation so that they can reconnect with real life. Their daily routine since March 2020 has been about protection, protection, protection to the point that the mantra has taken over their lives and - worse - has taken over their messaging to the nation. They are both mentally locked in a groove that needs to be disrupted for the wider benefit of us all.

The adult conversation - remember that? - should take into account that the vaccination programme is well advanced and is demonstrably effective. The public now should be trusted to make its own risk assessment as to whether its acceptable to go to the pub/restaurant/football/gig without continuing these unenforceable restrictions which frankly are only harming the economy and mental health. And are bloody confusing - why on earth should anyone have to divulge their phone number and e-mail address to have a coffee at this point??

One other thing - Nicola's looked knackered since about February. Get her out of the mainstream for a while. Going at it the way she has been for the last fifteen months isn't healthy or sustainable.

Edited by Barney Rubble
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Anyone else watching the anti-vax program on C4? Only half way through but the guy behind the MMR scandal is being set up as the main protagonist.  Andrew Wakefield who was struck off because of papers he published saying MMR causes autism.
He should have ended up in prison, not in the US.
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